Please, come here I need your help

اللغة الأنجليزية

Hi every body
How are you?

بدري علي أتكلم إنجليزي زيكم تونا مبتدأين .. عشان كذا أنا أبي مساعدتكم أبي هيلبكم الله يعافيكم..
مدرستنا طالبه منا واجب وهالواجب كتابة مقال عن أيام طفولتي ..
وتبيه يوم الإثنين ..
انا كتبت مقال .. وأبيكم تشوفونه وتدققون فيه إذا لقيتوا أي اخطاء تعلموني..
طبعا أي شيء قولوه grammatical, punctuation, spelling
بس الله يخليكم قبل الإثنين..
ما أطول عليكم هذا مقالي...

My Childhood
I was born in 1407h in Buraidah. My parents chose Horeyah as my name. My mother was very happy when I came because I am the first girl after four boys. I was a very nice baby with black eyes small face and beautiful hair. I exactly look like my grand mother. I had a good health but I was thinly baby. When I was a child, I was a friendly and blessed child. I always play with my toys.Also, I hated cats. The first word that I say is mama. When I had six months I started to sit up, then I started to crawl. After five months, I started to walk.

When I had six years, I want to (name of school) primary school. I was quit and success student. I was like my school, teacher and my friends very much, but after few weeks, I suffered from boredom. However it was beautiful memory.

الله يوفق من تساعدني ... ويجزاه الجنه

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم..

هلا والله ..

My Childhood
I was born in 1407AH in Buraidah. My parents have chosen Horeyah as my name. My mother was very happy because I am the first girl after four boys. I was a very nice baby with black eyes, small face ,and beautiful hair. I exactly look like my grand mother. i was thin although i had a good health. I was a friendly and blessed child. I used to play with my toys,but, I hated cats. The first word that I have said was mama. When I was six months old, I started to sit up, then I crawled. After five months, I started to walk.

When I had six years, I went to (name of school) Primary School. I was a quiet and successful student. I liked my school,my teachers and my friends very much;but few weeks later, I started to get bored. However it was beautiful

ترا نصي نوم استري على ماواجهتي..

حورية القصيـــم
Thank you ..

بس عندي سؤال

الحين تقولين فوحده من الجمل .. have ..

مدري تكون بزمن الباست سيمبل .. ؟!
لأنه طالبه منا إنه يكون بزمن الماضي البسيط ... لان المقال .. نوعه narrative ...

شكرا الف الف شكر لك ..

يعطيه إيه إن شاء الله ..
السلام عليكم..

والله ياحوريه اتوقع انه مافيه شي..لانه present perfect يدل على وقوع الحدث في الماضي ومستمر الى لان بينما simple past يعني ان الشيء حدث في الماضي وانتهى ...لكن ممكن انك تحطين simple past دامها طالبه منكم..

واذا احد بيزيدنا الله يقويه..

تحياتي والعفو
حورية القصيـــم
مشكوووووووورررررررررررره .. أختي ..
الله يعفيك ويخليك ..
والله إني أدعي لك ..
تسلمين ياقلبي ..،،
أنا بكتبها مثل منتي حاطتها..
وأسأله إن شاء الله وأشوف عنه الله يعين عليه ،،
السلام عليكم
معليش تصحيحات متـاخرة بس توني شفت الموضوع. الاخطاء حأضع تحتها خط والتصحيح حيكو ن بعد نهاية الفقرة إن شاء الله

My Childhood
I was born in 1407h in Buraidah. My parents chose Horeyah as my name. My mother was very happy when I came because I am the first girl after four boys. I was a very nice baby with black eyes small face and beautiful hair. I exactly look like my grand mother. I had a good health but I was thinly baby. When I was a child, I was a friendly and blessed child. I always play with my toys.Also, I hated cats. The first word that I say is mama. When I had six months I started to sit up, then I started to crawl. After five months, I started to walk.

When I had six years, I want to (name of school) primary school. I was quit and success student. I was like my school, teacher and my friends very much, but after few weeks, I suffered from boredom. However it was beautiful memory.

اول ملاحظة اختي ضروري جدا تنتبهي على ال tenses يعني بتكلم عن الماضي بستخدم ال past tense .
بالنسبة لجملة my parents chose Horeyah as my name هي صحيحة بس ممكن تختصريها لتصبح :
my parents named me Horeyah

بعدين اختي ، في الجملة لما امك ولدتك انت كنت اول بنت بعد اربع اولاد (الحدث في الماضي ) فبنستخدم was
was a very nice baby with black eyes, small face ,and beautiful hair

I exactly looked like my grand-mother

Although I had good health, I was a thin baby.

عزيزتي ، في الفقرة ارتكبت هذا الخطأ اكثر من مرة .
لو سألتك : How old are you?
حتجاوبي: I am 20 years old
لما تكون في الماضي بنقول:
I was 20 years old

اعتقد انو هنا حصل عندك خطأ في الطباعة لانو want معناها يريد - بينما الفعل ذهب في الماضي هو went

عندك خطأ في تهجئة كلمة quiet أي هادئ - اختي الكلمة الكتبتيها هي فعل بمعنى " ترك فعل الشيء"

عزيزتي : إليك هذه القاعدة الحلوة والبسيطة
بعد الافعال be - look- seem- appear دائما بيجي بعدها صفة. نشوف امثلة.
You seem happy
You are lazy

حسب هذه القاعدة فأن تصحيح جملتك:
I was a quiet and success student هي ان تصبح success وهي إسم ان تصبح successful لأنها صفة.

عزيزتي ، بانسبة لجملة I was like my school - قصدك إنك احببتي مدرستك؟
I liked my school

عزيزتي ، بالنسبة ل suffer from قوية مع استخدامها مع الملل - اكثر شي تستخدم مع الامراض - الاكتئاب. يمكن تقولي
I became bored

مع خالص امنياتي لك بالتوفيق.
اتمنى التصحيحات ما تكون عملت لك إحباط

الله يوفق من تساعدني ... ويجزاه الجنه