نعومة جدة

نعومة جدة @naaom_gd

عضوة جديدة

please corect my story

اللغة الأنجليزية

Last years, I was wanted to go to shopping. I already went to Lomal (The main shop of our city). When I was there I saw a woman and her face feature was similar to my old friend ( I had not seen my friend for many years) . I was very happy that I could
Not stay .Then I ran rapidly to her and I hug her and said I miss you Karene .She was looking to meat very strange way and said ; I am not karene . At that time I was not know what can I say to her .she socked me that I could say any thing. After that I said sorry to her y facing downand went with m

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

وديان العسل
وديان العسل
حبيبتي باصحهها لك على السريع لان ولدي بحضني يبكي
اذا كنت تقصدي السنة الماضية تقولي last year بدون sوعلى طول تقوليi wanted بدونwasاوiwas go to shopping
alredy iwant to
then بعدها فاصلة
to meet
قصدك تقولي وجه غريب مرة..very strange face
knew وليسKNOW
What ican say
نعومة جدة
نعومة جدة
thanks alot