
um-nadOoi @um_nadooi

عضوة جديدة

plz banat answer me>> اكتبي عنوانا واضحا

الحمل والإنجاب

salam sisters

i noticed that i have a pain in my back and my lower stomach

and in my both sides and i have a brown discharge

i finish my period from 10 days agoo

and iam trying now 2 get pregnant

so ..... is that mean that iam pregnant or ... not

if any one went through that plz tell me

هذا الموضوع مغلق.

nooo one
U Deserve it
U Deserve it
Wa'salam sis,,, why don't u make a blood test and figure it out?

the pregnancy test is very accurate , u should take one!

Good luck
ام سارا &&&$$$
ام سارا &&&$$$
you should go to the doctor to make a test ,it is very clearlyand to relax yourself