
ضَـــيّ @dy_6

عضوة نشيطة

PROUD to be Saudi


السلام عليكم
اظن اغلبنا شفنا او سمعنا حلقة اوبرا ونفري اللي تنتقد و تهين فيها المرأة السعودية !!!
في مجموعة بنات الله يجزاهم خير قرروا يجمعوا 500 توقيع فتاة سعودية و ح يرسلوها لـ اوبرا و يوصلوا لها ان المرأه السعودية معززة مكرمة و لها انجازات علمية و ليست متخلفة مثل ما حضرتها تقول !!
اتمنى كلنا نتفق و نصير يد و حدة ونجمع الـ 500 توقيع و كمان الشاطرة بالأنجليزي و تعبيرها حلو و دقيق تكتب مقطع صغير تتكلم فيه كيف المرأة السعودية عايش مستقرة و سعيدة ببلدها وانها مواكبة للتطور بالخارج مع حفاظها ع تعاليم دينها
وكيف ان المرأه في الخارج هي المهانة و عايشة بخوف و عدم استقرار نتيجة استغلالها و اهناتنها
هذا الأيميل مثل ماوصلني
اكرر الي قادرة تكتب عن وضع المراة السعودية وكيف انها مو ناقصة شي تكتب بأسلوب مختصر

اتمنى الموضوع ما يحذف لأنه جداً مهم وكفاية سكوت ع كذا كلام غير صحيح

Oprah has been worldly known for bringing REALITY to people, for making them confront or recognize hidden TRUTHS in the world. Unfortunately, this episode has failed to do so; it has portrayed Saudi women as being captives, as being thoroughly controlled by men and as women who have no opinions, no rights, and no roles in their own country. Rania Al- Baz, the Saudi announcer, has maintained her career for several years; why would her husband suddenly harshly abuse her for appearing on television? It is obvious that he suffers from mental disorder; Mahmood Sa'ad, an Arabic interviewer, has confronted him with papers that prove some appointments he has been having with a psychiatrist. Even when he has been directly questioned about the reason he has acted in such a manner, he had no answer. Hence, Rania's husband has not harmed her for simply showing her face in front of cameras, but for reasons himself doesn't even know. Women in Saudi Arabia live in a condition completely contrary to what has been presented on the Oprah show. It is true that they have been deprived from some rights (driving, for instance) but they still sustain others; Saudi women MAINTAIN their last name after marriage, they even obtain all rights after divorce including child custody and alimony. Thus, Rania Al-Baz by getting divorced and having the custody of her children is not looked at as a "hero" by women of her country, but as a "victim" to psychological disease since what she has procured is NOT unusual, but normal according to Islamic law.
At last, every person, matter, and even COUNTRY has its negatives and positives; what have been viewed on this show are the negatives of a country whose citizens have a lot of respect for. Oprah brought facts, but presented them in a humiliating way; it is true that Saudi women are not allowed to drive (although they will soon be given that right), they do cover themselves from head to toe, and they are obedient to their men or in other words "guardians", but they still have an outstanding role in their country and has proven themselves in various fields. Dr. Al-Haza'a, a Saudi ophthalmologist, is one of the most successful women who has held many degrees and produced a complete encyclopedia. Alaa Al-Hathlool a twenty-three – year – old Saudi author, has composed a novel and has been interviewed on television discussing her novel. Mona Abo-Sleeman ,who holds a Ph.D. in English Poetry, has been an interviewer in a prosperous program for some years; and fortunately for those three ladies, who have appeared on screen, they have not been attacked by neither their relations nor the media because they have the RIGHT to do so.
What has hurt me most about this episode is presenting (in a false reportage) Saudi women as preys in their own country and Oprah's declaration- after that reportage- of American women being blessed by living and being born in the United States. Well, as a matter of fact, I've always held my head high and have been truly PROUD to be Saudi!
So, some girls and I have decided to accumulate 500 signatures as an objection for being offended by that particular episode. Are you with me people? Please take this seriously, show others that we have patriotism and that we stand up for our country! These signatures will be sent to Oprah.com.

Whoever receives this e-mail containing the number of signatures specified above, please re-send it to us: ironical_touch@hotmail.com or xdweeesax@yahoo.com.


بنات لما ترسول الأيميل و توقعوا ارجعوا ارسلوه مرة ثانية لـ ironical_touch@hotmail.com or xdweeesax@yahoo.com

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

و هذي اللستة

1. Hadeel Al-Khudair (Saudi Arabia)
2. Hajar Al- Gosair (Riyadh,Saudi Arabia)
3. Nora Al-Faiz (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
4. Sarah Al-Faiz (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
5. Lama Al-Saud (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
6. Mashael Al-Alshaikh (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
7. Rana Al-Sweilem, (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
8. Fahda Al-Eshaikh (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
9. Mai Al-Assaf (Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
10.Moneerah Al-Assaf (Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
11.Ariel Al-Blehed(Riyadh,Kingdom of Saudi Arabia)
12.Adwa Al-Assaf (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
13. Sara Al-Mangour (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
14. Hessa Al-Deghaither(Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
15. Ruba Al-Yousefi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
16. Reef Al-Yousefi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
17. Nora Al-Mutlaq (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)
18.mashail Alabdallah ( Saudi Arabia )
19.Amal Bader ( Saudi Arabia )
20. Suha Mansour ( Saudi Arabia )

it's me
it's me
يسعد لي مساك عزيزتي
تشكرين من قلب على اهتمامك
وياربي يجلعه من موازين اعمالك انتي والبنات
بس خيتوو حبيت اضيف معلومه
مدري يمكن ما عرفتيها
خلاص صارت التواقيع مو ترسل للايميل
صار فيه رابط لتجميع التواقيع
بحيث تكون العمليه اكثر مصداقيه
لان مو مهمه الاسماء بـ كثر مو مهمه الايميلات
لانو ممكن الواحد يخترع له مليون اسم
بس لما تكون السالفه رسميه
وبموقع رسمي
يكون الشغل سليم وصحيح
هذا هو الموقع عشان توقيع العريضه
وهذا هو الايميل الجديد اللي انرسل بعد االاييميل الاول
اللي انتي ياقلبي نزلتيه لنا
To those who helped in signing their names!!

We sincerely thank you all for your AMAZING reaction towards our e-mail; we have received INNUMERABLE signatures from all over the world assuring their agreement. Fortunately, one of my friends has made a website where signatures will be accumulated, for we just figured out that names ONLY will be suspicious which will not help to approve our opinions; we BLUSH to ask you again to sign your names and post your e-mails on this link. It's more organized and guaranteed; you are free to write your own comment too! BUT BE CONSCIOUS TO WRITE YOUR PERSONAL EMAILS; DON’T GO ADDING E-MAILS THAT ARENT URS SINCE U WILL BE RECEIVING A CONFIRMATION FROM THE SITE:


"Thank you" is not enough to express our feelings when we've opened our e-mails every single day to find supporting signatures from EVERYWHERE! I would like to thank the INCREDIBLE cooperative girl who has given us a hand in this by preparing that site; and a BIG thank to you people! You have given us the strength we lacked to overcome our DEPRESSION; you've made us make it through, you've proven how MUSLIMS, Saudis, and Arabs have a VIGOROUS voice, EVEN if ALL OF THIS drags neither Oprah's attention nor the staff of her website, at least we didn't just sit there as IDLE as ever

على العموم
الشكر لك ياقلبي على مساعدتك ومساهمتك :27:
الللللللللللللللللللف شكر لك اختي
its me
الظاهر اني قديمة :)
الله يجزاكِ خير حبيبتي مشكورة ع التنبيه المهم
it's me
it's me
يسعد لي صباحك خيتووو ضي
شدعوه خيتوو منتي قديمه ولا شيء
لانو بعد الايميل الاول بيومين انرسل الايميل الثاني
وفيه ناس كثيره ما وصلت لهم
لان الايميل الاول انرسل وبقوه لكثير ايميلات
بعكس الايميل الثاني
على انو الاهم بس ما اخذ حقه :27:
لاني عارفه انو احنا اخوات هنا
حبيت انزله على طول
على انو من الحق والمفروض ارسلت لك برايفت بالاول
عشان استاذن منك
اعذري لي عزيزتي
كنت مستعجله ابطلع من النت
فعشان كذا على طول رديت ونزلت الايميل الثاني
بدون ما اخذ اذن منك :27: