montreal girl

montreal girl @montreal_girl

عضوة فعالة

ََQuizz number 2

اللغة الأنجليزية

مرحبا بنااات كيفكم ان شاء الله بخير
هذا امتحان تاني مسلي و ممتع كتييير ... اختبري نفسك في 7 اسئلة بس
و رح انتظر اكبر عدد من المشاركات و بعدين احط الاجوبة ان شاء الله :)
بسم الله نبدأ

Pizza has a bread like crust that is (.........) with tomato sauce,cheese and vegetables or meat

1- covered

History experts say the idea of using bread to hold other food (........) with the Greeks

1- began

The romans also made (.........) similar food

1- an
2- a
3- the

Experts (..........) that Raffaele Esposito of Naples (Italy) baked the first modern pizza in 1889

1- says
2- say

The stories says he baked pizza (............) for the visit of the italian king and queen

1- especial
2- especially

He made his pizza in the (..........) of the italian flag ,green herbs, white cheese and red tomatoes

1- color
2- colors

Experts say the best pizza in the world is still (.........) in Naples

1- makes
2- made
3- making
4- makes

يالله بانتظاااركم

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

دمعة الروح84
دمعة الروح84
Hi Montreal girl, am not good in grammer :09: but still I would like to try ..
Hope atleast I would get 1 out of 7 :42:

Thanks for the Quiz


Pizza has a bread like crust that is (.........) with tomato sauce,cheese and vegetables or meat

1- covered

History experts say the idea of using bread to hold other food (........) with the Greeks

1- began

The romans also made (.........) similar food

2- a

Experts (..........) that Raffaele Esposito of Naples (Italy) baked the first modern pizza in 1889

1- says

The stories says he baked pizza (............) for the visit of the italian king and queen

2- especially

He made his pizza in the (..........) of the italian flag ,green herbs, white cheese and red tomatoes

2- colors

Experts say the best pizza in the world is still (.........) in Naples

2- made
s 3 o d y a h
s 3 o d y a h
1 - covered
2 - begun
3 - the
4 - say
5 - especially
6 - colors
7 - made
montreal girl
montreal girl
هلا حبيباتي و الان سأضع الاجابات الصحيحة :)
1- covered
2- began
3- a
4- say
5- especially
6- colors
7- made

والعلامات هي :
دمعة الروح
6 من 7

3 من 7

6 من 7

5 من 7

hard luck guys :)

p.s : alonem.... thx dear 4 correcting the typo
montreal girl
montreal girl
hii 7abeebty alonem :) ...i'm fine el7amdulillah

the answer can't be THE
حتى سماعيا غلط
i'm pretty sure dear
because we r not talking about a particular food its A SIMILAR food

we could have said THE if the sentence was
(the romans also made the same food )

i can't really deliver the idea obviously because i'm not a teacher !
but definitely its the right answer

u can ask if u want to be sure :) and let me know sweet cake