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انا آسفة تأخرت عليكي بس ظروف!
هذا موضوع عن العنصرية بشكل عام تفضلي
Racial Discrimination
Discrimination has been defined as the unequal treatment of equals. Discrimination is expressed in overt behavior, while prejudice is expressed in attitude. Ethnic discrimination in this country is closely related to historical patterns of immigration and migration, particularly in the flow of newcomers to northern cities. Immigrants to the cities have, as groups, tended to occupy the lowest social and economic level. During the last thirty years efforts to combat racial discrimination have figured prominently in our history. The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s won the passage of important legislation; decisions of the Supreme Court and regulations of federal agencies have contributed greatly to fighting discrimination, yet it is obvious that a great deal more needs to be done.
Racism is the belief that human beings can be divided into races and that members of some races are inferior to members of other races. People who believe in racism are called racists. They claim that members of their own race are mentally, physically, morally, or culturally superior to those of other races. Because of this, racists feel they deserve special rights and privileges.
و هذا موقع فيه الكثير من المقالات عن العنصرية
و اذا اردتي ترجمة او شرح انا جاهزة ...بس يا ريت تختاري الموضوع الي يناسبك و انارح اساعدك ان شاء الله