
Reem_baap @reem_baap

عضوة جديدة

World history

The history of the world is the history of man since the beginning of his appearance as a wise man Homo sapiens to our time. Human history is characterized by the accumulation of discoveries, innovations and inventions, in addition to the quantum leap, paradigm shift, and revolutions - which have shaped human epochs from material and spiritual developments.

Map of early human migrations, according to the mitochondria genetics population. The numbers are years before (the disputed accuracy at present).
Human history is contrary to the prehistory began to invent writing, regardless of geographical location. Writing has created and created the infrastructure for the accumulation of knowledge and memories and thus the spread of science and knowledge. Writing in turn became a necessity in light of the agricultural revolution that produced civilization, ie, the permanent enrichment of human groups, which later developed a variety of forms of trade and commodity exchange

The world's dramatic story began about 5500 years ago when writing was invented. It is a story that tries to trace human evolution from early civilizations to the space age. World, History. The history of the world is an attempt to trace human evolution. Although humans have lived on this land for nearly two million years, some scientists say, the history of the world began only 5,500 years ago with the invention of writing. Writing from the beginning of about 3500 BC is the only way to know what people have written about themselves, their lives and their civilizations. Archaeologists therefore call the period prior to prehistoric writing
The emergence of civilization-
.n the Neolithic Revolution, which began around 8,000 BC, the development of agriculture, which radically changed the human lifestyle, has been witnessed. Agriculture allowed the population to become much more intense, while at the same time organizing united sovereign states. Agriculture has also created food surpluses that can support people who are not directly involved in food production. Agriculture development contributed to the creation of the first cities. These were the first commercial manufacturing centers, and political power arose without any agricultural production of their own. Cities were established and were able to coexist with their rural surroundings. Agricultural products were absorbed and manufactured goods were provided in return, with varying degrees of control and military protection

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