Nawal1980 @nawal1980
عضوة جديدة
Share your best moments & memories in English
Hello girls ,,, Lets share our best moments and memories here in English whatever you write and speak just to practice,,, lets have fun :)
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

SuN R!sE
My one of a great memories when god gave me my 2 adorable kids
my bad one when someone who u trust cheated u then left u behind
but now I"m standing by my self :)
thanx deer
my bad one when someone who u trust cheated u then left u behind
but now I"m standing by my self :)
thanx deer

U r the sun rise and am soo glad you r strong masha'allah ,,, u have kids and this is a blessings from God ,,, we all have good and bad memories but the strongest who can open the way in darkness and stand by him self and get a light to face this life ,,, may God bless you and your kids
الصفحة الأخيرة
So how about you ??????????/ do you have anything sister to share