عبير الزهور

عبير الزهور @aabyr_alzhor

عضوة شرف في عالم حواء

Slang of the Day

اللغة الأنجليزية

high five

Definition: A way to say 'Good job!' or 'Bravo!' by slapping someone's hand in the air; to congratulate someone.

Example: 1) Nice shot! High five, dude!

2) High fives all around on the excellent presentation at the meeting!

Etymology: There are five fingers on your hand, and you lift
your hand high into the air to give a 'high five'. This is a common gesture first used by African-American basketball players and now used by many people in a variety of contexts. You can also give a 'low five' or go 'down low' after giving someone a high five.

see you tomorrow with new slang

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

لحن للقمر
لحن للقمر
waiting 4 the rest cute ABEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER:27:
Thanks Abber.
We are waiting for more words
شجرة الدرر
شجرة الدرر
السلام عليكم :جزاك الله خير و كثري منها :26: :26: :26:
يوم خريف
يوم خريف
hello :26:
we are waiting
come on don`t be late:27:
عبير الزهور
عبير الزهور
thanks to each of you
your replies make me very happy
thanks again