take introduce your self

اللغة الأنجليزية

take introduce your self
ون ثيم
ابيه برزنتشن او مثال عن اي احد كيف يقدم نفسه
بس ابيه شوي طويل

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Hi there

I might help you little

Are you going to do this presentation in front audience or just practicing

If you gonna present yourself in front people . I would do it on this way

First of all

In the name of Allah

I would like to welcome all the attendance

I am ---------------- your name

I have raised and educated in great culture

I graduated from --------------and my major is

Nowadays I am one of the members in -------------- university ------------- doctors ----------------- assistance of engineers -------------- engineers

In addition I am interesting to complete my studying

I Participated in many things such as

I supervised one the famous project in our

I finished all assignment such as
نونا المزيونة
شكرا ماقصرتي
بس موهذا المطلوب
لان ابيه عن نفسي انا طالبه بالجامعه لسه +طلبت انه نتكلم عن شي معين(ون ثيم)
مده هذا الاشياء تكون 3 دقائق