
w22r @w22r

عضوة نشيطة

the best day in your life

اللغة الأنجليزية

ممكن كل وحده تكتب افضل يوم في حياتها بس بالانجليزي

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Hi w22r its a nice topic and I can remember the day when the doctor told me that I was pregnant after 6 years of marriage although this pregnancy was just for 2 months then Iost the baby but I cant describe my feeling that day and I still remember it so I cosider this day as the one of my happiest days in my life and I'm praying all time for more happy days full of optimisim and satisfaction

thanx alot :26: :26:
Thank you
والله رزقج بالحمل عاجل غير آجل
w22r w22r :
Thank you نوجي والله رزقج بالحمل عاجل غير آجل ياااارب
Thank you نوجي والله رزقج بالحمل عاجل غير آجل ياااارب
امين عيوني تسلمين الغاليه الله يرزقنا جميعا وينولنا اللي في مرادنا
كل شي ماشي
كل شي ماشي
There is alot of days in my life the best day in my life

but i dont no from where i can start

خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخخ
مرسى الأحلام
مرسى الأحلام
There is alot of days in my life the best day in my life but i dont no from where i can start خخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخخ خخخ
There is alot of days in my life the best day in my life but i dont no from where i can...
all I can say is thank you Allah ... yes I have alot of blessings and I thank my god every time I ermember

but I stell have no verey special day!!!Hmmmmmmm let me see

oh ...!!!why I am such a blaind girl???.why

thank you Allah