
prettysoulful @prettysoulful

محررة ذهبية

The best things in your life :)

اللغة الأنجليزية

Hey every body :27::27:
I liked this topic and I wanted to share it with you----------

] -:
: A hot shower
::32: A special glance
-:: Getting mail
-:: Hearing your favorite song on the Radio
- Lying in the bed listening to the rain outside::
- Finding the sweater you want is on sale for half price
-:o chocolate milkshake:21:
- A long distance phone call
- Giggling
- A good conversation
- The beach
- Finding $ 20 bill in your coat from last winter
- Laughing at yourself
- Running through sprinklers::
- Laughing for absolutely no reasons at all
-:27: Some one tell you that you are beautiful
- Laughing at an inside joke
- Friends
- Waking up and realizing you still have few left to sleep:time:
- Making new friends or spending time with old one's
- Playing with a new puppy
- Late night talks with your roommte that keep you from sleeping
-:34: Sweet dreams
- Road trips with friends
- Swinging or swings
-Getting butterflies every time you see that one person:32:::
- Having your friends sending u homemade cookies::
- Watching the sunrise or the sunset with some one you love
- Getting out of bed every morning and thanking God for another beautiful day
- Having friends you know you can cry on or talk to about your deepest problems

What is your best
???????????? thing in life


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

:26: :26:
ورد البراري
ورد البراري

let me see

i think living healthy with the ones i love should be

the best thing :27:

what do you say ?? am i right?? 1
Absolutely Right !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!0


and thank you:
وردة البراري+ الاصيل
for your replying---------0


I thought all the girls in the forum will reply????????????????????????????0:44: :( :44: :(
لا تحـــــــــــــزن
Hi my sister

if i think what is best in my life i think all things that God give me is good and i thank God for every things if it is good or bad

but i have a wish and i know it will not become true i think it will be the best thing will happen for me....but the defunct can not come alive

thanks a lot
واحة الدوحه
واحة الدوحه
The best things in my life are being a Muslim , being married to a kind man and having four adorable children