I live with my family in small city .. every day when I going to my school I glance old man who always sitting in the corner of street, drink coffee and read a newspaper.

I see in his face a sad marks but I don’t really know him.

For a week , I did not see him . I be worry about him,, I said for my father that I didn’t see the old man for a week, let us father visit him and ask about him..
My father agree with me .. and in the night we take a gift with us and go to the old man house ,, we lock the door for many time .. but there is no answer .. when we want to go we hearing a weak sound behind the door .. we stop and see what is that?? ..
The old man open the door and he appear so sick ..he ask us to inter inside his house..
He live in small house with a simple furniture ,, my father ask him is he live alone ?
He says: yes , his wife died since two years and his son live in other country for studying.
He suffer from isolated and he was sick for some days and no one know about that .
After that , me and my father still visit him and invite him to our house..
From this time ,, I see the smile in his face .

note: i did not find the icon that i can add a background for my story
this link for my BG http://www.m5zn.com/uploads/2011/4/20/photo/0420110204334kzvdo3dflerg64cv5m8.jpg