the passive ????

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

the passive
بنااااااات من تعرف تشرحه ....

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم

هذا اللي أعرفه

الجملة إما تكون مبنية للمعلوم ( Active ) ويكون التركيز فيها على الفاعل
مثال : Alex ate the apple

أو تكون مبنية للمجهول ( Passive ) وفيها يكون التركيز على المفعول به
مثال : The apple was eaten by Alex

لاحظي كيف تصبح الجملة مبنية للمجهول:
* Alex ate the apple
Alex= الفاعل
ate = الفعل
the apple = مفعول به

- المفعول به في الجملة المبنية للمعلوم ( the apple ) يصبح فاعلا في أول الجملة عند التحويل الى المبني للمجهول
- والفاعل في الجملة المبنية للمعلوم ( Alex ) يصبح مفعول به مسبوق بكلمة
- الفعل , نصرف فعل الجملة مع فعل "be" + التصريف الثالث للفعل المعروف ب " past participle

يعني :
Alex= الفاعل يتحول الى >>>> مفعول به مسبوق بكلمة by
= by Alex

ate = الفعل يتحول الى >>>> يصرف الفعل بصيغة be + التصريف الثالث للفعل past participle
= was eaten

the apple = مفعول به يتحول الى >>>> فاعل في بداية الجملة

* Alex ate the apple

* The apple was eaten by Alex

ان شاء الله وصلت المعلومه :crap: وايد سهل بس يبيله تركيز :)
شكرا اختي وجزاك الله خير..

عندي بعض الاضافات اذا سمحتي..

المبني للمجهول اقوى من المبني للمعلوم من ناحية الاسلوب((طبعا بالنسبة للغة الانجليزية))والعكس بالنسبة للغة العربية..

يستخدم المبني للمجهول اذا كان الفاعل مجهول او اذا كان الفاعل غير مهم او معروف ولا حاجة لذكره..

ملكه الثلج
ملكه الثلج
مشكورين خواتي والله يعطيكم العافيه
بس عندي نقطه ماعرفتلها
indirect object as passive subjects
ما عرفتلها ؟؟
السلام عليكم..

c. Changing the voice of a verb which takes both a direct object and an indirect object
When a verb in the Active Voice takes both a direct object and an indirect object, either object can become the subject of the verb when the verb is put into the Passive Voice, and the meaning of the sentence is preserved. The object which does not become the subject remains as an object. When a verb in the Passive Voice takes an indirect object, the indirect object is usually preceded by a preposition.
e.g. Active: The guide will show you the museum.
Passive: You will be shown the museum by the guide.
Passive: The museum will be shown to you by the guide.

In the first sentence, the verb will show, in the Active Voice, takes the direct object museum, and the indirect object you. In the second and third sentences, the verb will be shown is in the Passive Voice, and the meaning has been preserved by altering the word order and using the preposition by. In the second sentence, the former indirect object, you, is the subject of the verb, and the former direct object, museum, remains the direct object. In the third sentence, the former direct object, museum, is the subject of the verb, and the former indirect object, you, is preceded by the preposition to.

A similar example is:
Active: The policeman gave you a medal.
Passive: You were given a medal by the policeman.
Passive: A medal was given to you by the policeman.

In the first sentence, the verb gave, in the Active Voice, takes the direct object medal and the indirect object you. In the second and third sentences, the verb was given is in the Passive Voice. In the second sentence, the former indirect object, you, is the subject of the verb, and the former direct object, medal, remains the direct object. In the third sentence, the former direct object, medal, is the subject of the verb, and the former indirect object, you, is preceded by the preposition to.

ملكه الثلج
ملكه الثلج
مشكوره يا عمري ما قصرتي ..