The difference between can and cannot are only three letters (N, O & T), three letters that determine your life's direction, and as they say:” Being positive or negative are habits of thoughts which have a very strong influence on life”.
Dears Members & Guests, my story with the power of positive thinking started when I was at the 8th Grade, as any student I use to study a subject under Arabic lessons called: "Literature" and each week we had new subject to write about. I really hated that class, some subjects were not interesting at all to even talk or chat about with friends, how about writing few pages about them!!
The Arabic teacher made it even harder by choosing a subject that is related to the Poet we studied that week. I didn't even try to think about it, I knew that I’ll open my book, copy few lines from here & there “as usual”.
Days passed, and tomorrow is the Literature Class, and I haven't written anything!
I opened my book, brought my notebook & started copying what I read in a way that my teacher won't notice it was copied. And for the first time, especially in this subject, we are talking about a "Person we don't know" so it was very obvious that all the students will write the exact same thing I'm writing now!!
For the first time I felt like I have to try something new, different way, I need to be creative here..
so I read the whole thing and what I remember is that I made it, I wrote a very good opening, it even rhymed, BUT, my teacher didn't notice the hard work I had done.
The week after, all the students were complaining that it was a very hard subject, and asking the teacher to give us something we can write about this week.
So the subject she gave us to write about was: A Story of 2 kids who got lost.
I still wonder how did she think it was easy?!
This week, I knew that I'm a good "under-cover" writer; I knew I'm able to write a good story. And I did, it was along one too, I worked so hard all week on it.
And next class, after the teacher gave us our note books back, I was so happy to read what she wrote on my story, so I went quickly flipping pages to the last page..
Where I read: “looks like you copied this story from a story book”!!
For few minutes I was disappointed! How come!! I could swear I wrote it all on my own, even mom didn't help me!!!
But then, a comforting idea, gave a cool feeling to me, made me think: "if she thought this is the way an Author would write, then I am an Author" :)
Since that day I knew how powerful the way we think is, and how it affects our life. It made me realize why successful people are successful, and how a failure person thinks.
It’s as simple as this: Positive and negative are directions. Which direction do you choose?
Written by: Najla Abdullah AlKebsi

Julie Abdoul @julie_abdoul
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