
خولة-تونس @khol_tons

كبيرة محررات

The Reading Corner فعاليات صيف 1432هـ *صيفك معنا أحلى *

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..

فعالية ركن القراءة غير ... لنبحر بين صفحات الكتب والمقالات والقصص والروايات .. لنتعلم تارة .. لنضحك تارة .. ولنبكي تارة اخرى ..

نبدأها اليوم بقراءة شي بسيط .. بعد القراءة حددي ماهي الكلمات الصعبة وأجيبي على الأسئلة أسفل القطعة ...

ملاحظة : هذه فقط البداية القادم سيكون ممتع أكثر وتحدي أكثر

Reading One


Autumn is the season that falls between summer and winter. There are many changes that begin in this fascinating season. Days become shorter. Leaves of trees turn from green to vibrant red, yellow and orange. Trees need sunlight to keep their leaves a lively green. Without sunlight leaves turn colors. The grass is no longer blanketed with dew but with frost, almost every morning, as temperatures reach the freezing point. Animals start storing up a food supply to last through the long winter months. These changes occur as we adjust from the heat of the summer to the chill of the winter.


1. Autumn occurs between summer and which other season?

a. January
b. spring
c. winter
d. solstice

2. Which of the following changes may occur during Autumn?

a. days become shorter
b. it becomes very hot
c. days become longer
d. there is more sunlight

3. Why do leaves change color during Autumn?

a. they don't get enough oxygen
b. they don't get enough light
c. they don't get enough water
d. they get too much oxygen

4. What do animals begin to do to prepare for the end of Autumn?

a. store extra body fat
b. eat less
c. shed fur
d. turn colors

انتهى يومنا الأول .. what do you think

be sure that next day I bring something not easy


take care

next reading

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول


this is a nice topic

i'm reading it that's easy

and my answer Q is below

1. Autumn occurs between summer and which other season?

a. January

b. spring
c. winter
d. solstice

2. Which of the following changes may occur during Autumn?

a. days become shorter

b. it becomes very hot
c. days become longer
d. there is more sunlight

3. Why do leaves change color during Autumn?

a. they don't get enough oxygen

b. they don't get enough light
c. they don't get enough water
d. they get too much oxygen

4. What do animals begin to do to prepare for the end of Autumn?

a. store extra body fat

b. eat less
c. shed fur
d. turn colors

May allah bless you
دمعة وضحكة
دمعة وضحكة
السلام عليكم

الف شكر على موضوعك الحلو متلك

استمتعت بحل الاسئلة وتفضلي الحلول:

الكلمات الصعبة عندي هي:

اتمنى تكون اجاباتي صح
ننتظر القصة الثانية
استمري في الابداع فنحن نتابعك


ملاحظة :اتمنى تكون للقصص رابط عشان مانضيع بين الصفحات

1. Autumn occurs between summer and which other season?
a. January
b. spring
c. winter
d. solstice

2. Which of the following changes may occur during Autumn?
a. days become shorter
b. it becomes very hot
c. days become longer
d. there is more sunlight

3. Why do leaves change color during Autumn?
a. they don't get enough oxygen
b. they don't get enough light
c. they don't get enough water
d. they get too much oxygen

4. What do animals begin to do to prepare for the end of Autumn?
a. store extra body fat
b. eat less
c. shed fur
d. turn colors

Thank you Miss khola
hello miss khola and thank you for your lovely corner...
I want to say that in our kingdom we don't have autumn and spring but summer and winter only.." lool" .
we see these changes that you mentioned just in cartoon films when we were children.

thank alot ...

Autumn occurs between summer and which other season

2. Which of the following changes may occur during Autumn?
a. days become shorter

3. Why do leaves change color during Autumn?
b. they don't get enough light

4. What do animals begin to do to prepare for the end of Autumn?
a. store extra body fat


1. Autumn occurs between summer and which other season? a.

c. winter

2. Which of the following changes may occur during Autumn?

a. days become shorter

3. Why do leaves change color during Autumn?

b. they don't get enough light

4. What do animals begin to do to prepare for the end of Autumn?

b. eat less