في البداية اسال الله لكم يا نبض الوفا ويا jeela الجنة والسعادة في الدنيا والاخرة وان يحقق كل ما تتمنوة
انا ان شاء الله احاول كتابة البقية اليوم
وبالنسبة لك يا jeela الكتاب اسمة twenty four one act plays ولونة اصفر

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عملت بحث في النت وطلع عندي انو الكاتبة هي Lady Gregory
وجدت لك الموقع التالي:
الله يجزاكي الجنة يالغالية jeela
اضفتيلي معلومات رائعة الله يجزاكي خير
انتظروني ارجوكم انا لسا اكتب المسرحية
:26: :26: :26:
السلام عليكم يالغالياتهذا اللي قدرت اكتبة اليوم بعد ماطلعت :11::11::11::11:

Sergeant: come back from those steps, no one has leave to pass down them to night.
Man: I will just sit on the top of the steps. Till I see I will some sailor buy a ballad off me that would give me my supper. They do be late going back to the ship. Its often I saw them in Cork carried down the quay in a hard cart.
Sergeant: move on, I tell you. I won’t have any one lingering about the quay to night.
Man: well I’ll go. It is the poor have the hard life! Maybe yourselfmight like one, Sergeant here is a good sheet now {Turns one over} content and a pipe that’s not much. The peeler and the goat you wouldn’t like that. Johnny Hartr that’s a lovely song.
Sergeant: move on .
Man: wait till you here it
There was a rich farmer’s daughter lived near the town of Ross.
she courted a Highland soldier, his name was Johnny Hart , says the mother to her daughter, I’ll go distracted mad if you marry that Highland soldier dressed up in Highland plaid.
Sergeant: stop that noise.

Sergeant: where are you going?
Man: sure, you told me to be going , and I am going.
Sergeant: don’t be fool , I didn’t tell you to go that way, I told you to go back to the town.
Man: back to the town is it?
Sergeant: here I’ll
Show you the way. Be off with you. What are you stopping for?
Man: I think I know what you’re waiting for, Sergeant.
Sergeant: what’s that to you?
Man: and I know well the man you’re waiting for I know him well I’ll be going.
Sergeant: you are know him ? I come back here what sort is he?
Man: come back is it , sergeant ? do you want to have me killed?
Sergeant: why do you say that ?
Man: never mind . I am going . I wouldn’t be in your shoes if the reward was ten times as much not if it was ten time as much.

والباقي انشاء الله بكرة