three things you can do with an object

اللغة الأنجليزية

Hi there

how are you, i hope you are fine

this is a new game i found it !

and i like to share it with you

its name is ( three things you can do with an object ), it's easy to play !

i hope you like it

the rules are very simple : just write in english

and list 3 different things that you could do with previous posters object, then choose an object for next player

for example :

the object is : a mobile

three things to do with it : call people by it

send texts by it

and throw it on your sister's head


that's it, enjoy


يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

*إسلامي حياتي*
I'll begin with the 1st object

empty Bottle
كلام الحب
كلام الحب
Hi sweety


i like handmade

2nd object

plastic spoon
I'll begin with the 1st object empty Bottle
I'll begin with the 1st object empty Bottle
we can fill it with water

paint on it

and put a flower on it

Hi sweety Mmmmmmmmmm i like handmade 2nd object plastic spoon
Hi sweety Mmmmmmmmmm i like handmade 2nd object plastic spoon
eat with it

measure the amounts of food with it

واخوي يقول ممكن نحك فيها جسمنا خخخ :biggrin: >>عاد انتم ترجموها لي

if i have any typing mistakes please correct it to me : )

