To Everybody

اللغة الأنجليزية

COLOR=seagreen]ALIGN=CENTER]It is high time for us to wake up and return to our religion which brought the Book of our Lord ,filled with goodness .It tells of what happened before you, what will happen after you, it judge between you. It is a serious matter, not a joke ,and whoever follows guidance from any other source will be sent astray by Allah
It is high time for us to keep away from the product of corrupt minds in such areas ,i.e., matter concerning which Allah has spoken decisively and left no room for the opinions of the people
We must put a stop to this intellectual defeat which has made us hasten to accept every new thing without pausing to think .We realize our mistake only when those who started it are destroyed .

I have taken theses words from a book
:time: :time:

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

:27:السلام عليكم

مشاركة هادفة مشكورة عيوني وحيااك الله معانا في منتدانا عالم حواء
thank you so much

may i ask you

what is the name of this book?who is the writer?