To my and your beloved father

اللغة الأنجليزية

.....Dear Pa.....

these words are dedicated to my father and to every father
because fathers are their daughter's guardian angels
i dedicate theses words to the special fathers just like mine

...Dear Pa...

In my heart, there is something deep,
I'd like to share and not always keep.
With the sense of love, or may be above ,
I shall recite the daughter's poem.

Here and there and every where,
you've lit my life with the colorful flare.
You've scent my garden with a fragrant breeze,
And the challenge of life, you have increased.

In my world, you are the sun,
You are the joyful moment, you are the fun.

You gave me a lot, and I shall not,
Return this back in a size of a nut.

I may shy or I may cry,
When I say " I love you " and love to do,
what makes honored, what makes you proud, makes you the brightest among a crowd.

You may ask, what is this task?
Is this a lie or is it true? Reciting a poem without clue.

I sing my life when I gather,
The beautiful words for my father.

And I may shy or even cry:
I love my father, here and after I die

poetry by:
Ghadeer Safak Al-Mutairi
from the pearl of all seas---->Kuwait

:26: from Hawaa worl with love:26:

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

great topic
thanx a lot honey
thank you Pink-girl, i'm glad that you liked it
ام سارا &&&$$$
ام سارا &&&$$$
a nice poetry about every father in this life
thanks alot for this poetry
Dearest Um Kholud 666
I pray to Allmighty Allah for your pregnancy to be sure and blessed too, and for those who believe in him , they are never decieved

May Allah bless you and the like of you:26:
