al slam alykom sisters please if you know any thing about
vitamin E (the oil ) please tell me wa gazakom allah kol kheer
(if it is good for the face or not):13:

arwa2 @arwa2
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

yes very good for the face and skin :26:

ممكن تستخدمينه كمكمل غذائي وممكن تحصلين عليه من الغذاء وخاصه اللوز وبذور عباد الشمس حفنه منه في اليوم تكفي ولا تبالغين كثير لانه كثرتها لها سلبيات
وهي مفيده جدا للبشره لانها تحارب الشوارد الضاره للبشره وتطيل من عمرها
وهي مفيده جدا للبشره لانها تحارب الشوارد الضاره للبشره وتطيل من عمرها

salam arwa2
vitamin E is very good for skin and specially for dry skin
i heard a lot of actors using vitamin E capsules daily on their faces but i think if ur face is oily it will make it more oily :)
i know also that u can use this oil for hair ,spread it all over the hair from the root till the end it will make it very soft and shining specially for cloured hair and dry hair like a hair mask
good luck sis
vitamin E is very good for skin and specially for dry skin
i heard a lot of actors using vitamin E capsules daily on their faces but i think if ur face is oily it will make it more oily :)
i know also that u can use this oil for hair ,spread it all over the hair from the root till the end it will make it very soft and shining specially for cloured hair and dry hair like a hair mask
good luck sis
الصفحة الأخيرة