
nada19 @nada19

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What should you eat to Keep Fit

اللغة الأنجليزية

What should you eat to Keep Fit

What should you eat to keep fit? The answer to this question is very simple; eat what your body needs. It needs a healthy food .Eat what you think is good, what do you think will be useful for your health .Try to eat a lot of fruits and a little of meat, and fat. You must walk (30) minutes every day .There are a lot of books talk about this subject such as (Get Fit)written by Leslie Kenton and (Nature's Super Medicines)The seven Essential Ingredients for Optimal Health written by Dr.John Heinerman .Finally I hope that this information helps the one who wants to keep fit.

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really nice words

I will keep fit ?

God help me to do so>>>>>
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Thank you dear