
دهب @dhb_1

عضوة نشيطة

أختى العزيزة تنسيم أرجوكى ساعدينى فى ترجمة هذا المفرش

الكروشيه والتريكو

أرجوكى ساعدينى فى ترجمة هذا المفرش وشكرا لك مقدما


Ch 12; join with a sl st to form a ring.
12 سلسله – نغلق بمنزلقة من الدائرة
Rnd 1: Ch 1, 24 sc in ring; join with a sl st to first sc.
سلسله – 24 حشو فى الدائرة – نغلق بمنزلقة فى أول حشو
Rnd 2: Ch 3, dc in next sc and in each sc around; join to top of ch-3 – 24 sts.
3 سلسله – عمود فى الحشو التالى و فى كل من حشو لأخر السطر – نغلق فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله ( 24 حشو )
Rnd 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, ch 2, 11 times; join.
3 سلسله – عمود فى العمود التالى – 2 سلسله – " 11 مرة " - نغلق
Rnd 4: Ch 2, holding back last lp on hook, 2 dc in same ch as joining, yo and through all 3 lps on hook – beg cl made; ch 3; holding back last lp on hook, 3 dc in next dc, yo and through all 4 lps on hook – 3-dc-cl made; ch 1, 11 times; join to top of beg cl.
Rnd 5: (Sl st, beg cl, ch 3, 3-dc-cl) all in next ch-3 sp – rnd started; ch 2, * (3-dc-cl, ch 3, 3-dc-cl) all in next ch-3 sp shell over shell made; ch 3; rep from * around; join.
Rnd 6: Start rnd, ch 4, * shell over shell, ch 4; rep from * around; join.
Rnd 7: Start rnd, ch 6, * shell over shell, ch 6; rep from * around; join.
Rnd 8: Start rnd, ch 8, * shell over shell, ch 8; rep from * around; join.
Rnd 9: Start rnd, * ch 4, sc in ch-8 lp, ch 4 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 10: Start rnd, ch 11, * shell over shell, ch 11; rep from * around; join.
Rnd 11: Start rnd, (ch 3, 3-dc-cl) all in same ch-3 sp, * ch 4, 3 sc in ch-11 lp, ch 4 **, (shell, ch 3, 3-dc-cl) all in next ch-3 sp; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 12: Start rnd, * ch 5, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next sp, sc in next 3 sc, sc in next sp, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 13: Start rnd, * ch 2, (dc, ch 3, dc) all in ch-5 sp, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, skip next sc, sc in next 3sc, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 14: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 3, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 15: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 3, twice, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 2 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 16: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 3, 3 times, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 1 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 17: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 1, sc in ch-3 sp, 3 times, ch 1, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in ch-1 sp, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 18: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 1, sc in ch-3 sp, twice, ch 1, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next sp, ch 5, sc in next sp, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 19: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 1, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 1, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp, twice, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 20: Start rnd, * ch 2, dc in dc, ch 1, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 1, dc in dc, ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next sp, 3 times, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 21: Start rnd, * ch 2; holding back last lp on hook, dc in next 2 dc, yo and through all 3 lps on hook – dc dec made; ch 2, shell over shell, ch 3, sc in next sp, 4 times, ch 3 **, shell over shell; rep from * around, end at **; join.
Rnd 22: (Sl st, beg cl) all in first ch-3 sp, * 3-dc-cl in next ch-3 sp, 6 times, ch 5 **, 3-dc-cl in next sp; rep from * around, end at **; join. Fasten off.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
من عيونى يا دهب بس عاوزاكى يا منمن تترجميلى دى فقطholding back last lp on hookلفة ايه بالظبط اللى هناخدها على الابرةتانى وضحيهالى يا استاذتى الجميله من فضلك
يلا يا منى أسرعى بالدخول والكلمات اللى بتسأل عليها تنسيم هى دى فعلا اللة معرفتش أترجمها فى المفرش وكملى يا تنسيم ويمكن منى تترجم المفرش كله وجزاها الله خير
Unravel first ch 3. FO

مع ترجمة هذه الكلامات يا منى من فضلك وشكرا لكٍ
دهب دهب :
Unravel first ch 3. FO مع ترجمة هذه الكلامات يا منى من فضلك وشكرا لكٍ
Unravel first ch 3. FO مع ترجمة هذه الكلامات يا منى من فضلك وشكرا لكٍ
holding back last lp on hook = اجعلي آخر لفه على الصنارة

اي عند عمل 2 عمود تجعلين آخر سلسلة من كل عمود على الصنارة + 1 سلسلة من ال 2 س في البداية فيكون لديك 3 سلاسل على الصنارة ، ثم تلفين الخيط على الصنارة و تسحبين ال 3 لفات مع بعض

Unravel = يَحُل الخيوط

FO = اختصار finish off اي انهي العمل (اقطعي الخيط )
ميرسى يا منى ممكن ترجمة بعض هذه الكلمات وأكون شاكرة جدا

alternate = alt
back post
contrating color
tr c
thread over
this manner
dtr c

6th ROUND: Using a bead needle string 1 bottle of beads on "STAR" MERCERIZED SEWING THREAD, working with both threads 2 cluster sts with ch 3 between in same space, ** ch 5, skip next loop, * insert hook in next tr c, place a bead close to hook, sc in same tr c (beaded sc), repeat from * 10 times, ch 5, skip next loop, 2 cluster sts with ch 3 between in center st of next loop, ch 3, 1 tr c, ch 3, 1 tr c in next loop, ch 3, 2 cluster sts with ch 3 between in center st of next loop, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join in 1st cluster st.

وأكون شاكرة جدا يا منى معلش علشان أعرف أترجم