شششخباركم بنوتات مع الدراسه :26: ؟؟
عسآكن مآشين فيهآ \\:)
شسسمهـ أمآ بعد ..

مَ أطول عليكن فَ قررت !@
أفتح هذاَ الموضوع خصيصاً لطالبات أولى ثَانوي يكون خاص لحلول أسئلة المواد فقط لاغير , 3>

وان شاء الله نلاقي منهُ الأجر والخير :42:
وأتمنى أن ألقى منكن العون والمساعده في الحلول الاسئلة والمسائل =)

وراح أبدأ أنا في وضع بعض الحلول وأن شآء آلله آلكل يسسستفيد منهم ويفيدٌ


نبدأ بحل اسئله كتاب اللغه الانجليزيه
First year secondary
1- Yes , they do .
2- Pilgrims collect small stones from Mina .
3- On the first day at Mina , pilgrims sacrifice animals , one sheep for one person .
4- Pilgrims have their heads shaved on the first day at mina after sacrificing animals .
5- Al-Hajj will be over after pilgrims will circle Al-Ka'abah seven times . Then , they hasten seven times between the hills of As-Safa and Al-Marwa . They will come back to Mina for three days . By the end of the third day , they will circle Al-Ka'abah seven times .
- I have my hair cut every month .
- We have our house painted every year .
- He has his car cleaned everyday .
- They have their thobes made every year .
1- He has his house painted .
2- I had my car repaired .
3- He is having his shoes mended .
4- He had his hair cut .
5- You have your thobes cleaned .
1- hasten 2- sacrifice 3- throw
4- pillar 5- praised 6- sunset
7- circle 8- hill
1- Prophet Ibrahim built Al-Ka'abah and his son Prophet Ism'il .
2- The Arabs began performing Al-Hajj when Prophet Mohammed , Peace be upon him , preached Islam to all mankind .
3- Al-Kiswah comes from a factory in Makkah .
4- It is replaced once a year .
5- Each Kiswah costs SR 10 million .
LESSON 5 : EX. 2 :
First all pilgrims put on special white clothes at al-Miqat . Then they went to the Holy Mosque and circled Al-Ka'abah seven times . After that , they hastened seven times between the hills of As-Safa and Al-Marwah . Next , they went to Mina and prayed five times . Then we went to Arafat asking Allah for mercy . They stayed at Arafat all day today and they came to Muzdalifah after sunset . Now they will pray Maghrib and Isha combined and shortened . After Fajr ( dawn ) prayer , they will wait until the brightness of the morning is wide spread .
Tomorrow , they will all go to Mina again . On their way to Mina , they collect small stones . They will spend three days there . Every day they have to throw seven small stones at a pillar . On the first day at Mina , they will also sacrifice an animal . Then, they will have their heads shaved and they take off the special white clothes . After that , they will circle Al-Ka'abah in Makkah seven times . Then , they will hasten seven times between the hills of As-Safa and Al-Marwah again . By the end of the third day , they will circle Al-Ka'abah seven times . Finally , Al-Hajj will be over for them .
LESSON 7 : EX. 3 :
(A) The Pilgrims' Terminal at King Abdul-Aziz Airport in Jeddah is a 46-metre- high , tent – shaped building . It is 750 metres long and 340 metres wide . It is built of steel , concrete and fibre-glass .
(B) The Eiffel Tower in France is 300-metre-high , A-shaped building . It is 120 metres long and 120 metres wide of the base . It is built of iron .
LESSON 8: EX.1 :
a- Ibrahim played basketball between 3 and 3 : 55 .
b- He has just played basketball .
c- He has played basketball five times this week .
EX. 2 :
a- Sa'ad drives Ibrahim's car .
b- He is driving Ibrahim's car .
EX. 3 :
a- Ahmed is flying to Jeddah next Thursday .
b- He is going to see his family .
c- He will come back next Friday .
EX. 3 : ( page 13 ) :
1- Dates are grown in Madinah .
2- Furniture is made in Jeddah .
3- Oil is found in Dahran .
4- Paper is made in Dammam .
5- Steel is made in Yanbu .
6- Tomatoes are grown in Hofuf .
7- Wheat is grown in Ha'il .
EX. B :
1- Yes, they are .
2- The man complained because the restaurant closed at eleven in the evening .
3- The customer said that the restaurant is very nice and the food is delicious .
LESSON 2 : EX. 2 :
a- What do you think of the armchair ?
- It's very comfortable .
b- What do you think of the food ?
- It's very delicious .
c- What do you think of the manager ?
- He's very keen .
d- What do you think of driving fast ?
- It's very dangerous .
e- What do you think of the guest ?
- He's very polite .
f- What do you think of London ?
- It's very crowded .
g- What do you think of Bahrain ?
- It's very interesting .
h- What do you think of the new roads ?
- They're very excellent .
i- What do you think of the decorations ?
- They're very beautiful .
EX. 4 :
a- Isn't he waiting for the manager ?
- Yes , he is .
b- Aren't you Ahmed Al-Ali ?
- Yes , I ' m .
c- Can't they give you some information ?
- Yes , they can .
d- Didn't it close at eleven p.m. ?
- Yes , it did .
LESSON 2 : EX. 2 ( page 16 ):
1- This customer is hungry . It is a hungry customer .
2- The opinion is interesting . It is an interesting opinion .
3- The cooking is excellent . It is excellent cooking .
4- The complaints are bad . They are bad complaints .
EX.A ( page 17 )
1- This is a comfortable couch .
2- Those are marble pillars .
3- That is strong material .
4- These are green leaves .
5- This is thick concrete .
6- That is a wooden book case .
EX. B :
1- very 2- too 3- very
4- too 5- too 6- very
EX. C :
1- busy 2- certainly 3- complaint 4- cooking
5- costly 6- delicious 7- opinion 8- popular
EX. D :
3- He said the soup was too hot .
4- I told him to wait a few minutes .
5- He said his chair was broken .
6- I told him to sit on the other one .
7- He said the restaurant was too dark .
8- I told him not to complain so much .
1- No, they don't .
2- The main meal of the day in my country is lunch .
3- Muslims eat with their right hands m because it is one of Islam instructions .
4- " Gifts " means something you take to weddings or sick people like flowers , chocolates …….. etc.
5- The opposite of " rarely " is " always " and " early " is " late " .
1- b) 2- e) 3- d) 4- a) 5- c) 6- c) 7- d) 8- b) 9- e) 10- a)
11- c) 12- e) 13- a) 14- b) 15- d) 16- c) 17- e) 18- a) 19- b) 20- d)
LESSON 5 ; EX. 2 : 15 Bahr Street ,
Jeddah 12345 ,
Saudi Arabia .
1st March 2006
Dear John ,
Thank you for your letter . You asked me about our dining customs in Saudi Arabia .
The main meal of the day for most Saudis is dinner . Guests usually arrives on time or a few minutes earlier .
Kabsah is popular . The meat is cooked in special restaurants . The food is put in very big plates . People usually sit together in small groups . They eat Kabsah with their right hands .
When the meal ends , guests usually stay for at least an hour after the meal . They normally say ' Thank you ' .
I hope this is interesting to you .
Best wishes ,
LESSON 7& 8 : ( page 26 ) :
EX. A :
1- It is usual to arrive on time .
2- It is all right to take a small gift .
3- It is polite to say " Thank you " .
.................................................. .................................................. .................
EX. B :
1- I think that the restaurant is very nice .
2- He thinks that his customers like the cooking .
3- He said that it was too early .
.................................................. .................................................. .................
EX. C :
1- Say nice things about the cooking when eating .
2- Place your knife and fork together after finishing .
3- Thank your host before leaving .
.................................................. .................................................. .................
EX. D :
Grilled chicken and rice .
================================================== =
EX. A :
1- He asked me if my school was very large .
2- He asked me if it was a good school .
3- He asked me if there was a playground near my house .
4- He asked me if I was interested in games .
5- He asked me if my friends were all Saudi .
EX. B :
1- He asked me what my name was .
2- He asked me who my English teacher was .
3- He asked me where my homework was
4- He asked me what my marks were .
5- He asked me why I was late .
LESSON 4 : ( page 35 ) :
EX. 2 ;
1- careful 2- careless 3- competition 4- course
5- head 6- headache 7- try
( page 36 )
1- e) 2- c) 3 - d) 4 - b) 5- a)
6- c) 7- e) 8- d) 9- a) 10- b)
11 -e) 12 - a) 13 - d) 14- c) 15- b)
LESSON 5 : EX. 2 : 10 King Khaled Street ,
Jeddah 15267 ,
Saudi Arabia .
1st March 2006
Dear David ,
Thank you for your letter about Freeze Tag . It sounds interesting . You asked me about children's games in my country . Well , one game is called " Hide and Seek " . It is a chasing game . Let me describe it for you .
Hide and Seek is played outside or inside .It is best to have about a group ; six, seven or eight children . One child is called "it " and tries to catch the others by chasing them . When one child is caught , he must not move . He must stay in one place until other children appear .When they know him , the game starts again .
I hope this is interesting to you . Please write soon and tell me more about children's games in your country .
I am looking forward to hearing from you .
Best wishes ,
LESSON 8 : ( page 43 ) :
1- The window was broken last night .
2- That bridge is painted every year .
3- Many televisions are made in Japan .[/C