ام عزيزان

ام عزيزان @am_aazyzan

فنانة عالم حواء

اكسسوارات منوعه من الكروشيه ( عقد ... حلق ... اساور... احزمة)

الكروشيه والتريكو

كلنا نحب الاكسسوارات

وراح تكون مميزه لو كانت بالكروشيه

فحبيت اجمع اكبر قدر من هذى الاكسسوارات وان شاء الله تعجبكم المجموعه اللي جمعتها لكم

واول شي حبيت اوريك اكسسواري اللي سويته


وهنا بعض النماذج



يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان
Making two

Ch 5, join

Ch 3 ( counts as first dc ) dc, 2 trc, 2 dc, slip st, in ring, ( 2 dc, 2 trc, 2 dc, slst ); twice. Do not end.

Stem: Ch 6, sc in 2rd ch from hook, slip st in next 3 chains, slip st in last st; End, weaving in all ends.

Finishing: take wire's and slip throw top of clover.

Instructions: ( Necklace )

Make one earring clover, ending weaving in all ends.

Chain: with gold String onto thread one half of barrel clasp and then second half of barrel clasp.

Row 1: Pull up one half of barrel clasp, then ch 120. At the end of chain, pull up second half of barrel clasp and chaining. end..

Finishing: Weave in thread ends and glue ends of barrel clasps to make more secure.

Note: To make chain longer add a even amount of chains
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

RND 1: Ch8, join w/slst to first ch to form ring. Ch3, 13dc in ring. Ch4. 4dc in ring. Join w/slst to top of ch3.

RND 2: Ch3, slst in 3rd ch from hook. Picot made. Sc in next st. *Pic. Sc in next st. Rep from * 7 more times. Ch1. Fasten off. Weave ends into back of work.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

RND 1:Ch 2, 7 sc in 2nd ch from hk. Join with sl st. Ch 3, turn.

RND 2: Working in the BL only on Rnd 1, * sc in next lp, ch 3. Rep from * around. Do Not Join.

RND 3: Working in the rem lps of Rnd 1, * Sc in the FL only of next st, ch 3. Rep from * around. Join with sl st in last free lp.


You should have 7 ch 3 lps on the back rnd and 7 on the front rnd.


FINISHING: Glue to earring posts.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Using red ch 4, join; ch 2, 5 dc , hdc, slst, hdc, 5dc, in ring, slst, weaving in all ends.

Attach white to top using slipstitch in center, sc in next st, 2 sc in next st, sc down to point ( bottom of heart) 2 sc in point, sc in each st up heart leaving two stitchs undone, 2 sc in next st, sc in last st, slst in center of heart; joining weaving in all ends. attach hook's to top of heart.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

RND 1: Tie thread onto washer. Work 20 sc in ring. Join w/slst to first sc.

RND 2: Sc in same st as slst. Ch 1, slst twice into ring of clasp. Sc in next st and in each of the next 7 sts. Dc, ch3, dc in next st. Sc in next st. Ch3. Sc in next st. Dc, ch3 dc in next st. Sc in each of the next 7 sts. Join w/slst to first sc. Fasten off.

2nd - 8th washers.
RND 1: Rep RND 1 of first washer.

RND 2: Ch1, sc in same st as slst. Dc, ch3, dc in next st. Sc in next st. Ch3. Sc in next st. Dc, ch3, dc in next st. Sc in each of the next 6 sts. Dc, ch1, slst to first right hand side ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Dc in same st as last dc. Sc in next st. Ch1, slst in center ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Sc in next st. Dc, ch1 in next st. Slst to left hand ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Dc in same st as last dc. Sc in each of the last 5 sts. Join w/slst to first sc. Fasten off.

9th Washer
RND 1: Rep RND1 of first washer.

RND 2: Sc in same st as slst. Ch 1, slst twice into other ring of clasp. Sc in next st and in each of the next 6 sts. Dc, ch1, slst to first right hand side ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Dc in same st as last dc. Sc in next st. Ch1, slst in center ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Sc in next st. Dc, ch1 in next st. Slst to left hand ch3 lp of previous washer. Ch1. Dc in same st as last dc. Sc in each of the last 5 sts. Join w/slst to first sc. Fasten off. Weave all ends into work and enjoy! :)