السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
كيف حالكم يابنات منتداي الغالي ابي استشيركم الله لايحرمني منكم
انا ارضع بنتي صناعي وطبيعي مع بعض بس حبيت اخذ رائكم بشغلة انا عندي دوخه فضيعه وصداع ملازمني وانا الان لازلت نفاس بالاسبوع الثالث تقريبا بس ابغى استخدم حبوب زيت السمك لان الظاهر عندي نقص فيتامينات ومعادن شديد فهل تنصحوني استخدم حبوب زيت السمك واناارضع ؟؟ ما بتاثر على الطفل ؟؟
والي تستخدمها وهي ترضع كم حبة بتاخذ باليوم ؟
الله يوفق الي ترد عليه وتعطيني اجابة شافية :26:
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.


i think it's fine to take it but don't take alot
one a day is enough also, if u were taking vitamine during pregnancy u will have to take it again " iron and calcium or prenatal vitamin"
the important thing is the iron that u was taking when u were pregnant
also,try to drink alot of water ,so that u can increase ur milk and also drink milk
u have to eat well because the baby needs it and u too need it
and if u r trying to make diet or rejeem so u have to stopppppppppp or try to eat just healthy food and less fats or exercise
is better or walk one hour a day
more likely u r not drinking enough water + less iron
so concentrate on the water and the iron
ed3eeleee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
an rabnaa yewafaknee
one a day is enough also, if u were taking vitamine during pregnancy u will have to take it again " iron and calcium or prenatal vitamin"
the important thing is the iron that u was taking when u were pregnant
also,try to drink alot of water ,so that u can increase ur milk and also drink milk
u have to eat well because the baby needs it and u too need it
and if u r trying to make diet or rejeem so u have to stopppppppppp or try to eat just healthy food and less fats or exercise
is better or walk one hour a day
more likely u r not drinking enough water + less iron
so concentrate on the water and the iron
ed3eeleee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
an rabnaa yewafaknee

الصفحة الأخيرة