الى كل من يقرا تفضلواااا

اللغة الأنجليزية

Alssalam alakum, we meet again i have something writing to show i hope you like it. Dont forget make comments and give your point of views.

When I'm in the mood to tell what I would. That sense of flashing back my dreams to the past is likely what I don’t want it to pass. Carrying on to the road I expect. Not forcing my self to reach the end.
Beautiful moments may break my journey leading my thoughts to that day. Where songs are sung drinks are drunk and food are eaten. How do you feel when the times pass and the youngest grow fast. Living among the new and laughing in front of the view. Telling tales and keeping affairs. Making jokes and roar like wolves.
Hilarious they are. Not spending a second with sorrow. I like the way they dance and play. Even when they are sleep, they dream of how to make the day. It's weird those fellows cant's stop, rolling and rolling like time in the clock. Back and forth they step and wait, for another pretty moments to create.
What I mean is what I should want to reveal is to make the happy times always unbreakable.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

montreal girl
montreal girl
very niccce LITTLEBRIDE23
i liked the idea of what u have written...about lovely moment that becomes memories!
wow ..
when i remeber my beautiful memories that i treasure 4 ever i feel bad sometimes..i would ask 4 one day only!
دلوعة حمني
دلوعة حمني
deat littlebird

it's abeautiful idea, i wish you all the best, and it's a lovely writing,

thank you sweethearts i really appreciate what you say its a pleasure for me to be like that.
well i hope you enjoy it .
