An information system has 5 parts:
People are end users who use computers to make them-selves more productive.
The rules or guidelines for people to follow when using software, hardware, and data are procedures
These procedures are typically documented in manuals written by computers specialists.
A program consists of the step-by-step instructions that tell the computers how to do its ****.
Software is another name of program or programs.
The purpose of software is to converts data (unprocessed facts ) into information (processed facts).
The equipment that processes the data to create information is called Hardware.
In includes the keyboard, mouse, monitor, system unit and other devices.
Hardware is controlled by software.
The raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds, are called data.
Consider as an additional part to the information system.
Typically uses the internet.
Allows users to greatly expand the capability and usefulness of their information systems.
Allows computers to share information and to connect to the internet.
People are surely the most important part of any information system
Software as we mentioned, is another name for programs.
Programs are the instructions that tell the computers how to process data into the form you want.
In most cases, the words software and programs are interchangeable.
There are two major kind of software:
1- System software
2- Application software
System software:-
Enables the application software to interact with the computer hardware.
System software is “background” software that helps the computer manage its own internal resources.
System software is not a single program. Rather it is a collection of programs including the following:
1- Operating systems:
Programs that coordinate computer resources.
Provide an interface between users and the computers, and run application.
Windows 7 and Mac OS X are two of the best-known operating system.
2- Utilities:
Performs specific tasks related to managing computer resources.
3- Device drivers:
Specialized program designed to allow particular input or output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system.
The user interact primary with application software.
Application system:-
Might describe as end user software.
or specialized application. These programs can be categorized as either basic application

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Computers are electronic devices that can follow instructions to accept input, process that input, and produce information.
There are four 4 types of computers:
The most powerful type of computers.
Special high-capacity computers used by very large organizations.
IBM’s Blue Gene is one of the fastest computers in the world.
2-Mainframe computers:
Occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms.
Not nearly as powerful as supercomputers.
Mainframe computers are capable of great processing speeds and data storage.
Also known as midrange computers.
Refrigerator sized machines.
Medium size companies or departments of large companies typically use them for specific purpose.
The least powerful.
Yet the most widely used.
Fastest-growing type of computers.
There are 6 types of microcomputers:
1- Desktop computers
2- Media centers
3- Notebook computers (also known as laptop computers)
4- Tablet PC
5- Netbooks
6- Handled computers
Two of the most widely used handled computers are:
1- Personal Digital Assistants (PDAa)
2- Smartphone
Computers are electronic devices that can follow instructions to accept input, process that input, and produce information.
There are four 4 types of computers:
The most powerful type of computers.
Special high-capacity computers used by very large organizations.
IBM’s Blue Gene is one of the fastest computers in the world.
2-Mainframe computers:
Occupy specially wired, air-conditioned rooms.
Not nearly as powerful as supercomputers.
Mainframe computers are capable of great processing speeds and data storage.
Also known as midrange computers.
Refrigerator sized machines.
Medium size companies or departments of large companies typically use them for specific purpose.
The least powerful.
Yet the most widely used.
Fastest-growing type of computers.
There are 6 types of microcomputers:
1- Desktop computers
2- Media centers
3- Notebook computers (also known as laptop computers)
4- Tablet PC
5- Netbooks
6- Handled computers
Two of the most widely used handled computers are:
1- Personal Digital Assistants (PDAa)
2- Smartphone

Smartphone are cell phones with wireless connections to the internet.
Four 4 basic categories of microcomputer hardware are:-
System unit:
The system unit is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system.
Two important components of the system units are:
1- Microprocessor: controls and manipulates data to produce information.
2- Memory: Holding area of data, instructions, and informatios.
Input device:
- Translate data and programs that human can understand into a form that a computer can process.
- Examples of input device: Keyboard and Mouse.
Output device:
- Translate the processed information from the computers into a form that humans can understand.
- Examples of output device: Monitor and Printers.
Secondary storage:
Unlike memory, secondary storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off.
The most important kinds of secondary media are:
1- Hard disks: typically used to store programs and very large files.
2- Solid-state storage :
- Doesn’t have any moving parts, is more reliable and requires less power.
- It saves data and information electronically similar to RAM except that it is not volatile.
- There are 3 types of Solid_ state drives (SSDs):
1- Flash memory cards: widely used in portable device
2- USB drivers: widely used compact storage medium for transporting data and information.
3- Optical disks:
1- Use a laser technology and have the greatest capacity.
2- have 3 types:
- Compact discs (CD).
- Digital Versatile (or video) discs (DVDs).
- High-Definition (hi def) discs.
Four 4 basic categories of microcomputer hardware are:-
System unit:
The system unit is a container that houses most of the electronic components that make up a computer system.
Two important components of the system units are:
1- Microprocessor: controls and manipulates data to produce information.
2- Memory: Holding area of data, instructions, and informatios.
Input device:
- Translate data and programs that human can understand into a form that a computer can process.
- Examples of input device: Keyboard and Mouse.
Output device:
- Translate the processed information from the computers into a form that humans can understand.
- Examples of output device: Monitor and Printers.
Secondary storage:
Unlike memory, secondary storage holds data and programs even after electrical power to the computer system has been turned off.
The most important kinds of secondary media are:
1- Hard disks: typically used to store programs and very large files.
2- Solid-state storage :
- Doesn’t have any moving parts, is more reliable and requires less power.
- It saves data and information electronically similar to RAM except that it is not volatile.
- There are 3 types of Solid_ state drives (SSDs):
1- Flash memory cards: widely used in portable device
2- USB drivers: widely used compact storage medium for transporting data and information.
3- Optical disks:
1- Use a laser technology and have the greatest capacity.
2- have 3 types:
- Compact discs (CD).
- Digital Versatile (or video) discs (DVDs).
- High-Definition (hi def) discs.

- Now using a communication devices, a microcomputer can communicate with other computer system located as near as the next office or as far as halfway around the world using the internet.
The most widely used communication device is a modem, which:
1- Modify telephone communications into a form that can be processed by a computer.
2- Modify computer output into a form that can be transmitted across standard telephones lines.
RAM ( Random- Access Memory ):
- Type of the memory.
- Holds the program and data that is currently being processed.
- Refers to temporary storage because its contents will typically be lost if the electrical power to the computer is disrupted
- Now using a communication devices, a microcomputer can communicate with other computer system located as near as the next office or as far as halfway around the world using the internet.
The most widely used communication device is a modem, which:
1- Modify telephone communications into a form that can be processed by a computer.
2- Modify computer output into a form that can be transmitted across standard telephones lines.
RAM ( Random- Access Memory ):
- Type of the memory.
- Holds the program and data that is currently being processed.
- Refers to temporary storage because its contents will typically be lost if the electrical power to the computer is disrupted

Data is raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds.
Four 4 common types of files are:
1- Document files: created by word processors to save documents, such as: memos, terms papers, and letters.
2- ****sheet files: created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like budgets and to predict sales.
3- Database files: typically created by database management programs to contain highly structured and organized data.
4- Presentation files: created by presentation graphic programs to save presentation materials.
Data is raw, unprocessed facts, including text, numbers, images, and sounds.
Four 4 common types of files are:
1- Document files: created by word processors to save documents, such as: memos, terms papers, and letters.
2- ****sheet files: created by electronic spreadsheets to analyze things like budgets and to predict sales.
3- Database files: typically created by database management programs to contain highly structured and organized data.
4- Presentation files: created by presentation graphic programs to save presentation materials.
الصفحة الأخيرة
Used widely in nearly all career.
One of these basic applications is a browser to navigate, explore, and find information on the internet.
The two most widely used browsers are Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Netscape’s Navigator.
Specia lized application
Include programs that are more narrowly focused on specific disciplines and occupations.
Some of the best known are graphics, audio, video, multimedia, web authoring, artificial intelligence programs, and cell phone apps.