:26: :26:
with MC,ch6, join wth slst
6 سلسله – نغلق بمنزلقة
R1- ch4, *dc in loop, ch1* 7 times slst in 3rd ch
4 سلسله - * عمود فى الفراغ – سلسله - * " 7 مرات " منزلقة فى ثالث سلسله
R2- slst into ch sp, ch4, dc, ch1 into same sp in next ch sp *dc, ch1, dc, ch1* around join in 3rd ch
منزلقة داخل فراغ سلسله – 4 سلسله – عمود – سلسله داخل نفس فراغ فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * عمود – سلسله – عمود – سلسله * كررى من * لأخر السطر – نغلق فى ثالث سلسله
R3- repeat row 2
كررى السطر 2
R4- slst into sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch1 2 dc in same sp, *skip 2 sp, 2dc, ch1, 2dc in next sp* around slst in top of ch3.( when I got to the last shell I didn't have enough spaces so I worked it in the middle dc)
منزلقة داخل الفراغ – 3 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله – 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * نترك 2 فراغ – 2 عمود – سلسله – 2 عمود فى الفراغ التالى - * كررى من * لأخر السطر نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله –
R5- slst into ch1 sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch1 2 dc in same sp, in next ch1 sp, *2dc, ch1, 2dc* around slst in top of ch3
منزلقة داخل فراغ السلسله – 3 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله – 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * 2 عمود – سلسله – 2 عمود - * كررى من * لأخر السطر – نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R6-10 repeat row 5
كررى السطر 5
R11- repeat row 5 only working 3 dc instead fasten off.
كررى السطر 5 فقط وأعملى 3 عمود تزايد فى النهاية
R12- with CC slst in each st around, fasten off
اللون الثانى – منزلقة فى كل من السطر – نغلق العمل
HANDLE: اليد
R1- with MC ch25, sc in second ch from hook and in each ch with 3 sc in end ch, work on the other side of the ch, with 2 sc in last ch.fasten off.
اللون الأول – 25 سلسله – حشو فى تانى سلسله من الأبرة وفى كل سلسله – 3 حشو فى أخر سلسله – أعملى على
R2- with CC, slst in each st fasten off
R1- ch4, *dc in loop, ch1* 7 times slst in 3rd ch
4 سلسله - * عمود فى الفراغ – سلسله - * " 7 مرات " منزلقة فى ثالث سلسله
R2- slst into ch sp, ch4, dc, ch1 into same sp in next ch sp *dc, ch1, dc, ch1* around join in 3rd ch
منزلقة داخل فراغ سلسله – 4 سلسله – عمود – سلسله داخل نفس فراغ فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * عمود – سلسله – عمود – سلسله * كررى من * لأخر السطر – نغلق فى ثالث سلسله
R3- repeat row 2
كررى السطر 2
R4- slst into sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch1 2 dc in same sp, *skip one sp, 2dc, ch1, 2dc in next sp* around slst in top of ch3
منزلقة داخل الفراغ – 3 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * نترك فراغ واحد – 2 عمود – سلسله – 2 عمود فى الفراغ التالى - * كررى من * لأخر السطر – نغلق بمنزلقة أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R5- slst into ch1 sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch1 2 dc in same sp, in next ch1 sp, *2dc, ch1, 2dc* around slst in top of ch3
منزلقة داخل فراغ السلسله – 3 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * 2 عمود – سلسله – 2 عمود * كررى من * لأخر السطر - نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R6-repeat R5
كررى السطر 5
R7- slst into ch1 sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch1 2 dc in same sp, in next ch1 sp, *2dc, ch1, 2dc, ch1* around slst in top of ch3
منزلقة داخل فراغ السلسله – 3 سلسله - عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * 2 عمود – سلسله – 2 عمود – سلسله * كررى من * لأخر السطر - نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R8- repeat row 7
كررى السطر 7
R9- slst into ch1 sp, ch3, dc in same sp, ch2, 2 dc in same sp, in next ch1 sp, *2dc, ch2, 2dc, ch2* around slst in top of ch3
منزلقة داخل فراغ السلسله – 3 سلسله - عمود فى نفس الفراغ – 2سلسله 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * 2 عمود – 2سلسله – 2 عمود – 2 سلسله * كررى من * لأخر السطر - نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R10- slst into ch1 sp, ch3, 2dc in same sp, ch1, 3 dc in same sp, in next ch1 sp, *3dc, ch1, 3dc, ch2* around slst in top of ch3. fasten off.
منزلقة داخل فراغ السلسله – 3 سلسله – 2 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – سلسله 3 عمود فى نفس الفراغ – فى فراغ السلسله التالية - * 3 عمود – سلسله – 3 عمود –2 سلسله * كررى من * لأخر السطر - نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الـ 3 سلسله
R11- with CC slst in each st around, fasten off.
نغير للون الثانى – منزلقة فى كل غرزة بالسطر – نغلق العمل
Starch and block. hot glue handle to cup.
Ch 4; join with a sl st to form ring
4 سلسله – نغلق بمنزلقة فى الدائرة
Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 11 more dc in the ring; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (12 dc)
3 سلسله – تعد كأول عمود – أعملى 11 عمود فى الدائرة – نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى بداية الـ 3 سلسله ( 12 عمود )
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, fpdc around the beginning ch 3 on round 1, (dc in the next dc, fpdc around the same dc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (24 sts)
3 سلسله – تعد كأول عمود –
Round 3: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc, (dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (36 sts)
Round 4: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the next dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc, (dc in each of the the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (48 sts)
Round 5: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in each of the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc, (dc in each of the the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (60 sts)
Round 6: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in each of the next 3 dc, fpdc around the next fpdc, (dc in each of the next 4 dc, fpdc around the next fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (60 sts)
Rounds 7-11: Repeat round 6
Round 12: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in each of the next 3 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc, (dc in each of the the next 4 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (72 sts)
Round 13: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the same st, 2 dc in the next dc, dc in the next dc, fpdc around the same dc, 2 dc in each of the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc, (2 dc in each of the next 2 dc, dc in the next dc, fpdc around the same dc, 2 dc in each of the next 2 dc, dc in the top of the next fpdc, fpdc around the same fpdc) 11 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (144 sts)
Round 14: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in each of the next 4 dc, fpdc around the next fpdc, (dc in each of the next 5 dc, fpdc around the next fpdc) 23 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (144 sts)
Rounds 15-16: Repeat round 14
Round 17: Sl st in each of the next 2 sts, ch 4 to count as the first trc, work 8 more trc in the same st, skip next 2 dc, fpsc around the next fpdc, skip next 2 dc, (9 trc in the next dc, skip next 2 dc, fpsc around the next fpdc, skip next 2 dc) 23 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 4.
Step 1. If using a commercial stiffener, pour a generous amount into a plastic bag. Add the crocheted hat and close the bag. Work the stiffener into the hat through the bag (this will keep your hands clean), adding more stiffener as needed. Since we used a heavy thread for the hat, it will take quite a while for the hat to thoroughly absorb the stiffener, so let the bag sit overnight. If using a different stiffening method, follow the directions, making sure the hat is thoroughly soaked.
Step 2. Cover the bowl and tray with plastic wrap. Set the bowl, bottom up, in the center of the tray. Wring the excess stiffener from the hat and place the crown over the bowl. Carefully arrange the brim of the hat over the tray. You can fuss with this a bit until you get the stitches straight and the scallops even. When you get the hat looking the way you want it, set it in a place where it won’t be disturbed to dry. With this thick thread, it will probably take several days to dry completely. Do not remove until the hat is completely dry. Step 3. Remove dried hat from “mold”. Arrange flowers, bows, and ribbon around the brim of the hat. Hot glue in place. Attach a loop of thin wire to the inside of the hat for hanging.
Begin with ch 20, join with sl st in first ch to form ring.
20 سلسله – نغلق بمنزلقة فى أول سلسله من الدائرة
Row 1: ch 1, 30 sc in ring, join with sl st in top of first sc. (30 sc)
سلسله – 30 حشو فى الدائرة – نغلق بمنزلقة فى أعلى الحشو الأول – ( 30 حشو )
Row 2: beg cl in same st as joining, ch 1, sk next sc, (cl in next sc, ch 1, sk next sc) 2 times, 2 dc in each of next 2 sc, (ch 1, sk next sc, cl in next sc) 3 times, turn. (6 cl, 4 dc)
غرزة العنقود بداية نفس الدائرة – سلسله – نترك الحشو التالى – ( غرزة العنقود فى الحشو التالى – سلسله – نترك الحشو التالى ) " مرتين " – 2 عمود فى كل من الـ 2 حشو التاليين – ( سلسله – نترك الحشو التالى – غرزة العنقود فى الحشو التالى ) " 3 مرات " – لفى العمل ( 6 عنقود – 4 عمود )
Row 3: (beg cl, ch 1, cl) in first cl, ch 1, (cl, ch 1) 2 times in each of next 2 cl, 2 dc in next dc, dc in each of next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc, (ch 1, cl) 2 times in each of next 3 cl, turn. (12 cl, 6 dc)
( بداية غرزة العنقود – سلسله – غرزة العنقود ) فى أول عنقود – سلسله (غرزة العنقود – سلسله ) " مرتين " فى كل من الـ 2 عنقود التاليين – 2 عمود فى العمود التالى – عمود فى كل من الـ 2 عمود التاليين – 2 عمود فى العمود التالى – ( سلسله – غرزة العنقود ) " مرتين " فى كل من الـ 3 عنقود التاليين – لفى العمل ( 12 عنقود – 6 عمود )
Row 4: (beg cl, ch 1, cl) in first cl, ch 1, (cl in next cl, ch 1) 5 times, (2 dc in next dc, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next dc) 2 times, (cl in next cl, ch 1) 5 times, (cl, ch 1, cl) in last cl, turn. (14 cl, 10 dc)
( بداية غرزة العنقود – سلسله – غرزة العنقود ) فى أول عنقود – سلسله (غرزة العنقود فى العنقود التالى – سلسله ) " 5 مرات " (2 عمود فى العمود التالى –عمود فى العمود التالى – 2 عمود فى العمود التالى ) " مرتين " - (غرزة العنقود فى العنقود التالى – سلسله ) " 5 مرات " - (غرزة العنقود - سلسله – غرزة العنقود ) فى أخر عنقود – لفى العمل ( 14 عنقود – 10 عمود )
Row 5: beg cl in first cl, ch 2, (cl in next cl, ch 2) 5 times, 2 dc in next dc, dc in each of next 4 dc, ch 1, dc in each of next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc, (ch 2, cl in next cl) 6 times, turn. (14 cl, 12 dc, 14 ch-2 sps, 1 ch-1 sp)
بداية غرزة العنقود – 2 سلسله – (غرزة العنقود فى العنقود التالى – 2 سلسله ) " 5 مرات " - 2 عمود فى العمود التالى –عمود فى كل من الـ 4 عمود التاليين – سلسله – عمود فى كل من الـ 4 عمود التاليين - 2 عمود فى العمود التالى – ( 2 سلسله – عنقود فى العنقود التالى ) " 6 مرات " – لفى العمل – ( 14 عنقود – 12 عمود – 14 سلسله – 2 فراغ – سلسله – فراغ )
Row 6: ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook (beginning picot made), (2 sc in next ch-2 sp, p) 6 times, 2 sc in next ch-2 sp, sc in next dc, ch 2 (mark second ch of this ch-2 for beginning of Row 7), dc in same st as last sc, ch 1, (sk next dc, cl in next dc, ch 1) 2 times, (cl, ch 1) 2 times in next ch-1 sp, (sk next dc, cl in next dc, ch 1) 2 times, sk next dc, (dc, ch 2, sc) in next dc, (2 sc in next ch-2 sp, p) 7 times, sl st in top of last cl. Fasten Off. Weave in ends. (30 sc, 14 p, 6 cl, 2 dc)
Row 7: join with sl st in marked ch of Row 6, beg cl in same st, ch 1, cl in next dc, ch 1, (cl in next cl, ch 1) 6 times, cl in next dc, ch 1, cl in top of next ch-2, turn. (10 cl)
Row 8: beg cl in first cl, (ch 1, cl in next cl) 9 times, turn. (10 cl)
Row 9: (beg cl, ch 1, cl, ch 1) in first cl, (cl in next cl, ch 1) 4 times, cl in next ch-1 sp, ch 1, (cl in next cl, ch1) 4 times, (cl, ch 1, cl) in last cl, turn. (13 cl)
Row 10: beg cl in first cl, (ch 1, cl in next cl) 12 times, turn. (13 cl)
Row 11: (beg cl, ch 1, cl, ch 1) in first cl, (cl in next cl, ch 1) 11 times, (cl, ch 1, cl) in last cl, turn. (15 cl)
Row 12: beg cl in first cl, (ch 2, cl in next cl) 14 times, turn. (15 cl, 14 ch-2 sps)
Row 13: ch 4, sc in 4th ch from hook (beginning picot made), (2 sc in next ch-2 sp, p) 14 times, sl st in top of last cl. Fasten Off. Weave in ends. (28 sc, 15 p)
Wash and Block Angel, pinning to shape if needed. Embellish as desired with ribbons, bows, ribbon roses, etc.
Finished size: About 3 1/2” tall
To work beginning cluster: Ch 2, dc in the first stitch
To work cluster: Yo, insert hook in indicated st and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook; yo, insert hook in same st and pull up a loop, yo and pull through 2 loops on hook; yo and pull through remaining 3 loops on hook Starting at the head, work 24 sc around the lucite ring; join with a sl st to the first sc. Mark this as the right side.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining; (ch 3, skip next sc, sc in the next sc) 3 times, leaving the remaining stitches unworked; turn
Row 2: Sl st into the first ch 3 sp, ch 6 to count as the first dc and the first ch 3, dc in the same sp; (dc, ch 5, dc) in the next ch 3 sp; (dc, ch 3, dc) in the last ch 3 sp; turn.
Row 3: Sl st into the first ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 6 more dc in the same sp; work 11 dc in the next ch 5 sp; work 7 dc in the next ch 3 sp; turn.
Row 4: Work beginning cluster in the first dc, ch 2, (dc in the next dc, ch 1) 4 times, dc in the next dc, (ch 2, cluster in the next dc) 2 times, ch 2, (dc in the next dc, ch 1) 8 times, dc in the next dc, (ch2, cluster in the next dc) 2 times, ch 2, (dc in the next dc, ch 1) 4 times, dc in the next dc, ch 2, cluster in the last dc, turn.
Row 5 (left wing): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 1 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 1 sp) 3 times, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn, leaving the remaining stitches unworked.
Row 6 (left wing): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 2 times, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 7 (left wing): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 8 (left wing): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 9 (left wing): Work beginning cluster, ch 1, cluster in the next cluster. Fasten off left wing.
Row 5 (dress): With right facing you, skip next ch 2 sp on row 4, attach thread with a sl st to the next cluster, work beginning cluster in the same st; ch 2, sc in the next ch 1 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 1 sp) 7 times, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn, leaving the remaining stitches unworked.
Row 6 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 6 times, ch2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 7 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 5times, ch2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 8 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 4times, ch2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 9 (dress):Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 3times, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row10 (dress):Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp) 2times, ch2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 11 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 12 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 2, sc in the next ch 3 sp, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Row 13 (dress): Work beginning cluster, ch 1, cluster in the next cluster. Fasten off dress
Row 5 (right wing): With right facing you, skip next ch 2 sp on row 4, attach thread with a sl st to the next cluster, work beginning cluster in the same st; ch 2, sc in the next ch 1 sp, (ch 3, sc in the next ch 1 sp) 3 times, ch 2, cluster in the next cluster, turn.
Rows 6-9 (right wing): Work the same as rows 6-9 of the left wing.
With right side facing you, attach thread with a sl st to the ch 1 sp on row 13 at the bottom tip of the dress; ch1, sc in the same sp, ch 3, sc in the same sp; working along side of dress (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 9 times, sc in the skipped ch 2 sp of round 4; working around right wing, sc in the side of the next cluster, (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 4 times, (ch 3, sc in the ch 1 sp at the tip of the wing) 2 times, (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 6 times, sc around the post of each of the next 2 dc, sc around the post of the next sc; working around the head, sl st in the next unworked sc, (ch 1, sl st in the next sc) 16 times; working around the left wing, sc around the post of the next sc, sc around the post of each of the next 2 dc, sc in the side of the next cluster, (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 5 times, (ch 3, sc in the ch 1 sp at the tip of the wing) 2times, (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 5 times; working along side of the dress, sc in the skipped ch 2 sp of round 4, sc in the side of the next cluster, (ch 3, sc in the side of the next cluster) 8 times, ch3, join with a sl st to the first sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Block, stiffen or spray starch and iron the angel, as desired.
Tie the ribbon in a small bow and sew or glue to the neck.
RND 1: Ch 2, work 8 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Join w/slst to first sc.
RND 2: Ch1. Sc in same st as slst. 2sc in each sc around. Join w/slst to ch1. (16sc)
RND 3: Ch1. Sc in same st as slst. 1 sc in next sc. *2sc in next sc. 1 sc in next sc. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. (24sc)
RND 4: Ch1. Sc in same st as slst. 1sc in each of the next 2 sc. *2sc in next sc. 1sc in each of the next 2 sc. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. (32sc)
RND 5-8: Ch1. Sc in each sc around. Join w/slst to ch1.
RND 9: Ch1. Sc in next sc. Sk next sc. *Sc in each of the next 3 sc. Sk next sc. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. (24sc)
RND 10: Ch1. Sk next sc. *Sc in next 2sc. Sk next sc. Rep from * around. You will sk last st. Join w/slst to ch1. (16sc)
RND 11: Ch1. Sk next sc. *Sc in next sc. Sk next sc. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. (8sc) Stuff head with pieces of a cotton ball. Neck
RND 12: Ch3. Work 1dc in each sc around. Join w/slst to top of ch3. (8dc including ch3.)
RND 13: Ch4. Dc in same st as slst. Dc, ch1, dc in each dc around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch4. (8 ch1 spaces.)
Read this next row carefully. There are two places where you will ch4 instead of ch2. These are shoulder areas.
RND 14: Slst into the first ch1 sp. Ch5, dc in same sp. Dc, ch2, dc in next ch1 sp. Dc, ch4, dc in next ch1 sp. Dc, ch2, dc in each of the next 2 ch1 sps. Dc, ch4, dc in next ch1 sp. Dc, ch2, dc in each of the last 2 ch1 sp. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 15: Slst into the first ch2 sp. Ch3, 3dc in same sp. 4dc in next ch2 sp. Dc, ch1, 8 times in next ch4 sp. Work 1 more dc in same sp. Work 4dc in each of the next 2 ch2 sps. Dc, ch1, 8 times in next ch4 sp. Work 1 more dc in same sp. Work 4 dc in each of the last 2 ch2 sps.
This next row you will be forming the chest area and forming arm holes. You will be skipping the stitches you worked in the ch4 sp and also 2 dc on either side of the shell.
RND 16: Ch1. Sc in each of the next 7 dc. (Sk all of the stitches worked in the ch4 sp.) Sc in each of the next 8dc. Rep between () once. Sc in each of the next 4 dc. Join w/slst to ch1. You should now have 24 sc around.
This next row, you will be decreasing under the arms to start forming the lower torso toward the waist.
RND 17: Ch3. Dc in each of the next 3 sc. (yo, insert hook in next st, yo, draw up a loop, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook. Insert hook in next st, yo draw up a loop, yo, draw through2 lps, yo and draw through 3 lps on hook. Dec made. Dec one more. Dc in each of the next 8sc. Dec 2. Dc in each of the next 4 sc. Join w/slst to top of ch3. You should now have 22 stitches around.
RND 18: Ch1. Sc in each of the next 3 dc. Insert hook in next st, yo, draw up a loop, insert hook in next st, yo, draw up a loop, yo draw through all 3 lps on hook. (Sc-dec made.) Sc in each of the next 8 dc. Sc-dec 1. Sc in each of the next 4 dc. Join w/slst to ch1. You should now have 20 stitches around.
RND 19: Ch3. Dc in each sc around. Join w/slst to top of ch3.
RND 20: Ch4. Dc in same st as slst. Dc, ch1, dc in each dc around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch4.
RND 21: Slst into the first ch1 sp. Dc, ch2, dc in each ch1 sp around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch 5.
RND 22: Slst into the first ch 3 sp. Ch3. Work a bobble but only until you have 3 lps on hook. Ch2. *Bl in next ch3 sp. Ch2. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to top of first bl.
RND 23: Slst into the first ch2 sp. Ch2, dc in next ch2 sp. *Work an iVst starting in the same sp as the last stitch and finishing it in the next ch2 sp. Ch3. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to first dc. Not in the ch2.
RND 24: Rep rnd 22.
RND 25: Rep rnd 23.
RND 26: Ch1. Dc in first ch3 sp. Ch5, slst in 3rd ch from hook. Ch2. Dc in same ch3 sp as last dc. *Sc in next iVst. Dc in next ch3 sp. Ch5. Slst in 3rd ch from hook. Ch2. Dc in same ch3 sp as last dc. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. Fasten off. Weave ends into work.
Start on left side. Join thread to first skipped dc. Ch5, dc in same st. Sk next st. *Dc, ch2, dc in next dc. Rep from * 8 times more. Sk next dc. Dc, ch2, dc in last skipped st. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5. Fasten off and then repeat with other side. Weave ends into back of work.
RND 1: Ch 6 join w/slst to first ch to form ring. Ch5. *Dc in ring. Ch2. Rep from * 9 times more so that you have 10dc and 10 ch2 sps around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5. Now you will work each side of the wings in rows.
ROW 1: Slst into the first ch 2 sp. Ch3. Work a bobble but only until you have 3 lps on hook. Ch2. *Bl in next ch2 sp. Ch3. Rep from * across. Ch5, turn.
ROW 2: Dc in top of last bobble made in prev row. Dc, ch3, dc in each ch3 sp across and in the last bobble in row. Ch5, turn.
ROW 3: *Bl in next ch3 sp. Ch2. Rep from * Across. You should now have 6 bobbles across. Ch5 turn. Ch3. *Work an iVst starting in the next ch3 sp and finish it in the next ch3 sp. Ch3. Rep from * across. Dc in same sp as last iVst. Ch1, turn.
ROW 4: *Dc in first ch3 sp. Ch6. Slst in 3rd ch from hook. Ch3. Dc in same sp as last dc. Sc in next iVst. Rep from * across but in the last one, sc in 3rd ch of ch5. Fasten off.
Other side. turn the wing over so that the back side is facing up and the unworked spaces of the staring ring is up. Join thread in first ch2 sp on right hand side. Repeat as for other side. Fasten off and weave ends into back of work.
RND 1: Ch 4, join w/slst to to first ch to form ring. Ch5. *Dc in ring. Ch2. Rep from * 4 times more. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND2:Ch1.(Dc in next ch2 sp. Ch5, slst in 3rd ch from hook, ch2. Dc in same sp.)*Sc in next dc. Rep bet ( ) Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1. Fasten off and weave ends into work.
Stiffen the skirt only of the main piece and the wings, and halo with 1 part glue mixed with 1 part water.
Cover the foam board with waxed paper.
Dip the skirt only into the glue mixture. Use a paper towel to pat off the excess glue. Do not wring the skirt. Stuff the plastic bag up the skirt to shape it the way you want it to look. Then find a small jar with a top small enough to drape the skirt over. I used an empty marischino cherry jar with the lid removed. You may need to play around with it until it is the shape you want it to be.
Dip the wings into the mixture and dab the excess glue mixture off with paper towel. To make the wings so that they are not flat, crumple up a piece of plastic wrap or waxed paper and place under the center of the wings to lift up the center a little. Then pin the picots of the wings to the foam board. Of course you will need to stretch it into the shape you want.
Then dip the halo into the mixture and repeat as for the wings but without the plastic under it as you did for the wings. Pin into place.
Allow all pieces to dry overnight. I find that if you use the pilot light in a gas oven, your pieces will dry quicker.
Glue the wings and halo on with hot glue or something that is strong. I used model glue. Attach hanger of choice to top of head. I used a paper clip.
تاااااااااااااااااابعوا المزيد . . . .

دهب @dhb_1
عضوة نشيطة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

With White chain (ch) 6, join to form a ring, ch 3, 11 double crochet (dc) in ring, join in 3rd stitch (st) of ch.
6 سلسله – نغلق الدائرة – 3 سلسله – 11 عمود فى الدائرة – نغلق فى ثالث غرزة من السلسله
2nd and 3rd Rounds. Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in same space, 2 dc in each remaining dc (48 dc in last round), join each round
3 سلسله – ( تعد كأول عمود ) عمود فى نفس الفراغ – 2 عمود فى كل من العواميد ( 48 عمود فى أخر السطر ) نغلق كل سطر
4th Round. Working in dc increase in every 4th st (60 dc), join.
أعملى تزايد عمود فى رابع غرزة ( 60 عمود ) – نغلق
5th Round. Increase in every 5th st, join.
تزايد فى كل من خامس غرزة - نغلق
6th Round. Increase in every 9th st ( 80 dc), join.
تزايد فى كل من 9 غرز ( 80 عمود ) - نغلق
7th Round. Ch 6, dc c in same space, * ch 4, skip 3 dc, single crochet (sc) in next dc, ch 4, skip 3 dc, 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next dc, repeat from * all around ending with ch 4, skip 3 dc, sc in next dc, ch 4, join in 3rd st of ch.
6 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – حشو فى العمود التالى – 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – عمود – 3 سلسله – عمود فى العمود التالى – كررى من * لأخر السطر أنهى بـ 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – حشو فى العمود التالى – 4 سلسله – نغلق فى ثالث غرزة من السلسله
8th Round. Slip (sl) st st into loop, ch 3, 3 dc in same space, * ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, join in 3rd st of ch.
غرزة منزلقة داخل الفراغ – 3 سلسله – 3 عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * 5 سلسله – حشو فى الحشو التالى – 5 سلسله – نترك فراغ – 4 عمود فى الفراغ التالى – كررى من * لأخر السطر أنهى بـ 5 سلسله – حشو فى الحشو التالى – 5 سلسله – نغلق بثالث غرزة من السلسله
9th Round. Ch 3, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 5, join in top of 1st cluster.
3 سلسله – عمود فى كل من الـ 3 عمود التاليين -
10th Round. Ch 6, dc in same space, * ch 5, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in center st of next loop, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 1dc, ch 3, 1 dc in top of next cluster, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 5, join in 3rd st of ch.
11th Round. Sl st into next loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around but ending with ch 2, dc in sl st (this brings thread in position for next round).
12th Round. * Ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next cluster, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around but ending last repeat with ch 3, treble crochet (tr c) in dc.
13th Round. Ch 6, dc in same space, * ch 4, 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in center st of next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 4, join in 3rd st of ch.
14th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, dc in same space, ch 2, 2 dc in same space keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 6 dc in next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 2 dc cluster st in next loop (2 dc cluster st: 2 dc in same space keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time), ch 2, 2 dc cluster st in same space, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, 2 - 2dc cluster sts with ch 2 between in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join.
15th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3 (counts as part of 1st cluster st), dc in same space, ch 2, 2 dc cluster st in same space (cluster st shell), all shells are cluster st shells and will be referred to as shells for remainder of doily, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc in each of the next 6 dc with ch 1 between each dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
16th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1st ch 1 space, * ch 3, sc in next ch 1 space, repeat from * 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc c, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
17th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1 st loop of pineapple, * ch3, sc in next loop, repeat front * twice, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ** ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, sc in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, dc in same space, 2 dc cluster st in center of next shell, cut thread. Attach thread in next shell of 17th round and repeat from last ** once. Finish each pineapple in same manner.
EDGE. Attach Green in center of the 2 cluster sts in top of pineapple, * ch 4 and working down left hand side of pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of row below, repeat from * 4 times, ch 4, skip the ch 2 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip the ch 2 loop, sc in top of next cluster st of next pineapple, * ch 4 and working up right hand side of next pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of next row of same pineapple, repeat from * 3 times, ch 4, sc in center of the 2 cluster sts at top of pineapple, repeat from 1st * all around ending with ch 1, dc in same space as beginning, this brings thread in position for next round.
Next Round. * Ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ** dc 3, 1 dc in each of the next 2 loops keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ch 3, sl st in top of st just made for picot, ch 3, sc in next loop, * ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, dc 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * 8 times, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join, cut thread.
BOWL…With White work 1st 6 rounds same as on doily (80 dc).
7Ih Round. Increase in every 5th dc (96 dc), join.
8th Round. Dc 5, dc in same space, * dc 2, skip 3 dc, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc, repeat from * all around, ch2, join in 3rd st of ch.
9th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, 3 dc in same space, * ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 4, join.
10th Round. Ch 3, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * dc 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 4, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, repeat from * all around ending with ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 4, join in 1st cluster.
11th Round. Ch 5, dc in same space, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, dc 2, 1 dc in center st of next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in top of next cluster, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch.
12th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, and work a cluster st shell same as on doily in same space (all shells are worked same as on doily), * ch 2, skip 1 loop, 5 dc in next loop, ch 2, skip 1 loop, shell in next loop, ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, ch 2, shell in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join.
13th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the next 5 dc with ch-1 between each dc, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
14th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 2, skip 1 loop, sc in next ch 1 space, * ch 3, sc in next ch 1 space, repeat from * twice, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, sc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, Join.
15th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, * ch 2, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
16th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, * ch 2, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, sc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
17th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 2, sc in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
Next Row. SI st into shell, * ch 3, shell in same space, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn,
Next Row. Sl st into shell, ch 3, dc in same space, 9 dc cluster st in next shell, cut thread.
Attach thread in center of next shell of 17th round, repeat from last * once. Finish each pineapple in same manner.
EDGE: Attach Green at center of point, * ch 4 and working down side of pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of row below, repeat from * once, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in top of next cluster st of same row, working up side of next pineapple, ch 4, sc in top of cluster st of next row of same pineapple, ch 4, sc between the 2 cluster sts at top of pineapple, repeat from 1st * all around ending with ch 1, dc in same space as beginning.
Next Round. * Ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, join in dc, cut thread
Dissolve 1/4 cup starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Boil about 2 cups of water, remove from flame, then slowly stir the starch mixture into boiling water stirring constantly. Place back on flame until it thickens. As soon as starch is cool enough to handle, clip articles and squeeze starch through them thoroughly. Wring out extra starch. The articles should be wet with starch but there should be none in the spaces. Pin doily in position according to size and leave until thoroughly dry. Place crocheted bowl over a bowl 9 inches in diameter across top and about 4 1/2 inches deep and leave until thoroughly dry.
Gauge: Rounds 1-2 of the back piece = about 2”
Finished size: About 4 1/2” from point to point
Preparation Center 2” ring over the photo so that it looks the way you want it when framed. Trace around the outside of the 2” ring onto the centered photo, then cut the photo along the traced circle. Laminate photo, it desired.
Ch 5; join with a sl st to the first ch to form a ring
Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 14 more dc in the ring; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (15 dc)
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the same st as joining, work 2 dc in each remaining dc around; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (30 dc)
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, hdc in the next st, dc in the next st, 3 trc in the next st, dc in the next st, hdc in the next st, (sc in the next st, hdc in the next st, dc in the next st, 3 trc in the next st, dc in the next st, hdc in the next st) 4 times; join with a sl st in the first sc. (40 sts)
Round 4: (Sc in the next hdc, hdc in the next dc, dc in the next trc, 5 trc in the next trc, dc in the next trc, hdc in the next dc, sc in the next hdc, skip the next sc) 5 times; join with a sl st in the first sc. (55 sts) Fasten Front
Round 1: Work 30 sc around the 2” ring; join with a sl st to the first sc. (30 sc)
Round 2: Work the same as round 3 of piece A. (40 sts)
Round 3: Work the same as round 4 of piece A. (55 sts) Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Finishing Glue the photo to the back of the crochet-covered ring of the front piece, making sure the top of the photo aligns with one of the points of the star, so the photo will be straight when hung. Allow glue to dry. With wrong sides together, match the points of the stars of the front and back pieces. Join yarn with a sl st through any matching stitch of both pieces; (ch 1, sl st in the next st) three-quarters of the way around, working (ch 1, sl st) twice in the center trc of the each point of the star. Stuff with fiberfill, pushing the fiberfill into the corners of the star. Continue crocheting closed. Fasten off. Join yarn with a sl st in the ch-1 sp at the top point of the star; ch 10, sl st in the same ch-1 sp for hanging loop. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Rnd l: Ch 2, 6 sc in end ch from hook. (6) Mark beginning of round.
2 سلسله – 6 حشو فى نهاية السلسله من الإبرة -
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12)
2 حشو فى كل حشو بالسطر ( 12 حشو )
Rnd 3: Sc in each sc around.
حشو فى كل حشو لأخر السطر
Rnd 4: (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep around. (18)
( حشو فى الحشو التالى – 2 حشو فى الحشو التالى ) كررى لأخر السطر ( 18 حشو)
Rnd 5: Repeat rnd 3.
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 6: (Sc in next sc, dec l sc over next 2 sc) 3 times --MARK CENTER DEC AS CENTER FRONT OF
( حشو فى الحشو التالى – تناقص فى غرزة الحشو و الـ 2 حشو التاليين ) " 3 مرات " --
HEAD-- sc in each of next 9 sc. (15)
حشو فى كل من الـ 9 حشو التالية ( 15 حشو )
Rnd 7-8: Repeat Rnd 3.
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 9: Sc next 10 sc, (increase, sc) 3 times, sc to end.
حشو فى الـ 10 حشو التالية – ( ترزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – حشو إلى النهاية
Rnd 10-11: Repeat Rnd 3
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 12: Sc in each of next 12 scs, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 5 ch, sc in each of next 5 sc.
حشو فى كل من الـ 12 حشو التاليه – 7 سلسله – حشو فى ثانى سلسله من الأبرة – حشو فى كل من الـ 5 سلسله التالية – حشو فى كل من الـ 5 الحشو التالية
Rnd 13: Sc in next 17 sc, inc, sc, inc, sc last 10 sc.
حشو فى الـ 17 حشو التاليه – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو أخر 10 حشو
Rnd 14: Sc in each of next 3 sc, (inc, sc) 3 times, sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc, inc, sc 5, inc, sc. (39)
حشو فى كل من الـ 3 حشو التاليه – (تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – 4 حشو - تزايد فى عدد الغرز – 6حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – 5 حشو– تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ( 39 حشو )
Rnd 15: Sc around.
حشو لأخر السطر
Rnd 16: Sc l, (dec, sc) 3 times, sc 7, dec l, sc 6, dec, sc, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 4. (32)
1 حشو – ( تناقص عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – 7 حشو – 1تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 6 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 6 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 4حشو ( 32 حشو )
Rnd 17: Sc in each of next 10 sc, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 7. (29)
حشو فى كل من الـ 10 حشو التالية - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 3حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 3 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 7 حشو ( 29 حشو )
Rnd 18: Sc in each of next 15 sc, dec, sc, dec, sc 9. (27)
حشو فى كل من الـ 15 حشو التالية - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 9 حشو( 27 حشو )
Rnd 19: Sc 2 sc tog, arund. Stuff and continue decreasing to close. Finish Off. Weave.
نشتغل 2 حشو فى الحشو التالى
BEAK: With black ch 4 fasten off. Tie to front of head.
TAIL: (Make Two)
Row l: Ch 7, Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc next 5 chs. Ch l, turn. (6)
Row 2-5: Sc across, ch l turn.
Row 6: Dec. over next 2 sc, sc next 2 sc, Dec over next 2 sc, ch l turn. (4)
Row 7-12: Sc across, ch l turn.
Row 13: (Dec) twice. (2)
Row 14: 2 sc, fasten off.
Sew two pieces together. Sew to back of body easing to fit.
Row l: Ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, 3 dc in each of next 2 chs, hdc in next ch, sc in last ch, ch l, turn.
Row 2-4: Sc across, ch l, turn.
Row 5: Sc in first sc, hdc in next sc, dc in next sc, 3 dc in each of next 4 sc, dc in next sc, hdc in next sc, sc in last sc, ch l, turn.
Row 6: (Sc in front lp of next sc, sk next st, sc in front lp of next sc) rep across, sc in last sc. DO NOT TURN.
Row 7: ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 3 chs, sl st in same st as beg ch-5, turn.
Row 8: Sl st in each of next 5 sts, ch 3, turn, sk first ch, sc in each of next 2 chs and in each of next 5 sl sts, sl st in next unworked st of Row 6, turn.
Row 9: Sk sl st, sl st in each of next 7 sc, ch 3, turn, sk next ch, sc in each of each of next 7 sl sts, sl st in next unworked sc of Row 6, turn.
Row 10: Sk sl st, sl st in each of next 9 sc, ch 3, turn, sc in 2nd ch and in each of next 9 sl sts, sl St in next unworked ch of row 6, turn. CONTINUE ROW 10, adding 2 sc (ch 3) at end of each feather, until 6 feathers have been made, fasten off, leaving 24" end for sewing wing to body.
Rows 1-6: Rep rows l-6 of first wing. Fasten off.
Attach yarn to other end from fasten off.
Row 7: Ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across, sl st in same sc as beg ch-15, turn.
Row 8: Sl st in each of next ll sc, ch l, turn, sc in each sl st across, sl in nxt unworked sc from row 6 turn. CONTINUE ROW 8, dec 2 sc at the end of each feather, until 6 feathers have been made, fasten off, leaving long end for sewing wing to body.
NECK CHAIN: Using Gold Metallic thread, Chook, make a chain to fit around neck of body and slightly hanging down in front of body. Put chain around neck and join in front securing to neck.
HANGER: With Gold Metallic thread, C hook, make a chain and attach to back of bird. Center of gravity can vary and to determine where hanger should be attached, use crochet hook and slip under stitch in center of back at base of head--holding the hook notice how the bird will hang. It should rock as in flight not too up or too down.
HEART: Note: Use single strand of thread, C hook, for small dove, and make two hearts for Med. and Large doves whipping pieces together.
Using C Hook, and Red Crochet thread, ch 3, join to form ring.
Rnd. l: Ch 3, 16 dc in ring; join; 17 sts.
Rnd 2: (sc,hdc,dc) in next dc, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, hdc in next 3 dc, (hdc, dc, hdc) in next dc, hdc in next 3 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in next dc, (dc, hdc, sc) in next dc, slip st in next st; finish off.
Sew heart to center front of gold chain and light tack to body.
Gauge: 2 rows = 1/2"
Body: (Using White)
Row 1) Ch 4; 7 dc in 4th ch from hook (first 4 chs skipped counts as first dc plus foundation ch): 8 dc.
Row 2) Ch 3, turn work (counts as first dc, now and throughout); 2 dc in first st, dc in next 6 dc, 3 dc in last dc: 12 dc.
Row 3) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in next 10 dc, 2 dc in last dc: 14 dc.
Rows 4-8) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in each dc across, working 2 dc in last dc: 16/18/20/22/24 dc.
Rows 9-10) Ch 3, turn work; * dc in next dc; repeat from * across: 24 dc.
Rows 11-14) Ch 2, turn work; dc in next dc (counts as beg decrease), dc each dc across, working a dc decrease over last 2 dc: 22/20/18/16 dc. Dc decrease: (Yo, insert hook in next st, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) for each decrease to be made, yo, draw through all remaining lps on hook to complete the stitch.
Row 15) Ch 2, turn work; dc in next 11 dc, dc decrease over next 4 sts.
Row 16) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 3 sts, dc in next 7 dc, 3 dc in last st (tail).
Row 17) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in next 4 dc, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, sl st in last st. Fasten off; secure ends.
Neck and Head: (Using White)
Row 1) With swan, tail pointing up, join thread to row 4 with a sl st; ch 1, 2 sc over dc post on row 4, dc over dc post on row 3, 2 trc over dc post on row 2: 5 sts.
Row 2) Ch 4, turn work (counts as first trc, now and throughout), trc in next trc, dc in next dc, sc in last 2 sc: 5 sts.
Row 3) Ch 1, turn work, sc in first 2 sc, dc in next dc, trc in last 2 trc: 5 sts.
Row 4) Ch 2, turn work, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in last st: 5 sts.
Row 5) Ch 3, turn work, dc in first st, dc in next 2 sts, dc decrease over last 2 sts: 5 sts.
Rows 6-7) Repeat instructions for row 4 & 5.
Row 8) Ch 3, turn work; dc in next 4 sts: 5 sts.
Rows 9-10) Repeat instructions for rows 4 & 5.
Row 11) Ch 4, turn work; trc in next st, dc in next st, sc in last 2 sts: 5 sts.
Row 12) Ch 1, turn work; sc in first 2 sc, dc in next dc, trc in last 2 trc: 5 sts.
Row 13) Repeat instructions for row 11 & 12.
Row 14) Ch 3, turn work; 2 dc in first st, dc in next 3 sts, 3 dc in last st: 9 sts.
Row 15) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, dc decrease over last 3 sts: 5 sts.
Row 16) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 4 sts. Fasten off; secure ends.
Wing: (Using White)
Row 1) Ch 4, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in 4th ch from hook.
Row 2) Ch 5, turn work; (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp (counts as a shell, now and throughout), ch 3, shell in next ch 2 sp.
Row 3) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell space, ch 3, (dc, ch 2, dc) in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 4) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, 6 trc in next ch 2 sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 5) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, trc in next trc, (ch 1, trc in next trc) 5 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 6) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 1 sp) 5 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 7) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) 4 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 8) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 9) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) twice, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 10) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, sc in last ch 3 lp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 11) Ch 5, turn work; (shell in next shell sp) twice.
Row 13) Ch 5, turn work; 6 dc cluster evenly over next 2 shell sps. Fasten off; secure ends.6 dc cluster: (Yo, insert hook in same sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, yo, insert hook in next sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, (yo, insert hook in same sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw thorugh 2 lps on hook) twice, yo, draw through last 7 lps on hook to complete the st.
Wing Edging: (Using Pink)
Rnd 1) Join thread to any ch 5 turning ch on wing; ch 1, sc in same sp; ch 5, sc in next sp of shell; * ch 5, sc in next ch 5 turning sp, ch 5, sc in next sp of shell; repeat from * around, working a sc in center top of cluster at pineapple point and a sc in foundation ch at bottom of pineapple; join with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off; secure ends.
Cover preferred work surface with plastic wrap and dip swan and wing in stiffening solution. Gently squeeze excess solution from work, being careful not to twist or wring the pieces. Shape on prepared surface, use pins to secure if needed. Let dry and remove from surface. Swan may be shaped using spray starch as well. Glue wing to body of swan. Tie ribbon into a bow and glue to neck as shown in photo. Glue eye on head.
Row 1: Ch 6, join with a sl st to form a ring, ch 3 ( first dc ), work 19 dc into ring, turn. (20).
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next 2 dc) 9 times, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc, turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc, turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc, turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, dc in next 4 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc, turn.
Row 7: Ch 3, dc in next 5 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in ne ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc, turn.
Row 8: Ch 3, dc in next 6 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc, turn.
Row 9: Ch 3, sc n 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st, *(ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st) 3 times, sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sc in ch 1 sp, (sc in next st, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st) 4 times, **, sl st in ch 1 sp, sc in next st, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st, rep from * across, ending at ** on last rep, ending with sl st in last st, fasten off.
Saturate fan with starch and when almost dry, crease at ch 1 sps up and down to create a fan. Cut ribbon into 3 equal lengths, shape 5 lps and glue as in photo. glue rose to center of ribbons.
With White chain (ch) 6, join to form a ring, ch 3, 11 double crochet (dc) in ring, join in 3rd stitch (st) of ch.
6 سلسله – نغلق الدائرة – 3 سلسله – 11 عمود فى الدائرة – نغلق فى ثالث غرزة من السلسله
2nd and 3rd Rounds. Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc), dc in same space, 2 dc in each remaining dc (48 dc in last round), join each round
3 سلسله – ( تعد كأول عمود ) عمود فى نفس الفراغ – 2 عمود فى كل من العواميد ( 48 عمود فى أخر السطر ) نغلق كل سطر
4th Round. Working in dc increase in every 4th st (60 dc), join.
أعملى تزايد عمود فى رابع غرزة ( 60 عمود ) – نغلق
5th Round. Increase in every 5th st, join.
تزايد فى كل من خامس غرزة - نغلق
6th Round. Increase in every 9th st ( 80 dc), join.
تزايد فى كل من 9 غرز ( 80 عمود ) - نغلق
7th Round. Ch 6, dc c in same space, * ch 4, skip 3 dc, single crochet (sc) in next dc, ch 4, skip 3 dc, 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in next dc, repeat from * all around ending with ch 4, skip 3 dc, sc in next dc, ch 4, join in 3rd st of ch.
6 سلسله – عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – حشو فى العمود التالى – 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – عمود – 3 سلسله – عمود فى العمود التالى – كررى من * لأخر السطر أنهى بـ 4 سلسله – نترك 3 عمود – حشو فى العمود التالى – 4 سلسله – نغلق فى ثالث غرزة من السلسله
8th Round. Slip (sl) st st into loop, ch 3, 3 dc in same space, * ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 5, sc in next sc, ch 5, join in 3rd st of ch.
غرزة منزلقة داخل الفراغ – 3 سلسله – 3 عمود فى نفس الفراغ - * 5 سلسله – حشو فى الحشو التالى – 5 سلسله – نترك فراغ – 4 عمود فى الفراغ التالى – كررى من * لأخر السطر أنهى بـ 5 سلسله – حشو فى الحشو التالى – 5 سلسله – نغلق بثالث غرزة من السلسله
9th Round. Ch 3, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 5, join in top of 1st cluster.
3 سلسله – عمود فى كل من الـ 3 عمود التاليين -
10th Round. Ch 6, dc in same space, * ch 5, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in center st of next loop, ch 5, skip 1 loop, 1dc, ch 3, 1 dc in top of next cluster, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 5, join in 3rd st of ch.
11th Round. Sl st into next loop, * ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around but ending with ch 2, dc in sl st (this brings thread in position for next round).
12th Round. * Ch 7, sc in next loop, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next cluster, ch 7, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around but ending last repeat with ch 3, treble crochet (tr c) in dc.
13th Round. Ch 6, dc in same space, * ch 4, 1 dc, ch 3, 1 dc in center st of next loop, repeat from * all around, ch 4, join in 3rd st of ch.
14th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, dc in same space, ch 2, 2 dc in same space keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 6 dc in next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 2 dc cluster st in next loop (2 dc cluster st: 2 dc in same space keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time), ch 2, 2 dc cluster st in same space, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, 2 - 2dc cluster sts with ch 2 between in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join.
15th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3 (counts as part of 1st cluster st), dc in same space, ch 2, 2 dc cluster st in same space (cluster st shell), all shells are cluster st shells and will be referred to as shells for remainder of doily, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc in each of the next 6 dc with ch 1 between each dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
16th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1st ch 1 space, * ch 3, sc in next ch 1 space, repeat from * 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc c, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
17th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1 st loop of pineapple, * ch3, sc in next loop, repeat front * twice, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 2, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, ch 2, join.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ** ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, * ch 3, sc in next loop, repeat from * once, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 3, sc in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 3, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, shell in same space, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn.
Next Row. Sl st into center of shell, ch 3, dc in same space, 2 dc cluster st in center of next shell, cut thread. Attach thread in next shell of 17th round and repeat from last ** once. Finish each pineapple in same manner.
EDGE. Attach Green in center of the 2 cluster sts in top of pineapple, * ch 4 and working down left hand side of pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of row below, repeat from * 4 times, ch 4, skip the ch 2 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip the ch 2 loop, sc in top of next cluster st of next pineapple, * ch 4 and working up right hand side of next pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of next row of same pineapple, repeat from * 3 times, ch 4, sc in center of the 2 cluster sts at top of pineapple, repeat from 1st * all around ending with ch 1, dc in same space as beginning, this brings thread in position for next round.
Next Round. * Ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * 4 times, ** dc 3, 1 dc in each of the next 2 loops keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, ch 3, sl st in top of st just made for picot, ch 3, sc in next loop, * ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, dc 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * 8 times, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, join, cut thread.
BOWL…With White work 1st 6 rounds same as on doily (80 dc).
7Ih Round. Increase in every 5th dc (96 dc), join.
8th Round. Dc 5, dc in same space, * dc 2, skip 3 dc, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next dc, repeat from * all around, ch2, join in 3rd st of ch.
9th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, 3 dc in same space, * ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip 1 loop, 4 dc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 4, join.
10th Round. Ch 3, 1 dc in each of the next 3 dc keeping last loop of each dc on hook, thread over and work off all loops at one time, * dc 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 4, 4 dc cluster over next 4 dc, repeat from * all around ending with ch 4, sc in next loop, ch 5, sc in next loop, ch 4, join in 1st cluster.
11th Round. Ch 5, dc in same space, * ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, dc 2, 1 dc in center st of next loop, ch 3, skip 1 loop, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in top of next cluster, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join in 3rd st of ch.
12th Round. Sl st into loop, ch 3, and work a cluster st shell same as on doily in same space (all shells are worked same as on doily), * ch 2, skip 1 loop, 5 dc in next loop, ch 2, skip 1 loop, shell in next loop, ch 2, sc in center st of next loop, ch 2, shell in next loop, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, ch 3, join.
13th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 2, 1 dc in each of the next 5 dc with ch-1 between each dc, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
14th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ** ch 2, skip 1 loop, sc in next ch 1 space, * ch 3, sc in next ch 1 space, repeat from * twice, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, sc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, repeat from ** all around ending to correspond, Join.
15th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, * ch 2, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
16th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, * ch 2, sc in 1st loop of pineapple, ch 3, sc in next loop, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 3, sc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
17th Round. Sl st into shell, ch 3, shell in same space, ch 2, sc in remaining loop of pineapple, ch 2, shell in next shell, ch 2, 1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc in next sc, ch 2, shell in next shell, repeat from * all around ending to correspond, join.
Next Row. SI st into shell, * ch 3, shell in same space, shell in next shell, ch 1, turn,
Next Row. Sl st into shell, ch 3, dc in same space, 9 dc cluster st in next shell, cut thread.
Attach thread in center of next shell of 17th round, repeat from last * once. Finish each pineapple in same manner.
EDGE: Attach Green at center of point, * ch 4 and working down side of pineapple, sc in top of cluster st of row below, repeat from * once, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in next loop, ch 4, skip 1 loop, sc in top of next cluster st of same row, working up side of next pineapple, ch 4, sc in top of cluster st of next row of same pineapple, ch 4, sc between the 2 cluster sts at top of pineapple, repeat from 1st * all around ending with ch 1, dc in same space as beginning.
Next Round. * Ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, sc in next loop, repeat from * all around ending with ch 5, sl st in 3rd st from hook for picot, ch 2, join in dc, cut thread
Dissolve 1/4 cup starch in 1/2 cup of cold water. Boil about 2 cups of water, remove from flame, then slowly stir the starch mixture into boiling water stirring constantly. Place back on flame until it thickens. As soon as starch is cool enough to handle, clip articles and squeeze starch through them thoroughly. Wring out extra starch. The articles should be wet with starch but there should be none in the spaces. Pin doily in position according to size and leave until thoroughly dry. Place crocheted bowl over a bowl 9 inches in diameter across top and about 4 1/2 inches deep and leave until thoroughly dry.
Gauge: Rounds 1-2 of the back piece = about 2”
Finished size: About 4 1/2” from point to point
Preparation Center 2” ring over the photo so that it looks the way you want it when framed. Trace around the outside of the 2” ring onto the centered photo, then cut the photo along the traced circle. Laminate photo, it desired.
Ch 5; join with a sl st to the first ch to form a ring
Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 14 more dc in the ring; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (15 dc)
Round 2: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the same st as joining, work 2 dc in each remaining dc around; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (30 dc)
Round 3: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, hdc in the next st, dc in the next st, 3 trc in the next st, dc in the next st, hdc in the next st, (sc in the next st, hdc in the next st, dc in the next st, 3 trc in the next st, dc in the next st, hdc in the next st) 4 times; join with a sl st in the first sc. (40 sts)
Round 4: (Sc in the next hdc, hdc in the next dc, dc in the next trc, 5 trc in the next trc, dc in the next trc, hdc in the next dc, sc in the next hdc, skip the next sc) 5 times; join with a sl st in the first sc. (55 sts) Fasten Front
Round 1: Work 30 sc around the 2” ring; join with a sl st to the first sc. (30 sc)
Round 2: Work the same as round 3 of piece A. (40 sts)
Round 3: Work the same as round 4 of piece A. (55 sts) Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Finishing Glue the photo to the back of the crochet-covered ring of the front piece, making sure the top of the photo aligns with one of the points of the star, so the photo will be straight when hung. Allow glue to dry. With wrong sides together, match the points of the stars of the front and back pieces. Join yarn with a sl st through any matching stitch of both pieces; (ch 1, sl st in the next st) three-quarters of the way around, working (ch 1, sl st) twice in the center trc of the each point of the star. Stuff with fiberfill, pushing the fiberfill into the corners of the star. Continue crocheting closed. Fasten off. Join yarn with a sl st in the ch-1 sp at the top point of the star; ch 10, sl st in the same ch-1 sp for hanging loop. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Rnd l: Ch 2, 6 sc in end ch from hook. (6) Mark beginning of round.
2 سلسله – 6 حشو فى نهاية السلسله من الإبرة -
Rnd 2: 2 sc in each sc around. (12)
2 حشو فى كل حشو بالسطر ( 12 حشو )
Rnd 3: Sc in each sc around.
حشو فى كل حشو لأخر السطر
Rnd 4: (Sc in next sc, 2 sc in next sc) rep around. (18)
( حشو فى الحشو التالى – 2 حشو فى الحشو التالى ) كررى لأخر السطر ( 18 حشو)
Rnd 5: Repeat rnd 3.
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 6: (Sc in next sc, dec l sc over next 2 sc) 3 times --MARK CENTER DEC AS CENTER FRONT OF
( حشو فى الحشو التالى – تناقص فى غرزة الحشو و الـ 2 حشو التاليين ) " 3 مرات " --
HEAD-- sc in each of next 9 sc. (15)
حشو فى كل من الـ 9 حشو التالية ( 15 حشو )
Rnd 7-8: Repeat Rnd 3.
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 9: Sc next 10 sc, (increase, sc) 3 times, sc to end.
حشو فى الـ 10 حشو التالية – ( ترزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – حشو إلى النهاية
Rnd 10-11: Repeat Rnd 3
كررى السطر 3
Rnd 12: Sc in each of next 12 scs, ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of next 5 ch, sc in each of next 5 sc.
حشو فى كل من الـ 12 حشو التاليه – 7 سلسله – حشو فى ثانى سلسله من الأبرة – حشو فى كل من الـ 5 سلسله التالية – حشو فى كل من الـ 5 الحشو التالية
Rnd 13: Sc in next 17 sc, inc, sc, inc, sc last 10 sc.
حشو فى الـ 17 حشو التاليه – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو أخر 10 حشو
Rnd 14: Sc in each of next 3 sc, (inc, sc) 3 times, sc 4, inc, sc 6, inc, sc, inc, sc 5, inc, sc. (39)
حشو فى كل من الـ 3 حشو التاليه – (تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – 4 حشو - تزايد فى عدد الغرز – 6حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو – تزايد فى عدد الغرز – 5 حشو– تزايد فى عدد الغرز – حشو ( 39 حشو )
Rnd 15: Sc around.
حشو لأخر السطر
Rnd 16: Sc l, (dec, sc) 3 times, sc 7, dec l, sc 6, dec, sc, dec, sc 6, dec, sc 4. (32)
1 حشو – ( تناقص عدد الغرز – حشو ) " 3 مرات " – 7 حشو – 1تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 6 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 6 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 4حشو ( 32 حشو )
Rnd 17: Sc in each of next 10 sc, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 3, dec, sc 7. (29)
حشو فى كل من الـ 10 حشو التالية - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 3حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 3 حشو – تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 7 حشو ( 29 حشو )
Rnd 18: Sc in each of next 15 sc, dec, sc, dec, sc 9. (27)
حشو فى كل من الـ 15 حشو التالية - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – حشو - تناقص فى عدد الغرز – 9 حشو( 27 حشو )
Rnd 19: Sc 2 sc tog, arund. Stuff and continue decreasing to close. Finish Off. Weave.
نشتغل 2 حشو فى الحشو التالى
BEAK: With black ch 4 fasten off. Tie to front of head.
TAIL: (Make Two)
Row l: Ch 7, Sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc next 5 chs. Ch l, turn. (6)
Row 2-5: Sc across, ch l turn.
Row 6: Dec. over next 2 sc, sc next 2 sc, Dec over next 2 sc, ch l turn. (4)
Row 7-12: Sc across, ch l turn.
Row 13: (Dec) twice. (2)
Row 14: 2 sc, fasten off.
Sew two pieces together. Sew to back of body easing to fit.
Row l: Ch 7, sc in 2nd ch from hook, hdc in next ch, 3 dc in each of next 2 chs, hdc in next ch, sc in last ch, ch l, turn.
Row 2-4: Sc across, ch l, turn.
Row 5: Sc in first sc, hdc in next sc, dc in next sc, 3 dc in each of next 4 sc, dc in next sc, hdc in next sc, sc in last sc, ch l, turn.
Row 6: (Sc in front lp of next sc, sk next st, sc in front lp of next sc) rep across, sc in last sc. DO NOT TURN.
Row 7: ch 5, sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each of next 3 chs, sl st in same st as beg ch-5, turn.
Row 8: Sl st in each of next 5 sts, ch 3, turn, sk first ch, sc in each of next 2 chs and in each of next 5 sl sts, sl st in next unworked st of Row 6, turn.
Row 9: Sk sl st, sl st in each of next 7 sc, ch 3, turn, sk next ch, sc in each of each of next 7 sl sts, sl st in next unworked sc of Row 6, turn.
Row 10: Sk sl st, sl st in each of next 9 sc, ch 3, turn, sc in 2nd ch and in each of next 9 sl sts, sl St in next unworked ch of row 6, turn. CONTINUE ROW 10, adding 2 sc (ch 3) at end of each feather, until 6 feathers have been made, fasten off, leaving 24" end for sewing wing to body.
Rows 1-6: Rep rows l-6 of first wing. Fasten off.
Attach yarn to other end from fasten off.
Row 7: Ch 15, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across, sl st in same sc as beg ch-15, turn.
Row 8: Sl st in each of next ll sc, ch l, turn, sc in each sl st across, sl in nxt unworked sc from row 6 turn. CONTINUE ROW 8, dec 2 sc at the end of each feather, until 6 feathers have been made, fasten off, leaving long end for sewing wing to body.
NECK CHAIN: Using Gold Metallic thread, Chook, make a chain to fit around neck of body and slightly hanging down in front of body. Put chain around neck and join in front securing to neck.
HANGER: With Gold Metallic thread, C hook, make a chain and attach to back of bird. Center of gravity can vary and to determine where hanger should be attached, use crochet hook and slip under stitch in center of back at base of head--holding the hook notice how the bird will hang. It should rock as in flight not too up or too down.
HEART: Note: Use single strand of thread, C hook, for small dove, and make two hearts for Med. and Large doves whipping pieces together.
Using C Hook, and Red Crochet thread, ch 3, join to form ring.
Rnd. l: Ch 3, 16 dc in ring; join; 17 sts.
Rnd 2: (sc,hdc,dc) in next dc, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, hdc in next 3 dc, (hdc, dc, hdc) in next dc, hdc in next 3 dc, dc in next 2 dc, 3 dc in next dc, (dc, hdc, sc) in next dc, slip st in next st; finish off.
Sew heart to center front of gold chain and light tack to body.
Gauge: 2 rows = 1/2"
Body: (Using White)
Row 1) Ch 4; 7 dc in 4th ch from hook (first 4 chs skipped counts as first dc plus foundation ch): 8 dc.
Row 2) Ch 3, turn work (counts as first dc, now and throughout); 2 dc in first st, dc in next 6 dc, 3 dc in last dc: 12 dc.
Row 3) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in next 10 dc, 2 dc in last dc: 14 dc.
Rows 4-8) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in each dc across, working 2 dc in last dc: 16/18/20/22/24 dc.
Rows 9-10) Ch 3, turn work; * dc in next dc; repeat from * across: 24 dc.
Rows 11-14) Ch 2, turn work; dc in next dc (counts as beg decrease), dc each dc across, working a dc decrease over last 2 dc: 22/20/18/16 dc. Dc decrease: (Yo, insert hook in next st, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) for each decrease to be made, yo, draw through all remaining lps on hook to complete the stitch.
Row 15) Ch 2, turn work; dc in next 11 dc, dc decrease over next 4 sts.
Row 16) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 3 sts, dc in next 7 dc, 3 dc in last st (tail).
Row 17) Ch 3, turn work; dc in first st, dc in next 4 dc, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, sl st in last st. Fasten off; secure ends.
Neck and Head: (Using White)
Row 1) With swan, tail pointing up, join thread to row 4 with a sl st; ch 1, 2 sc over dc post on row 4, dc over dc post on row 3, 2 trc over dc post on row 2: 5 sts.
Row 2) Ch 4, turn work (counts as first trc, now and throughout), trc in next trc, dc in next dc, sc in last 2 sc: 5 sts.
Row 3) Ch 1, turn work, sc in first 2 sc, dc in next dc, trc in last 2 trc: 5 sts.
Row 4) Ch 2, turn work, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in last st: 5 sts.
Row 5) Ch 3, turn work, dc in first st, dc in next 2 sts, dc decrease over last 2 sts: 5 sts.
Rows 6-7) Repeat instructions for row 4 & 5.
Row 8) Ch 3, turn work; dc in next 4 sts: 5 sts.
Rows 9-10) Repeat instructions for rows 4 & 5.
Row 11) Ch 4, turn work; trc in next st, dc in next st, sc in last 2 sts: 5 sts.
Row 12) Ch 1, turn work; sc in first 2 sc, dc in next dc, trc in last 2 trc: 5 sts.
Row 13) Repeat instructions for row 11 & 12.
Row 14) Ch 3, turn work; 2 dc in first st, dc in next 3 sts, 3 dc in last st: 9 sts.
Row 15) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 2 sts, dc in next 3 sts, dc decrease over last 3 sts: 5 sts.
Row 16) Ch 2, turn work; dc decrease over next 4 sts. Fasten off; secure ends.
Wing: (Using White)
Row 1) Ch 4, (dc, ch 2, 2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in 4th ch from hook.
Row 2) Ch 5, turn work; (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp (counts as a shell, now and throughout), ch 3, shell in next ch 2 sp.
Row 3) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell space, ch 3, (dc, ch 2, dc) in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 4) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, 6 trc in next ch 2 sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 5) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, trc in next trc, (ch 1, trc in next trc) 5 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 6) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 1 sp) 5 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 7) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) 4 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 8) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) 3 times, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 9) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch 3 lp) twice, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 10) Ch 5, turn work; shell in next shell sp, ch 3, sc in last ch 3 lp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp.
Row 11) Ch 5, turn work; (shell in next shell sp) twice.
Row 13) Ch 5, turn work; 6 dc cluster evenly over next 2 shell sps. Fasten off; secure ends.6 dc cluster: (Yo, insert hook in same sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, yo, insert hook in next sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook, (yo, insert hook in same sp, pull up a lp, yo, draw thorugh 2 lps on hook) twice, yo, draw through last 7 lps on hook to complete the st.
Wing Edging: (Using Pink)
Rnd 1) Join thread to any ch 5 turning ch on wing; ch 1, sc in same sp; ch 5, sc in next sp of shell; * ch 5, sc in next ch 5 turning sp, ch 5, sc in next sp of shell; repeat from * around, working a sc in center top of cluster at pineapple point and a sc in foundation ch at bottom of pineapple; join with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off; secure ends.
Cover preferred work surface with plastic wrap and dip swan and wing in stiffening solution. Gently squeeze excess solution from work, being careful not to twist or wring the pieces. Shape on prepared surface, use pins to secure if needed. Let dry and remove from surface. Swan may be shaped using spray starch as well. Glue wing to body of swan. Tie ribbon into a bow and glue to neck as shown in photo. Glue eye on head.
Row 1: Ch 6, join with a sl st to form a ring, ch 3 ( first dc ), work 19 dc into ring, turn. (20).
Row 2: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (ch 1, dc in next 2 dc) 9 times, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, dc in next dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 2 dc, turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, dc in next 2 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 3 dc, turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, dc in next 3 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 4 dc, turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, dc in next 4 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 5 dc, turn.
Row 7: Ch 3, dc in next 5 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in ne ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in next ch 1 sp, dc in next 6 dc, turn.
Row 8: Ch 3, dc in next 6 dc, (dc, ch 1, dc in ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc, ch 1, sk ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc) 4times, dc, ch 1, dc in ch 1 sp, dc in next 7 dc, turn.
Row 9: Ch 3, sc n 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st, *(ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st) 3 times, sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sc in ch 1 sp, (sc in next st, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st) 4 times, **, sl st in ch 1 sp, sc in next st, ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook, sk 1 st, sc in next st, rep from * across, ending at ** on last rep, ending with sl st in last st, fasten off.
Saturate fan with starch and when almost dry, crease at ch 1 sps up and down to create a fan. Cut ribbon into 3 equal lengths, shape 5 lps and glue as in photo. glue rose to center of ribbons.

Special Note: Star book no. 45 *Treasure chest of Crochet* The American Thread Co in NY. 1946 Note: A sdc is what we refer to as a hdc.
Row 1) Ch 7, sl st in starting st, ch 3, 17 dc in ring; sl st in 3rd ch of beg. ch 7. Work following rnds in back lps.
Row 2) Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem dc; sl st in ch 3, (36 dc counting the ch 3).
Row 3) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next), rep around (54 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 4) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (72 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 5) Ch 3, dc in same st (dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (90 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 6) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (108 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 7) Ch 1, sc in same st, (sc in next 5 dc, 2 sc in next dc), rep around (126 sc); sl st in ch 1. Fasten off.
Row 1) Ch 126; sl st in starting st; ch 5, 2 trc in same st, holding the last lp of each trc on hook, thread over and pull through all lps on hook at once (a cluster st), (ch 2, a 3 trc cluster st in next 3rd st of long ch) 41 times, ch 2, sl st in first cluster st, sl st in next sp.
Row 2) (Ch 4, sc in next sp) rep around; sl st in ch 4.
Row 3) Ch 5, a 2 trc cluster st in same lp, (ch 2, a 3 trc cluster st in next lp) rep around. ch 2, sl st in first cluster st, sl st in next sp.
Repeat Rows 2 & 3 eight times, then rep row 2, once more.
Heading Row:
Row 1) Ch 3, sdc in next lp, (sdc: thread over, insert in st, pull through and work off all lps at one time), (ch2, sdc in next lp), rep around; join with a sl st of 1st ch 3.
Row 1) Turn, sl st in last 2 ch; * ch 2, dc, ch 3 and trc in next sp, ch 3, trc, ch 3 and dc in next sp, ch 2, sc in next sp. Rep from * around (14 shells).
Row 2) Ch 1, turn, (2 sc in next 2 ch, 4 sc in next sp, 5 sc in next, 4 sc in next, 2 sc in next), rep around; sl st in 1st sc.
Row 3) Ch 1, turn and working in back lps, sk last sc; * sc in next 7 sc, 3 sc in next (center) sc, sc in next 7 sc, sk 2 sc in angle and rep from * around; sl st in first sc.
Row 4) Ch 5 for a trc; * ch 1, a 3 trc cluster st in back lp of 1st of 3 sc at tip of next point, ch 5, a 3 trc cluster in next sc, ch 5, a cluster st in same st, ch 5, a cluster st in next sc, ch 1, trc down in sc in angle bet points; rep from * around; join with a final 1 ch to 5th st of 1st ch 6, sl st up to 3rd st of next 5 ch lp.
Row 5) * Ch 7, trc, ch 7, trc in 3rd st of middle 5 ch, ch 7, sc in next 5 ch, ch 5, sc across in next 5 ch; rep from * around; sl st to center of next ch 7.
Row 6) Ch 5 for a trc; * ch 5, a 3 dtrc cluster st in next 7 ch lp, (ch 7, a 3 dtrc cluster st in same lp), 3 times, ch 5, trc in next 7 ch, dc in next 5 ch lp, trc in next 7 ch lp; rep from * around; join final dc to 5th st of 1st 10 ch, sl st to center of next 5 ch.
Row 7) * (Ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sc in same lp) 3 times, ch 5, sc in next lp, dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 5 ch lp.
Row 8) * (Ch 6, sc in next lp) 6 times, dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 9) * (Ch 7, sc in next lp) 5 times, 2 dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 7 ch lp.
Row 10) * Ch 8, sc in next lp, ch 4, trc in next lp, (ch 4, trc in same lp), 3 times, ch 4, sc in next lp, ch 8, sc in next , dc in 2 dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around, sl st to center of 1st 8 ch lp.
Row 11) * (Ch 6, sc in next 4 ch lp) 5 times, ch 6, sc in next 8 ch lp, 1 dc in 1st dc in angle, 2 dc in next dc, sc in next 8 ch lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 12) * Ch 6, dc in next lp, (ch 7, dc in next), 3 times, ch 6, sc in next lp, 1 dc in 1st dc in angle, 3 dc in next, 1 dc in next, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 13) 4 sc over balance of lp, 8 sc in next , * (4 sc, ch 5, sl st in last sc for a picot, and 4 sc) in next lp, 8sc in next, 4 sc in next, dc in 1st 2 dc in angle, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, (4 sc in next lp), twice; ** ch7, turn, sk last 2 dc in angle, dtrc in next dc, ch 7, trtrc in next dc, ch 7, dtrc in next dc, ch 7, sl st in next 8th sc, ch 7, sc in 5th st from hook for picot, ch 2, turn, dc in 4th st of last 7 ch lp, (ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in 2nd st of next 7 ch lp, ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in next 3rd st) twice, ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in 4th st of next lp, ch 6, picot, ch 3, sl st in end sc; ** 4 sc over balance of lp; rep from * around; sl st to 8th sc and rep from ** to **. Fasten off, secure ends.
Joining & Edging:
Row 1) Crochet the edges of base and pedestal together with 1 sc through each st (126 sc).
Row 2) * Ch2 , dc, ch 3, trc in next 4th sc, ch 3, trc, ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 2, sc in next 4th sc; rep from * around. (14 shells).
Row 3) * 2 sc in next 2 ch, 4 sc in 3 ch, 3 sc, picot, and 2 sc in next 3 ch 4 sc in next, 2 sc in 2 ch; rep from * around. Fasten off, secure ends.
Insert glass in basket. Turn basket upside down on ironing board and stretch and pin top down flat in a true circle. Dampen entire basket thoroughly by patting and rubbing with a cloth dipped in very thick cooked, hot starch made of half sugar and half starch. Tip glass-filled pedestal of basket over at an angle. Hold in place by running a thread through one of the scallops around base, tied down to a pin on ironing board. Allow to stand until thoroughly dry and set.
Remove from board. Run a knife blade down between crochet and glass to loosen. Clean glass and return to basket.
Clear shellac can be used instead of sugar and starch. Apply shellac with a brush.
Tip: Instead of using a solution made from sugar and starch, use commercial brands or a sugar syrup solution, wrap glass in plastic wrap before inserting the glass in basket. When dried, simply slip the crochet off by loosening the plastic wrap from the glass used.
Special Stitches: Shell: work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st.
Dc Dec: (yo, insert hook in indicated st, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) as many times as stated, yo, draw through last lps on hook to complete the dec.
Row 1) Ch 4; 8 dc in 4th ch from hook (first 3 ch skipped count as first dc): 9 dc.
Row 2) Ch 3, turn work; sk next dc, shell in next dc see special sts, sk next dc; * shell in next dc, sk next dc; rep from * once; dc in last dc: 3 shells.
Row 3) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in first st (counts as a beg shell); (shell in next shell sp) 3 times, shell in last ch 3 turning ch: 5 shells.
Row 4) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 1, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last dc of last shell: 5 shells.
Row 5) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 5 shells/4 ch 3-sps.
Row 6) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * shell in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp (center ch), shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells.
Row 7) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 1, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells.
Row 8) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 2, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 2-sps.
Row 9) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 3-sps.
Row 10) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 2, sc in next sp, ch 2, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/16 ch 2 sps.
Row 11) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 4, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 4-sps.
Row 12) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, sc in next sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/16 ch 3-sps.
Row 13) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 5, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 5-sps.
Row 14) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * (ch 2, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 2) in next ch 5 sp, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 3-sps/16 ch 2-sps.
Row 15) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * skip next sp, (dc, ch 5, dc) in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp (center sp), shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 5-sps.
Row 16) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; (9 dc) in next ch 5 sp (fan made); * (dc, ch 3, dc) in next shell sp, (9 dc) in next ch 5 sp; rep from * 6 times; shell in last shell sp, dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 2 shells/8 fans.
Row 17) Ch 1, turn work, sc in same st, ch 2, sc in next shell sp, dc in next dc of fan, (ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc) 4 times; * sc in next ch 3 sp, dc in next dc of fan, (ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc) 4 times; rep from * 6 times; sc in last shell sp, ch 2, sc in ch 3 turning ch.
Row 18) Ch 3, turn work; dc in next dc; * (ch 3, dc in next dc) 3 times, ch 3, dc dec over last dc of group and next dc of next group see special sts; rep from * 6 times; (ch 3, dc in next dc) 4 times, dc in last sc: 7 dec.
Row 19) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in first st (counts as a beg shell), dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice; * shell in top of next dec, dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice; rep from * 6 times; dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice, shell in last dc: 2 shells.
Row 20) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, sc in next dc, (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next dc, dc in same st, sc in next dc; * (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, sc in next dc, (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next dc, dc in same st, sc in next dc; rep from * 7 times; (dc, ch 1,) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, dc in last dc of shell. Fasten off, secure ends.
Cover preferred work surface with plastic wrap. Dip fan in stiffening solution and gently squeeze out excess being careful not to twist or wring the piece. Shape on prepared surface and pin in place if needed. Let dry. Remove from surface. Decorate as desired or as shown in photo.
Row1: Chain 4, 5 dc in 4th ch from hook, turn. First 3 ch count as first dc.
Row 2: Ch 3, 2 dc in each of the next 4 sts, dc in last st, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next st) 4 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 6 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, skip next st; for V-st, do (dc, ch 2, dc) in next st; (ch 1, skip next st, dc in next st, ch 1, skip next st, V st in next st) 4 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch sp of next V st, ch 1, dc in nest st, ch 1; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch sp of last V st, dc in last st, turn.
Row 7: Ch 4, *(2dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp, ch 1, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 1; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch sp, ch 1, dc in last st, turn.
Row 8: Ch 4, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp, ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 2; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch sp, ch 1, skip next ch, dc in next ch, turn.
Row 9: Ch 6, skip next ch sp; *for shell, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the next ch 2 sp; (ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 2, skip next ch sp shell in next ch sp) 4 times, ch 3, skip next ch, dc in next ch, turn.
Rows 10 and 11: Ch 6, (shell in ch sp of next shell, ch 2, dc in next st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in ch sp of last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6, turn.
Row 12: Ch 6, (shell i next shell, ch 2, V st in next st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch6, turn.
Row 13: Ch 6, (shell in next shell, ch 2, shell in next V st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6, turn.
Row 14: Ch 6, (*dc in first dc of same shell, ch 2, sc in ch sp of same shell, ch 2, dc in last dc of same shell*, ch 2) 8 times; repeat between * and *, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6. DO NOT FASTEN OFF!!
Edging Round 1: Sc in each st, 2 sc in each ch sp and 3 sc in end of each row around, with 6 sc in each corner. Do this around the entire dishcloth until you get back to the beginning of this round. Join with sl st in first row.
Edging Row 2: (Working along top only) sl st in next st, ch 1, sc in next st, (skip next 2 sts, 7 dc in next st, skip next 2 sts, sc in next st) 13 times, sc in next st, sl st in next st. Fasten off and weave in ends.
Special Note: Star book no. 45 *Treasure chest of Crochet* The American Thread Co in NY. 1946 Note: A sdc is what we refer to as a hdc.
Row 1) Ch 7, sl st in starting st, ch 3, 17 dc in ring; sl st in 3rd ch of beg. ch 7. Work following rnds in back lps.
Row 2) Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each rem dc; sl st in ch 3, (36 dc counting the ch 3).
Row 3) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next), rep around (54 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 4) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next 2 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (72 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 5) Ch 3, dc in same st (dc in next 3 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (90 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 6) Ch 3, dc in same st, (dc in next 4 dc, 2 dc in next dc), rep around (108 dc); sl st in ch 3.
Row 7) Ch 1, sc in same st, (sc in next 5 dc, 2 sc in next dc), rep around (126 sc); sl st in ch 1. Fasten off.
Row 1) Ch 126; sl st in starting st; ch 5, 2 trc in same st, holding the last lp of each trc on hook, thread over and pull through all lps on hook at once (a cluster st), (ch 2, a 3 trc cluster st in next 3rd st of long ch) 41 times, ch 2, sl st in first cluster st, sl st in next sp.
Row 2) (Ch 4, sc in next sp) rep around; sl st in ch 4.
Row 3) Ch 5, a 2 trc cluster st in same lp, (ch 2, a 3 trc cluster st in next lp) rep around. ch 2, sl st in first cluster st, sl st in next sp.
Repeat Rows 2 & 3 eight times, then rep row 2, once more.
Heading Row:
Row 1) Ch 3, sdc in next lp, (sdc: thread over, insert in st, pull through and work off all lps at one time), (ch2, sdc in next lp), rep around; join with a sl st of 1st ch 3.
Row 1) Turn, sl st in last 2 ch; * ch 2, dc, ch 3 and trc in next sp, ch 3, trc, ch 3 and dc in next sp, ch 2, sc in next sp. Rep from * around (14 shells).
Row 2) Ch 1, turn, (2 sc in next 2 ch, 4 sc in next sp, 5 sc in next, 4 sc in next, 2 sc in next), rep around; sl st in 1st sc.
Row 3) Ch 1, turn and working in back lps, sk last sc; * sc in next 7 sc, 3 sc in next (center) sc, sc in next 7 sc, sk 2 sc in angle and rep from * around; sl st in first sc.
Row 4) Ch 5 for a trc; * ch 1, a 3 trc cluster st in back lp of 1st of 3 sc at tip of next point, ch 5, a 3 trc cluster in next sc, ch 5, a cluster st in same st, ch 5, a cluster st in next sc, ch 1, trc down in sc in angle bet points; rep from * around; join with a final 1 ch to 5th st of 1st ch 6, sl st up to 3rd st of next 5 ch lp.
Row 5) * Ch 7, trc, ch 7, trc in 3rd st of middle 5 ch, ch 7, sc in next 5 ch, ch 5, sc across in next 5 ch; rep from * around; sl st to center of next ch 7.
Row 6) Ch 5 for a trc; * ch 5, a 3 dtrc cluster st in next 7 ch lp, (ch 7, a 3 dtrc cluster st in same lp), 3 times, ch 5, trc in next 7 ch, dc in next 5 ch lp, trc in next 7 ch lp; rep from * around; join final dc to 5th st of 1st 10 ch, sl st to center of next 5 ch.
Row 7) * (Ch 5, sc in next lp, ch 5, sc in same lp) 3 times, ch 5, sc in next lp, dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 5 ch lp.
Row 8) * (Ch 6, sc in next lp) 6 times, dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 9) * (Ch 7, sc in next lp) 5 times, 2 dc in dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 7 ch lp.
Row 10) * Ch 8, sc in next lp, ch 4, trc in next lp, (ch 4, trc in same lp), 3 times, ch 4, sc in next lp, ch 8, sc in next , dc in 2 dc in angle, sc in next lp; rep from * around, sl st to center of 1st 8 ch lp.
Row 11) * (Ch 6, sc in next 4 ch lp) 5 times, ch 6, sc in next 8 ch lp, 1 dc in 1st dc in angle, 2 dc in next dc, sc in next 8 ch lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 12) * Ch 6, dc in next lp, (ch 7, dc in next), 3 times, ch 6, sc in next lp, 1 dc in 1st dc in angle, 3 dc in next, 1 dc in next, sc in next lp; rep from * around; sl st to center of 1st 6 ch lp.
Row 13) 4 sc over balance of lp, 8 sc in next , * (4 sc, ch 5, sl st in last sc for a picot, and 4 sc) in next lp, 8sc in next, 4 sc in next, dc in 1st 2 dc in angle, 3 dc in next dc, dc in next 2 dc, (4 sc in next lp), twice; ** ch7, turn, sk last 2 dc in angle, dtrc in next dc, ch 7, trtrc in next dc, ch 7, dtrc in next dc, ch 7, sl st in next 8th sc, ch 7, sc in 5th st from hook for picot, ch 2, turn, dc in 4th st of last 7 ch lp, (ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in 2nd st of next 7 ch lp, ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in next 3rd st) twice, ch 6, picot, ch 2, dc in 4th st of next lp, ch 6, picot, ch 3, sl st in end sc; ** 4 sc over balance of lp; rep from * around; sl st to 8th sc and rep from ** to **. Fasten off, secure ends.
Joining & Edging:
Row 1) Crochet the edges of base and pedestal together with 1 sc through each st (126 sc).
Row 2) * Ch2 , dc, ch 3, trc in next 4th sc, ch 3, trc, ch 3, dc in next sc, ch 2, sc in next 4th sc; rep from * around. (14 shells).
Row 3) * 2 sc in next 2 ch, 4 sc in 3 ch, 3 sc, picot, and 2 sc in next 3 ch 4 sc in next, 2 sc in 2 ch; rep from * around. Fasten off, secure ends.
Insert glass in basket. Turn basket upside down on ironing board and stretch and pin top down flat in a true circle. Dampen entire basket thoroughly by patting and rubbing with a cloth dipped in very thick cooked, hot starch made of half sugar and half starch. Tip glass-filled pedestal of basket over at an angle. Hold in place by running a thread through one of the scallops around base, tied down to a pin on ironing board. Allow to stand until thoroughly dry and set.
Remove from board. Run a knife blade down between crochet and glass to loosen. Clean glass and return to basket.
Clear shellac can be used instead of sugar and starch. Apply shellac with a brush.
Tip: Instead of using a solution made from sugar and starch, use commercial brands or a sugar syrup solution, wrap glass in plastic wrap before inserting the glass in basket. When dried, simply slip the crochet off by loosening the plastic wrap from the glass used.
Special Stitches: Shell: work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in indicated st.
Dc Dec: (yo, insert hook in indicated st, pull up a lp, yo, draw through 2 lps on hook) as many times as stated, yo, draw through last lps on hook to complete the dec.
Row 1) Ch 4; 8 dc in 4th ch from hook (first 3 ch skipped count as first dc): 9 dc.
Row 2) Ch 3, turn work; sk next dc, shell in next dc see special sts, sk next dc; * shell in next dc, sk next dc; rep from * once; dc in last dc: 3 shells.
Row 3) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in first st (counts as a beg shell); (shell in next shell sp) 3 times, shell in last ch 3 turning ch: 5 shells.
Row 4) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 1, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last dc of last shell: 5 shells.
Row 5) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 5 shells/4 ch 3-sps.
Row 6) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * shell in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp (center ch), shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells.
Row 7) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 1, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells.
Row 8) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 2, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 2-sps.
Row 9) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 3-sps.
Row 10) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 2, sc in next sp, ch 2, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/16 ch 2 sps.
Row 11) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 4, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 4-sps.
Row 12) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 3, sc in next sp, ch 3, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/16 ch 3-sps.
Row 13) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * ch 5, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 5-sps.
Row 14) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * (ch 2, sc, ch 3, sc, ch 2) in next ch 5 sp, shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 3-sps/16 ch 2-sps.
Row 15) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; * skip next sp, (dc, ch 5, dc) in 2nd ch of next ch 3 sp (center sp), shell in next shell sp; rep from * across; dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 9 shells/8 ch 5-sps.
Row 16) Ch 3, turn work; shell in next shell sp; (9 dc) in next ch 5 sp (fan made); * (dc, ch 3, dc) in next shell sp, (9 dc) in next ch 5 sp; rep from * 6 times; shell in last shell sp, dc in last ch 3 turning ch: 2 shells/8 fans.
Row 17) Ch 1, turn work, sc in same st, ch 2, sc in next shell sp, dc in next dc of fan, (ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc) 4 times; * sc in next ch 3 sp, dc in next dc of fan, (ch 2, sk next dc, dc in next dc) 4 times; rep from * 6 times; sc in last shell sp, ch 2, sc in ch 3 turning ch.
Row 18) Ch 3, turn work; dc in next dc; * (ch 3, dc in next dc) 3 times, ch 3, dc dec over last dc of group and next dc of next group see special sts; rep from * 6 times; (ch 3, dc in next dc) 4 times, dc in last sc: 7 dec.
Row 19) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in first st (counts as a beg shell), dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice; * shell in top of next dec, dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice; rep from * 6 times; dc in next dc, (ch 3, dc in next dc) twice, shell in last dc: 2 shells.
Row 20) Ch 3, turn work; (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, sc in next dc, (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next dc, dc in same st, sc in next dc; * (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, sc in next dc, (dc, ch 1) 4 times in next dc, dc in same st, sc in next dc; rep from * 7 times; (dc, ch 1,) 4 times in next shell sp, dc in same sp, dc in last dc of shell. Fasten off, secure ends.
Cover preferred work surface with plastic wrap. Dip fan in stiffening solution and gently squeeze out excess being careful not to twist or wring the piece. Shape on prepared surface and pin in place if needed. Let dry. Remove from surface. Decorate as desired or as shown in photo.
Row1: Chain 4, 5 dc in 4th ch from hook, turn. First 3 ch count as first dc.
Row 2: Ch 3, 2 dc in each of the next 4 sts, dc in last st, turn.
Row 3: Ch 3, (dc in next st, 2 dc in next st) 4 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 4: Ch 3, (2 dc in next st, dc in next st) 6 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 5: Ch 3, skip next st; for V-st, do (dc, ch 2, dc) in next st; (ch 1, skip next st, dc in next st, ch 1, skip next st, V st in next st) 4 times, dc in last st, turn.
Row 6: Ch 3, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch sp of next V st, ch 1, dc in nest st, ch 1; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in ch sp of last V st, dc in last st, turn.
Row 7: Ch 4, *(2dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp, ch 1, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 1; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in last ch sp, ch 1, dc in last st, turn.
Row 8: Ch 4, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch 2 sp, ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 2; repeat from * 3 more times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next ch sp, ch 1, skip next ch, dc in next ch, turn.
Row 9: Ch 6, skip next ch sp; *for shell, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the next ch 2 sp; (ch 2, skip next ch sp, dc in next st, ch 2, skip next ch sp shell in next ch sp) 4 times, ch 3, skip next ch, dc in next ch, turn.
Rows 10 and 11: Ch 6, (shell in ch sp of next shell, ch 2, dc in next st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in ch sp of last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6, turn.
Row 12: Ch 6, (shell i next shell, ch 2, V st in next st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch6, turn.
Row 13: Ch 6, (shell in next shell, ch 2, shell in next V st, ch 2) 4 times, shell in last shell, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6, turn.
Row 14: Ch 6, (*dc in first dc of same shell, ch 2, sc in ch sp of same shell, ch 2, dc in last dc of same shell*, ch 2) 8 times; repeat between * and *, ch 3, dc in 3rd ch of ch 6. DO NOT FASTEN OFF!!
Edging Round 1: Sc in each st, 2 sc in each ch sp and 3 sc in end of each row around, with 6 sc in each corner. Do this around the entire dishcloth until you get back to the beginning of this round. Join with sl st in first row.
Edging Row 2: (Working along top only) sl st in next st, ch 1, sc in next st, (skip next 2 sts, 7 dc in next st, skip next 2 sts, sc in next st) 13 times, sc in next st, sl st in next st. Fasten off and weave in ends.

باترون رقم 20
Teacup Base-
To begin - Ch 4, join with sl st to first chain, making a ring.
Round 1- Ch1, (counts as first sc.) Sc 5 more times in ring. On this and all following rows, join to the top of first st of row with slst to finish the row.
Round 2 - Ch 1, 1 sc in sl st space (counts as first 2 sc) 2 sc in each space to end of row, join.
Round 3 - Ch1, 1 sc in sl st space (counts as first 2 sc)* sc, 2 sc (in next space) repeat from *to end of round, join
Round 4 - Ch 1, I sc in sl st space,* sc, sc , 2 sc. Repeat from * to end of round, join
Round 5 - ch 1, sc in sl st space, *sc, sc ,sc, 2 sc Repeat from * to end of round, join.
Round 6 -ch 1, 1 sc through the back loop in each stitch. This will make a little horizontal ridge in your fabric that separates the base from the sides.
There will be a little bit of a "jog" at the end of this row that is about half a stitch high. I have no idea how to avoid this. I just made sure it was on the same side of the cup as the handle to be the least noticeable.
Teacup Sides -
Following rows - sc (no increases) around and around in a coil until your teacup is the desired height. The teacup width and height should be about the same. I just "eyeballed" mine until I was happy with the height.
When your teacup is the desired height, do one round of slip stitches through the back loop (one in each space). This gives you a nice finished edge.
After completing the last slip stitch, sc in the next space and then ch 8 st. This will become your handle. (You can make the length of the chain longer or shorter if you want to change the look of your handle)
Turn the cup sideways and sc one stitch through the side of the cup a few rows down from the top. (This stitch attaches the bottom of your handle to the cup)
Turn your work so you can prepare yourself to crochet back up the chain you just made.
Sc around the handle chain stitches until you reach the top of the cup. The number of stitches will vary depending upon your tension, but for a nice firm handle, I crocheted mine pretty tightly and close together.
When you get to the top of the teacup, break your yarn and leave a tail of about 8"
Using your yarn needle and the tail of the yarn, sew a stitch through the top stitch of the handle and through the body of the cup to make the handle extra secure.
Weave the yarn down through the inside body of the cup and make a stitch through the body of the cup and the bottom stitch of the handle. Tie off your yarn and weave your end in.
Use your preferred blocking method to shape the teacup. Voila, you're done!
To make a saucer for the teacup, crochet in the round and create a base as you did with the teacup, keep increasing every row until the diameter of your saucer is satisfactory. Crochet one or two rows with no increases to make the lip of the saucer.
Finish the saucer as you did the teacup with a slip stitch row for a finished edge. Tie off and weave in your ends.
Finished size: About 1 3/4” x 7 1/2” (without ribbon)
Ch 6, join with a sl st to form ring.
Row 1: Ch 4 to count as first trc (now and throughout), 2 trc in ring, ch 8, 3 trc in ring; ch 4, turn.
Row 2: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, 6 dc in ch 8 space, ch 3, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 3: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, (dc, ch 1) in each of the next 5 dc, dc in the next dc, ch 3, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 4: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, (sc in the next ch 1 space, ch 3) 5 times, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 5: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, (sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3) 3 times, sc in the next ch 3 space,ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 6: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, (sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3) 2 times, sc in the next ch 3 space,ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 7: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 8: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 9: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 4 trc, trc in top of the ch 4; ch 1, turn. (6 trc)
Row 10: Sc in each trc across; ch 4, turn. (6 sc)
Row 11: Skip first sc, trc in each of the next 2 sc, ch 8, trc in each of the last 3 sc; ch 4, turn.
Rows 12- 31: Repeat rows 2-11 twice.
Rows 32-39: Repeat rows 2-9
Row 40: Sc in the first sc, ch 2, skip next 4 sc, sc in the top of the ch 4; do not turn and do not fasten off.
Edging: Working around the posts of the trc’s, (sc, ch 3, sc) 36 times along the side of the bookmark; (sc, ch3, sc) in the beginning ring; (sc, ch 3, sc) 36 times along the other side of the bookmark; (sc, ch 3, sc) in the last ch 2; join with a sl st to the first sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Finishing: Spray starch and iron to block and stiffen. Thread yarn needle with ribbon; weave ribbon through the bookmark as in the photo.(Bring ribbon up through the starting ring, down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 1, behind the first pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 8; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 11, behind the second pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 18; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 21, behind the third pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 28; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 31, behind the first pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 38; and down through the little hole created by the ch 2 of row 40)
RND 1: Ch36. Being Careful not to twist chain, join w/slst to first ch to form ring. Ch5. *Sk next ch. Dc in next ch, ch2. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 2: Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch2. *Dc, ch2, dc in next dc. Ch2. Dc in next dc. Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch2. Rep from * around. Dc in same st as slst of prev rnd, ch2. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 3: Ch1, counts as sc. Work the fol in the next ch5 sp. ((Dc, ch1) six times, dc.) Sc in next dc. Ch4. *Sc in next dc. Work the fol in the next ch5 sp. ((Dc, ch1) six times, dc). Sc in next dc, ch4. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1.
RND 4: *Dc in next dc ch3. ((Sc in next dc, ch3)Five times). Dc in next dc. Sc in ch4 sp. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to top of first dc.
Points: From here you will work each point separately in rows. First Point,
ROW 1: Ch6. Sk first ch3 sp((Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3.) three times) Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Ch6, turn.
ROW 2: Sk first ch3 sp. ((Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3.) two times). Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Ch6, turn.
ROW 3: Sk first ch3 sp. Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3. Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Turn.
ROW 4: Ch7, slst to 4th ch from hook, ch5, slst in 5th ch from hook, ch4, slst in 4th ch from hook. Ch3. Slst in next dc. Fasten off and weave end into work.
Now work the following for each of the next 5 points.
Working to the left, Join thread in next dc of rnd 4.
Rep ROWs 1-4 of first point. When finished, weave all ends into back of work.
Stiffen, by dipping finished piece in stiffener and flatten, stretch and pin onto foam board. Allow to dry over night. Then attach hanger in one point and hang in window.
Picot: Ch 5, sc in dc just made.
Rose: With dark pink ch 8, join with sl to form ring.
Rnd 1: ( right side ): Ch 1, ( 5 sc, 2 dc, 5 tr, 2 dc, hdc ) in ring, join with sl st in first sc. 15 sts.
Rnd 2: Ch 5, ( sk next 2 sts, sc in next sc, ch 5 ) 4 times, sk joining, working in back lps, hdc in next sc, ch 6, ( sk next sc on same rnd, hdc in next st on Rnd 1, ch 6 ) 4 times, ( sk next hdc on same rnd, dc in unworked st on Rnd 1, ch 7 ) 5 times, join with sl st to first dc. Fasten off. ( 15 loops ).
Petals: Join light pink with sl st in first ch 5 lp, ch 1, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, ch 2, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in same lp and in each of next 4 loops, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, tr, ch 2, tr, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in each of next 5 loops, with green, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, 3 tr, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in next 4 loops, place marker in centre tr of Petal just made, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, 3 tr, 4dc, ch 1, sc ) in last loop, join with sl st to first sc of green. Fasten off.
Foundation Rnd: With right side of Rose facing, join white with sl st in marked tr, ch 1, ( sc, ch 5, sc ) in same st, * ch 6, sk next 3 sts, ( sc, ch 5, sc ) in next tr * rep from * 3 times more, then rep from once, ch 3, dc in first sc to form last loop. ( 15 loops ).
Row 1: ch 6, work ( sc, 4 dc, Picot, 3 dc, sc ) in first loop, ch 6, sk first 2 chs of next loop, sl st in next 4 chs, sl st in next 2 dc and in next 6 chs, in next loop, dc in next sc, ch 1, ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, * ( sc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sc in next loop, ch 1, (sc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sk next dc * ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next dc, rep from * to * once, dc in next dc, ch 1, ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, dc in next sc, ch 1, in next loop, leave rem. sts unworked. ( 34 ch 1 sps ).
Row 2: Ch 2, turn, sc in first ch 1 sp ( ch 1, sc in next ch 1 sp ) across to slip sts, leave rem sts unworked. ( 33 ch 1 sps ).
Row 3: Ch 4 ( counts as first dc plus ch 1 ), turn, sk first ch 1 sp, ( dc, ch 1 ) twice in next ch 1 sp, * ( dc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1 ) twice, ( dc, ch 1 ) twice in next ch sp, rep from * across to last ch 1 sp, dc in last ch 1 sp. (43 ch 1 sps ).
Row 4: Ch 8, sc in fifth ch from hook, ch 3, sk first 3 ch 1 sps, sc in next ch 1 sp * ch 8, sc in fifth ch from hook, ch 3, sk next 2 ch 1 sps, sc in next ch 1 * rep from * 11 more time, ch 3, dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 5, sc in dc just made. ( 14 loops ).
Using Back as a pattern and allowing 1/4" seam, cut 2 pieces fabric. Sew seam leaving opening, turn through to right side and fill with Potpourri. Sew opening closed.
Front: Work same as Back through Row 4, do not fasten off.
Row 5: Ch 1, turn, with wrong sides tog and working through both thicknesses, work ( sc, 4 dc, Picot, 3 dc, sc ) in first loop and in each loop across, insert Potpourri Pouch and working in end of rows, sc evenly across to next loop, 5 sc in loop, sc in next 2 dc, 3 sc in next loop, 5 sc in next loop, sc in next 4 sts, 5 sc in next loop, sc in next 4 sts, 5 sc in next loop, 3 sc in next loop, sc in next 2 dc, 5 sc in next loop; working in end of rows, sc evenly across to first sc on Row 1, join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
SIDE: (make 2):
Rnd.1: Ch 4 , 9 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (10 dc).
Rnds. 2-3: Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (20, 40). At end of lst rnd; for BACK , fasten off; for FRONT, do not fasten off.
Rnd. 1: Holding wrong sides tog, matching sts, working through both thicknesses, ch 1, sc in first st, (ch 5, skip next st, sc in next st) around to last st stuffing with potpourri before closing; to join, ch 2, skip last st , dc in first sc (20ch 5 lps).
Rnd. 2: Ch1, sc around joining dc, ch3, (sc in next ch 5 lp, ch 3) around, join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd.3: Sl st in first ch 3 sp, (ch 3, dc, sl st ) in same sp, ch 5, *( sl st ch 3, dc, sl st ) in next ch 3 sp, ch 5; repeat from * around, join with sl st in first sl st, fasten off.
1. Weave ribbon through ch 5 lps of rnd 1 on Edging, tie ends into a bow.
2. Glue ribbon roses to center front over rnds 1 and 2.
3. Glue one pearl to each dc of rnd 3 on Edging.
Teacup Base-
To begin - Ch 4, join with sl st to first chain, making a ring.
Round 1- Ch1, (counts as first sc.) Sc 5 more times in ring. On this and all following rows, join to the top of first st of row with slst to finish the row.
Round 2 - Ch 1, 1 sc in sl st space (counts as first 2 sc) 2 sc in each space to end of row, join.
Round 3 - Ch1, 1 sc in sl st space (counts as first 2 sc)* sc, 2 sc (in next space) repeat from *to end of round, join
Round 4 - Ch 1, I sc in sl st space,* sc, sc , 2 sc. Repeat from * to end of round, join
Round 5 - ch 1, sc in sl st space, *sc, sc ,sc, 2 sc Repeat from * to end of round, join.
Round 6 -ch 1, 1 sc through the back loop in each stitch. This will make a little horizontal ridge in your fabric that separates the base from the sides.
There will be a little bit of a "jog" at the end of this row that is about half a stitch high. I have no idea how to avoid this. I just made sure it was on the same side of the cup as the handle to be the least noticeable.
Teacup Sides -
Following rows - sc (no increases) around and around in a coil until your teacup is the desired height. The teacup width and height should be about the same. I just "eyeballed" mine until I was happy with the height.
When your teacup is the desired height, do one round of slip stitches through the back loop (one in each space). This gives you a nice finished edge.
After completing the last slip stitch, sc in the next space and then ch 8 st. This will become your handle. (You can make the length of the chain longer or shorter if you want to change the look of your handle)
Turn the cup sideways and sc one stitch through the side of the cup a few rows down from the top. (This stitch attaches the bottom of your handle to the cup)
Turn your work so you can prepare yourself to crochet back up the chain you just made.
Sc around the handle chain stitches until you reach the top of the cup. The number of stitches will vary depending upon your tension, but for a nice firm handle, I crocheted mine pretty tightly and close together.
When you get to the top of the teacup, break your yarn and leave a tail of about 8"
Using your yarn needle and the tail of the yarn, sew a stitch through the top stitch of the handle and through the body of the cup to make the handle extra secure.
Weave the yarn down through the inside body of the cup and make a stitch through the body of the cup and the bottom stitch of the handle. Tie off your yarn and weave your end in.
Use your preferred blocking method to shape the teacup. Voila, you're done!
To make a saucer for the teacup, crochet in the round and create a base as you did with the teacup, keep increasing every row until the diameter of your saucer is satisfactory. Crochet one or two rows with no increases to make the lip of the saucer.
Finish the saucer as you did the teacup with a slip stitch row for a finished edge. Tie off and weave in your ends.
Finished size: About 1 3/4” x 7 1/2” (without ribbon)
Ch 6, join with a sl st to form ring.
Row 1: Ch 4 to count as first trc (now and throughout), 2 trc in ring, ch 8, 3 trc in ring; ch 4, turn.
Row 2: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, 6 dc in ch 8 space, ch 3, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 3: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, (dc, ch 1) in each of the next 5 dc, dc in the next dc, ch 3, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 4: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, (sc in the next ch 1 space, ch 3) 5 times, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 5: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, (sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3) 3 times, sc in the next ch 3 space,ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 6: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, (sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3) 2 times, sc in the next ch 3 space,ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 7: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 8: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 2 trc, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, sc in the next ch 3 space, ch 3, skip next ch 3 space, trc in each of the last 3 trc; ch 4, turn.
Row 9: Skip first trc, trc in each of the next 4 trc, trc in top of the ch 4; ch 1, turn. (6 trc)
Row 10: Sc in each trc across; ch 4, turn. (6 sc)
Row 11: Skip first sc, trc in each of the next 2 sc, ch 8, trc in each of the last 3 sc; ch 4, turn.
Rows 12- 31: Repeat rows 2-11 twice.
Rows 32-39: Repeat rows 2-9
Row 40: Sc in the first sc, ch 2, skip next 4 sc, sc in the top of the ch 4; do not turn and do not fasten off.
Edging: Working around the posts of the trc’s, (sc, ch 3, sc) 36 times along the side of the bookmark; (sc, ch3, sc) in the beginning ring; (sc, ch 3, sc) 36 times along the other side of the bookmark; (sc, ch 3, sc) in the last ch 2; join with a sl st to the first sc. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Finishing: Spray starch and iron to block and stiffen. Thread yarn needle with ribbon; weave ribbon through the bookmark as in the photo.(Bring ribbon up through the starting ring, down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 1, behind the first pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 8; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 11, behind the second pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 18; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 21, behind the third pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 28; down through the hole created by the ch 8 of row 31, behind the first pineapple and up between the two ch 3's of row 38; and down through the little hole created by the ch 2 of row 40)
RND 1: Ch36. Being Careful not to twist chain, join w/slst to first ch to form ring. Ch5. *Sk next ch. Dc in next ch, ch2. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 2: Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch2. *Dc, ch2, dc in next dc. Ch2. Dc in next dc. Ch5. Dc in next dc. Ch2. Rep from * around. Dc in same st as slst of prev rnd, ch2. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 3: Ch1, counts as sc. Work the fol in the next ch5 sp. ((Dc, ch1) six times, dc.) Sc in next dc. Ch4. *Sc in next dc. Work the fol in the next ch5 sp. ((Dc, ch1) six times, dc). Sc in next dc, ch4. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to ch1.
RND 4: *Dc in next dc ch3. ((Sc in next dc, ch3)Five times). Dc in next dc. Sc in ch4 sp. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to top of first dc.
Points: From here you will work each point separately in rows. First Point,
ROW 1: Ch6. Sk first ch3 sp((Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3.) three times) Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Ch6, turn.
ROW 2: Sk first ch3 sp. ((Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3.) two times). Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Ch6, turn.
ROW 3: Sk first ch3 sp. Sc in next ch3 sp. Ch3. Sk next ch3 sp. Dc in next dc. Turn.
ROW 4: Ch7, slst to 4th ch from hook, ch5, slst in 5th ch from hook, ch4, slst in 4th ch from hook. Ch3. Slst in next dc. Fasten off and weave end into work.
Now work the following for each of the next 5 points.
Working to the left, Join thread in next dc of rnd 4.
Rep ROWs 1-4 of first point. When finished, weave all ends into back of work.
Stiffen, by dipping finished piece in stiffener and flatten, stretch and pin onto foam board. Allow to dry over night. Then attach hanger in one point and hang in window.
Picot: Ch 5, sc in dc just made.
Rose: With dark pink ch 8, join with sl to form ring.
Rnd 1: ( right side ): Ch 1, ( 5 sc, 2 dc, 5 tr, 2 dc, hdc ) in ring, join with sl st in first sc. 15 sts.
Rnd 2: Ch 5, ( sk next 2 sts, sc in next sc, ch 5 ) 4 times, sk joining, working in back lps, hdc in next sc, ch 6, ( sk next sc on same rnd, hdc in next st on Rnd 1, ch 6 ) 4 times, ( sk next hdc on same rnd, dc in unworked st on Rnd 1, ch 7 ) 5 times, join with sl st to first dc. Fasten off. ( 15 loops ).
Petals: Join light pink with sl st in first ch 5 lp, ch 1, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, ch 2, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in same lp and in each of next 4 loops, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, tr, ch 2, tr, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in each of next 5 loops, with green, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, 3 tr, 4 dc, ch 1, sc ) in next 4 loops, place marker in centre tr of Petal just made, ( sc, ch 1, 4 dc, 3 tr, 4dc, ch 1, sc ) in last loop, join with sl st to first sc of green. Fasten off.
Foundation Rnd: With right side of Rose facing, join white with sl st in marked tr, ch 1, ( sc, ch 5, sc ) in same st, * ch 6, sk next 3 sts, ( sc, ch 5, sc ) in next tr * rep from * 3 times more, then rep from once, ch 3, dc in first sc to form last loop. ( 15 loops ).
Row 1: ch 6, work ( sc, 4 dc, Picot, 3 dc, sc ) in first loop, ch 6, sk first 2 chs of next loop, sl st in next 4 chs, sl st in next 2 dc and in next 6 chs, in next loop, dc in next sc, ch 1, ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sk next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, * ( sc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sc in next loop, ch 1, (sc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, sk next dc * ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next dc, rep from * to * once, dc in next dc, ch 1, ( dc, ch 1 ) 3 times in next loop, dc in next sc, ch 1, in next loop, leave rem. sts unworked. ( 34 ch 1 sps ).
Row 2: Ch 2, turn, sc in first ch 1 sp ( ch 1, sc in next ch 1 sp ) across to slip sts, leave rem sts unworked. ( 33 ch 1 sps ).
Row 3: Ch 4 ( counts as first dc plus ch 1 ), turn, sk first ch 1 sp, ( dc, ch 1 ) twice in next ch 1 sp, * ( dc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1 ) twice, ( dc, ch 1 ) twice in next ch sp, rep from * across to last ch 1 sp, dc in last ch 1 sp. (43 ch 1 sps ).
Row 4: Ch 8, sc in fifth ch from hook, ch 3, sk first 3 ch 1 sps, sc in next ch 1 sp * ch 8, sc in fifth ch from hook, ch 3, sk next 2 ch 1 sps, sc in next ch 1 * rep from * 11 more time, ch 3, dc in last ch 1 sp, ch 5, sc in dc just made. ( 14 loops ).
Using Back as a pattern and allowing 1/4" seam, cut 2 pieces fabric. Sew seam leaving opening, turn through to right side and fill with Potpourri. Sew opening closed.
Front: Work same as Back through Row 4, do not fasten off.
Row 5: Ch 1, turn, with wrong sides tog and working through both thicknesses, work ( sc, 4 dc, Picot, 3 dc, sc ) in first loop and in each loop across, insert Potpourri Pouch and working in end of rows, sc evenly across to next loop, 5 sc in loop, sc in next 2 dc, 3 sc in next loop, 5 sc in next loop, sc in next 4 sts, 5 sc in next loop, sc in next 4 sts, 5 sc in next loop, 3 sc in next loop, sc in next 2 dc, 5 sc in next loop; working in end of rows, sc evenly across to first sc on Row 1, join with sl st to first sc. Fasten off.
SIDE: (make 2):
Rnd.1: Ch 4 , 9 dc in 4th ch from hook, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (10 dc).
Rnds. 2-3: Ch 3, dc in same st, 2 dc in each st around, join with sl st in top of ch 3 (20, 40). At end of lst rnd; for BACK , fasten off; for FRONT, do not fasten off.
Rnd. 1: Holding wrong sides tog, matching sts, working through both thicknesses, ch 1, sc in first st, (ch 5, skip next st, sc in next st) around to last st stuffing with potpourri before closing; to join, ch 2, skip last st , dc in first sc (20ch 5 lps).
Rnd. 2: Ch1, sc around joining dc, ch3, (sc in next ch 5 lp, ch 3) around, join with sl st in first sc.
Rnd.3: Sl st in first ch 3 sp, (ch 3, dc, sl st ) in same sp, ch 5, *( sl st ch 3, dc, sl st ) in next ch 3 sp, ch 5; repeat from * around, join with sl st in first sl st, fasten off.
1. Weave ribbon through ch 5 lps of rnd 1 on Edging, tie ends into a bow.
2. Glue ribbon roses to center front over rnds 1 and 2.
3. Glue one pearl to each dc of rnd 3 on Edging.
الصفحة الأخيرة
With H hook chain 28
Row 1: Sc in first 12 ch, hdc in rem 15, ch 2, turn (27 sts)
Now - working in back loops hereafter:
Row 2: hdc in next 14 hdc, ch 1, skip 1 sc) sc in rem 11 sc, ch 1, turn (27)
Row 3: sc in next 11 sc,ch 1, skip 1 sc, hdc in next 15 hdc, ch 2, turn (27)
Rows 4 - 20: Rep rows 2 and 3.
Fold in half lengthwise, sew side seam and gather opening close. The wider part is the bottom. Insert small circle of plastic, jar lid or cardboard (this helps it to stand). Stuff up to the ch 1 spaces. Weave yarn thru ch 1 spaces and pull tight and tie off. This forms the head. Now stuff head and gather opening to close.
ARMS (Make 2)
Rnd 1: With H hook Ch 2 and 8 sc in first sc, do not join but mark the beg of each rnd.
Rnd 2 - 5: Sc in eac sc, at end of rnd 5, ch 1 turn.
Now we are working in rows:
Row 1: Sc in 4 sc, ch 1 turn
Row 2 and 3: Rep row 1, end off, stuff very lightly.
Sew single layer to body. This method of making the arms keeps the arms close to the body. (I'm lazy and use tacky glue to keep them in place.)
Lustre Sheen or baby yarn Size C hook
Rnd 1: Ch 4 *(dcm ch 1 in first ch) rep from * 9 times. Jon to 3rd st of first ch 4. (10 dc, 10 ch 1 spaces)
Rnd 2: Sl st to first ch 1 sp, ch 3,dc in same sp, 2 dc in rem spaces. Join to first dc
Rnd 3: Ch 4, *(dc in next sp, ch 1) Rep from * all around. Join to 3rd st of first dc
Rnd 4: Ch 3, *(dc in next sp,dc in next dc) Rep from * all around. Join
Rnd 5: Ch 4, 2 trc in same place, 3 trc in ea dc around. Join. Finish off
Weave ribbon or yarn thru last dc row. Pull slightly to form crown of hat. Tie in bow. Glue or sew to head
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in 4thch, ch 3,skip 1 ch, ch 3, sk 1 ch, ch 1,sc in last ch, ch 3 turn
Row 2: Sc in ch 3 loop, ch 3, sc in next loop across, ch 3 turn (4 loops)
Remaining rows same as Row 2. Make scarf about 6 to 7 inches long.
Tie bow around neck. Add some flowers and some buttons. For eyes, use buttons or purchased eyes. With red crayon, rub in rosy cheeks. I did not pu a nose or mouth on but do as follows. For mouth Ch 6 with red thread. Finish off and glue on for mouth. For the nose I made 1 cluster as follows: With red, ch 4, 3 dc in first st holding last st of each dc on hook, yo and draw thru all loops. Finish off and glue on face.
Make same hat as for Snow Baby.
With C hook and lustre sheen Chain 20
Row 1: Dc in 4th ch and ea ch across, ch 4 turn (18 dc)
Row 2: Sc in next dc, ch 4, sc in next dc, across. Ch 4 and turn
Row 3: Sc in first loop, ch 4, sc in next loop across, ch 4 and turn
Rows 4 and 5: Same as row 3. At end of row 5 ch 1 and turn
Row 6. 4 sc in ea loop across. Finish off
Bib of Apron Attach thread in 6th ch of beg ch.
Row 1: Ch 3, dc in 7 dc, ch 3, turn (8 dc)
Row 2 and 3: DC in next dc and each dc across. Finish off.
Weave ribbon thru first row at apron leaving a length on each side to tie in bow in back of Snow Granny. Weave ribbon in last dc row and leave a length on each side to tie in bow in back of neck.
Make eyes nose and mouth as in Snow Baby
GLASSESUsing about a 6 inch length of florist wire wrap wire about 2" from end once around a Q hook or something round enough for the glasses. Do it one more time next to the first circle you made. Bend the ends to form the ear piece. Now I know this is as clear as mud.
SNOW ANGEL No more crocheting here. Just make a big bow (about 5" wide) from 2" wide ribbon and sew or glue to back. This will be the wings. Make a halo with beads, tiny garland or what have you. Eyes, nose and mouth are same as Snow Baby.
Tie a bow around neck or add some holly or whatever you have in your craft box. Add buttons if you wish. I gathered up some lace and tied it around her neck.
Ch 51 (63)
Row 1: Sc in the 2nd ch from hook and in each remaining ch across; ch 1, turn.
Row 2: (Mark this as the right side.) Sc in each of the first 15 (21) sc, dc in the back loops only of the next 20 sc, sc in each of the last 15 (21) sc; ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in each of the first 15 (21) sc, dc in the unworked loops only of the next 20 sc on row 1, sc in each of the last 15 (21) sc; ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Sc in each of the first 15 (21) sc, sc through both thicknesses of the next 20 dc to form a “pocket”, sc in each of the last 15 (21) sc; ch 1, turn.
Row 5: Sc in each sc across; ch 1, turn.
Rows 6-8: Repeat rows 2-4.
Additional “pockets”: Repeat rows 5-8 until you have the desired number of hook “pockets” across your case. (I made mine with 8 hook pockets, so I
repeated rows 5-8 six times.) Fasten off after you have the desired number of “pockets”.
With the right side facing you, fold the six stitches on either end toward the center and pin in place.
Round 1: With wrong side facing you, attach yarn with a sc through both thicknesses of any corner , sc in the same st, sc along the side of the roll through both thicknesses of each of the next 5 sts, sc in each of the next 26 (38) sts, sc through both thicknesses of the next 5 sts, 3 sc through both thicknesses of the next st; working along the end of the roll, sc around the post of the sc along each row (along the fold); continuing along the next side, 3 sc through both thicknesses of the next st, sc through both thicknesses of each of the next 5 sts, sc in each of the next 26 (38) sts, sc through both thicknesses of the next 5 sts, 3 sc through both thicknesses of the next st; working along the end of the roll, sc around the post of the sc along each row (along the fold); sc through both thicknesses of the same st as the first sc; join with a sl st to the first sc. Work round 2 depending on the closure you choose.
Round 2 for button closure: Sl st in each sc around until you sl into the center sc of the corner diagonally opposite of the first sl st; sl st in each of the next 3 sc, ch 5 for button loop, sl st in each of the next 15 (21) sc, ch 5 for button loop; sl st in each of the next 15 (21) sc, ch 5 for button loop; continue working a sl st in each sc around; join with a sl st to the first sl st. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Round 2 for ribbon closure: Sl st in each sc around; join with a sl st to the first sl st. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
Button closure Place hooks or needles in the “pockets”. Roll the case, beginning on the opposite side from the button loops. Mark the placement for the buttons. Sew buttons in place. Push buttons through loops to close the roll. Ribbon closure Place hooks or needles in the “pockets”. Roll the case to close. Pin the center of each of the three pieces of ribbon (evenly spaced along the length of the roll) to the outside of the roll, opposite the exposed open end of the roll. Sew each ribbon in place where pinned. Wrap both ends of each ribbon to the front of the case and tie in a bow.
Ch 4, join with a sl st in the first ch to form a ring.
Round 1: Work 6 sc in the ring. (6 sc) Do not join. Instead, use a stitch marker to mark the first stitch in rounds 2-6.
Round 2: Work 2 sc in the back loop only of each sc around. (12 sc)
Round 3: (Sc in the back loop only of the first sc, 2 sc in the back loop only of the next sc) 6 times. (18 sc)
Round 4: (Sc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 sc, 2 sc in the back loop only of the next sc) 6 times. (24 sc)
Round 5: (Sc in the back loop only of each of the next 3 sc, 2 sc in the back loop only of the next sc) 6 times. (30 sc)
Round 6: (Sc in the back loop only of each of the next 4 sc, 2 sc in the back loop only of the next sc) 6 times; ch 2, turn. (36 sc) (Pattern note: The "ch 2" at the end of the rows does not count as the first dc in the next row.)
Pattern note: After round 6, the pattern will be worked in spiral rows. Work tightly for best results.
Row 1: Dc in the back loop only of each of the first 36 sc, dc in each of the 90 unworked loops in rounds 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1; ch 2, turn. (126 dc)
Rows 2-6: Dc through both loops of each dc across; ch 2, turn. (126 dc)
Row 7: Dc through both loops of each dc across. (126 dc) Fasten off.
Outer cover
Ch 4, join with a sl st in the first ch to form a ring.
Round 1: Work 6 sc in the ring. (6 sc) Do not join. Instead, use a stitch marker to mark the first stitch in rounds 2-6.
Round 2: Work 2 sc in each sc around. (12 sc)
Round 3: (Sc in the first sc, 2 sc in the next sc) 6 times. (18 sc)
Round 4: (Sc in the each of next 2 sc, 2 sc in the next sc) 6 times. (24 sc)
Round 5: (Sc in each next 3 sc, 2 sc in the next sc) 6 times. (30 sc)
Round 6: (Sc in each of the next 4 sc, 2 sc in the next sc) 6 times; ch 2, turn. (36 sc)
Round 7 (joining to the bottom of the inner section): Insert hook in the back loop only of the next sc and into the first skipped front loop of round 6 of the inner section and complete a sc, (insert hook in the back loop only of the next sc and into the next skipped front loop of round 6 of the inner section and complete a sc) 35 times. (36 sc)
Rounds 8-23: Leaving the inner section hanging from the bottom of the piece, sc through both loops of each sc around. (36 sc) Fasten off after round 23.
Turn outer cover right side out to enclose the inner section. Insert the cardboard core between the inner and outer sections. Straighten outer cover over the cardboard core.
Row 1: With yarn on hook, insert hook into the stitch on the outer cover closest to the first stitch on row 7 of the inner cover, then insert hook into the first stitch on row 7 of the inner section and complete a sc, (insert hook into the next st on the outer cover and into the next st on the inner section and complete a sc) 35 times to enclose the cardboard core; continue working a sc in each of the next 90 sts on the inner section; ch 1, turn. (126 sc)
Row 2: Sl st in each of the first 90 sts on the inner section, then continue working a sl st in each of the next 36 sc around the top perimeter of the caddy; join with a sl st in the first sl st at the top of the caddy. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
BASE . . . Starting at center with Yellow, ch 6. Join with sl st.
1st rnd: Ch 3, 15 dc in ring. Sl st in 3rd st of ch-3.
2nd rnd:Sc in same place as sl st, * ch 3, sc in next dc.Repeat from*around. Join last ch 3 with sl st in 1st sc
3rd rnd: Sl st in next ch, drop Yellow, insert hook in loop and draw a loop of Blue through, thus joining new color. Always change color in this manner. Ch 1, sc in same loop, * ch 3, sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
4th rnd: Change to Yellow as before, ch 1, 2 sc in same loop, * ch 3, 2 sc in next loop. Repeat from * around. Join.
5th rnd: Sl st to next loop, change to Blue and repeat 4th rnd.
6th rnd: Change to Yellow and repeat 4th rnd.
Alternating colors, repeat 4th rnd, having 3 sc in each loop of 7th and 8th rnds and 4 sc in each loop of 9th rnd. Break off.
10th rnd: Attach Yellow in next loop, ch 5, in same loop make (tr,ch 1) 3 times and tr; in each loop around make (tr, ch 1) 4 times and tr. Join and break off.
11th rnd: Attach Blue in starting ch-5 of previous rnd, sc in same sp, *(ch 3, sc in next sp) 3 times; sc between next 2 tr's, sc in next ch-1 sp. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
SIDE ...
1st rnd: Attach Blue to back loop of 1st sc on any 4-sc group on 9th rnd of Base, sc in same place, sc in back loop of next 3 sc, * ch 3, sc in back loop of next 4 sc. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
2nd rnd: Attach Yellow to any ch-3 loop on previous rnd, ch 5, in same loop make tr, ch 1 and tr; in each loop around make (tr, ch 1) twice and tr. Join and break off.
3rd rnd: Attach Blue to 1st sp, sc in same sp, * ch 3, sc in next sp, sc between next 2 tr, sc in next sp. Repeat from * around. Join and break off.
RND 1: Ch6. Join w/sl st to first ch to form ring. Ch4, counts as 1 dc and 1 ch. *Dc in ring. Ch1. Rep from * 10 times more. Join w/sl st to 3rd ch of ch4. ( 12 dc around )
RND 2: Ch6 counts as 1 sc and ch5 lp. Dc in same st as sl st. *Sc in next dc. Ch5. Dc in same st as last st. Rep from * around. Join w/sl st to base of ch6.
RND 3: S lst in each of the next 3 chs of the first ch 5 lp. Ch5. dc in same ch5 sp. Ch1. *Dc, ch2, dc in next ch5 sp. Ch1. Rep from * around. Join w/sl st to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 4: Ch6. Dc in next dc. Ch1. *Dc in next dc. Ch3, dc in next dc. Ch1. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch6.
RND 5: Slst into the first ch3 sp. Ch3, dc, ch4, 2dc in same ch3 sp. 2dc, ch4, 2dc in each ch3 sp around. Join w/sl st to top of ch3.
RND 6: Slst in next dc. Sl st in each of the next 2 chs of the next ch4 sp. Ch6. *Dc in next ch4 sp. Ch3. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch6.
RND 7: Ch6, dc in same st as slst. Ch1. *Dc, ch3, dc in next dc. Ch1. Rep from * around. Join w/sl st to 3rd ch of ch5.
RND 8: Sl st into the first ch3 sp. Ch3, dc, ch4, 2dc in same ch3 sp. 2dc, ch4, 2dc in each ch3 sp around. Join w/slst to top of ch3.
RND 9: Rep rnd 6.
RND 10: Rep rnd 7.
RND 11: Rep rnd 8.
RND 12: Slst in next dc. Slst into the next ch4 sp. Ch6, dc, ch5, dc, ch3, dc in same ch3 sp. Dc, ch3, dc, ch5, dc, ch3, dc in each ch4 sp around. Join w/slst to 3rd ch of ch6. Fasten off and weave all ends into work.
Stiffen Bell
RND 1: Rip some plastic wrap off of the roll and roll up into a ball to fit the bottom of the paper cup. Round it over. This will form the top of the bell.
RND 2: Rip more plastic wrap and cover the whole cup and the ball of plastic you just made. Tape into place on the inside of the cup.
RND 3: Protect the flat surface you plan to place your bell on while it dries with more plastic wrap.
RND 4: Dip bell into fabric stiffener. Blot out excess stiffener with a paper towel.
RND 5: Place wet bell over covered cup. Place on flat surface to dry over night. Allow at least 18 hours to dry completely.
RND 6: String jingle bell on a scrap of thread and tie to the inside top of the bell. Attach hanger to top of bell.