ارجوكم الله يخليكم ويوفقكم ترجموا لي هالكلالالالالالالام
الي بالموقع\
وهذا الكلام بعد
أهمية الدراسة للطالب
تأخذ الدراسة على الطالب حيزاً كبيراً من وقته، فهو يقضي في اليوم قريبا من ست ساعات داخل المدرسة، وهي تمثل ربعساعات اليوم، وإذا حذفت من اليوم ساعات للنوم ويعض ساعات الراحة والطعام لا تجدبعد ذلك إلا وقتا يسيرا.
كما تأخذ الدراسة عليه وقتاً طويلاً من عمره؛ فهو يحتاج على أقلالأحوال إلى ستة عشر عاماً إذا أنهى المرحلة الجامعية، وهذه الدراسة تأتي في وقتمهم من عمره، وقت زهرة وحيوية الشاب ووقت بناء شخصيته.
كما أن الدراسة تحدد توجه الشخص وتخصصه، وميدان عمله في المستقيل.
وهذا كله يحتم على الطالب أن يعتني بها ويستفيد منها.
فلذا يجب نخصص غرف لدراسه فاغرفالدراسه اهميه كبيره تساعد الافراد ان يحفظ ويهتم بدروسه انها تفتح نفسية الطالب ولاسيما اذا كان الديكو رائع والصبغه في الغرفه الوانها زاهيه
اللوان غرفة الدراسه التيتؤثر ع الفرد فمثلا :
فاللون الازرق يجعلك تشعر بالاسترخاء واللون البنفسجي يبعث الحساس بالسلام
ويجب ان نهتم بنظافة غرفة الدراسه
نجعلها منظمه نهتم باعادةالكراسي في اماكنها ورمي النفايات في القمامه
بلييييييييييييييز ابي ضوري
اتمنى يكووووووون بكره مخلص ترجمه لاني حيللللل مستعجله ابي اطبعه ع ورق
الله يوفق كل من تساااااااعدني ياااااااااارب

طبخة @tbkh
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

هذا ترجمة الموقع:
Studying Rooms
Studying rooms should be designed in a suitable way for studying. The ideal size for it must not exceed over 5 square meters and not less than 2 square meters.
Chairs and table are the most important furniture in the room. They have to be neat and comfortable. Also putting some shelves to store books are very useful.
The light is very necessary for writing and reading. It has to be appropriate for focusing and doesn't tired the eyes. The room ventilation is major.
You can put a desk lamp for studying. It's flexible, adjustable and can fit at any desk. This lamp can be directed to different places and corners to get perfect lightening. It helps students to face the problems of high voltage from the computer screen.
The most suitable floors for these rooms are the easiest to clean, such as: tiles, marble and wooden floors.
Studying Rooms
Studying rooms should be designed in a suitable way for studying. The ideal size for it must not exceed over 5 square meters and not less than 2 square meters.
Chairs and table are the most important furniture in the room. They have to be neat and comfortable. Also putting some shelves to store books are very useful.
The light is very necessary for writing and reading. It has to be appropriate for focusing and doesn't tired the eyes. The room ventilation is major.
You can put a desk lamp for studying. It's flexible, adjustable and can fit at any desk. This lamp can be directed to different places and corners to get perfect lightening. It helps students to face the problems of high voltage from the computer screen.
The most suitable floors for these rooms are the easiest to clean, such as: tiles, marble and wooden floors.

Here are great pictures for studying rooms it's wonderful
الصورة الأولى
This studying room has a great idea all the spaces are utilized in a gorgeous way. As you observe it's a storage place, but they take advantage of it to make an office and set it as a small complete studying room with a desk, chair and shelves. They also benefit from the door for hanging stuffs, I like the idea.
الصورة الثانية
These shelves are great for storing papers
الصورة الثالثة
Here is another kind of shelves
The idea of the shelves here are wonderful.
الصورة الرابعه
الصورة الخامسه
I wish you enjoy watching the ways of coordinating studying rooms or office at home
الصورة الأولى
This studying room has a great idea all the spaces are utilized in a gorgeous way. As you observe it's a storage place, but they take advantage of it to make an office and set it as a small complete studying room with a desk, chair and shelves. They also benefit from the door for hanging stuffs, I like the idea.
الصورة الثانية
These shelves are great for storing papers
الصورة الثالثة
Here is another kind of shelves
The idea of the shelves here are wonderful.
الصورة الرابعه
الصورة الخامسه
I wish you enjoy watching the ways of coordinating studying rooms or office at home
الصفحة الأخيرة
The Importance of Studying for Students
Studying fills almost a very big part of the student's time. Students stay at school near six hours a day, that represents quarter the day. If you omit the hours of sleeping, eating and taking breaks there is no more time.
Studying also takes from the person's age. To finish collage you need at least 16 years, this consumes from youth's energy, age and character structure's time. It directs the person, his specialization and **** in future. The student must take care and benefit from it.
Taking care and specializing a room for studying is very important. It helps the student to focus, look after lessons and open up his mind especially if the decoration is great and the room's color is bright.
The color of the room effects at students, for example:
The blue makes you feel relax, the violet sends the sense of peace. Students should keep their rooms neat, tidy and clean by ordering the chairs and collecting trash......etc.