طبخة @tbkh
ممكن ساعده في تصحيح كلامي ابي اليووووووووووم
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
اريد مساعدتكم بتصحيح موضوعي واتمنى ان تضيفوا بعض الافكار فيه او تزيدوا فيه او تغيروا القصه نو بربلم
I want talk about tow person their names Fatimah and sara
they are sisters
Fatimah happy about her life she always wake up early in the morning to go to school . she notice about her friends about banfite things aftar that she go to home . she study hard for her matriles . at the night she sleep early
bo her sister sara oppsite Fatimah. she dislike go to school . she always apsent , she likes sleaping . she make any thing . she dislike her life and always sad
she sleep sleep sleep
all the time without change anything about her self
so,we conclude about this story if you perform anything about in your life until its very hard and very tired we will feel happy (هل عادي اقول we conclude لانو انا الوحيده الي رح اتكلم لانو انا لاح اعمل برزنتيشن وانا اقصد نفيب والمستمعين هل يصلح ؟ وهل هذي الي فوق اطلق عليها قصه ؟؟
but when you do not perform any thing and sleap all the time , you will feel sad and disappointment
and you do not do any thing abou your life
اتمنى تساعدوني بتصحيح الاخطاء واي اضافه حلوه بالموضوع اكون شاكره لكم لانو رح اعمل برزنتيشن عن السعاده أي احد يساعدني بفكره جميللله اكون شاكره له
الموضوع الأصلى من هنا: English4arab http://www.english4arab.net/vb/t35417.html#post412171
ترجمه كلامي اذا مافهمتوا ع لغتي الغير جيده
اريد ان اتكلم عن شخصين اسمهم فاطمه وساره هم اخوات فاطمه تحب حياتها تذهب الى المدرسه مبكر تستمع لدروسها وتسولف مع اصديقاتها باشياء جيده وتذهب للبيت وتدرس جيدا وتنام مبكر
اما اختها ساره عكسها هي تكره المدرسه دائما تغيب هي تحب النوم لاتعمل شي وهي تكره حياتها دائما حزينه تنام كل الوقت من دون تغير أي شي بنفسها
نستنتج من القصه لو انجزت شي بحياتك سوف تشعر بسعاده
ولكن حينما لم تنجز أي شيء وتنام كل الوقت سوف تشعر بالحزن والاحباط ولم تعمل أي حاجه بحياتك
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

I want to talk about tow .person s , their names Fatimah and sara
.they are sisters
Fatimah is happy about her life . she always wakes up early in the morning to go to school . She talks with her friends about good things . After that ,she goes to home . she studies hard for her matriles . At the night she sleeps early
But her sister sara is the opposite . she dislikes going to school . she is always absent , she likes sleeping . she does not make any thing . she dislikes her life and always sad
she sleeps sleeps sleeps
all the time without change anything about her self
طيب بدال جملتك هذه
so,we conclude about this story if you perform anything about in your life until its very hard and very tired we will feel happy (هل عادي اقول we conclude
but when you do not perform any thing and sleap all the time , you will feel sad and disappointment
and you do not do any thing abou your life
After that story we can say that happiness is in doing our duties and ****s
And complete our jobs
But in laziness you will be sad and disappointment
.they are sisters
Fatimah is happy about her life . she always wakes up early in the morning to go to school . She talks with her friends about good things . After that ,she goes to home . she studies hard for her matriles . At the night she sleeps early
But her sister sara is the opposite . she dislikes going to school . she is always absent , she likes sleeping . she does not make any thing . she dislikes her life and always sad
she sleeps sleeps sleeps
all the time without change anything about her self
طيب بدال جملتك هذه
so,we conclude about this story if you perform anything about in your life until its very hard and very tired we will feel happy (هل عادي اقول we conclude
but when you do not perform any thing and sleap all the time , you will feel sad and disappointment
and you do not do any thing abou your life
After that story we can say that happiness is in doing our duties and ****s
And complete our jobs
But in laziness you will be sad and disappointment

انتبهي من علامات الترقيم وانتبهي لقاعدة s المفرد في زمن المضارع
لانه هذه تنخذ عليك وممكن من خلالها تحكم عليك المشرفه عطول
انتبهي ياقلبي
لانه هذه تنخذ عليك وممكن من خلالها تحكم عليك المشرفه عطول
انتبهي ياقلبي
الصفحة الأخيرة
طيب انتي عرضك موجه لمين
لطالبات في الجامعه
ولا لثانوي ولا لمتوسط
ايش رايك تجبين صورة طفل يكون عادي مو فرحان ولا زعلان وبعدين وكان احد اعطاه ايسكريم او لعبه وصار فرحان وتقولين he is happy right now because of the ice cream
والقطعه فيها اشوية اخطاء بالgrammer بحاول اصلحها لك