ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان
مشكوووووووووووووره يالغلا

وتسلم الايادي

ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Rnd 1: With MC, ch 4, sl st in first ch to form ring. Ch 1. Work 12 sc in ring. Join with sl st to top of first sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), dc in same sp. (1 dc in each of next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st) 3 times. 1 dc in each of next 2 sts. Join with sl st in third ch of beg ch 3. End off. (16 dc)

Rnd 3: With right side facing, attach CC with sl st in front loop of any dc from rnd 2. *Chain 7 loosely. Working in the back loops only of the chains just made, sl st in second ch from hook, dc in next ch, tr in next 2 ch, dc in next ch, hdc in last ch. Sl st in front loop of next dc from rnd 2.* Work * to * 15 times. Last petal should now be joined in same st as first petal. Finish off. (16 petals)

Square: (read directions carefully...all work in rounds 4, 5, and 7 is done on wrong side with back of petals facing you.)
Rnd 4: With wrong side facing using MC (sl st, ch 3, dc) in any remaining back loop from rnd 3. 3 times. Dc in next 3 sts, (2 dc, ch 1) in next st. Join with sl st to top of beg ch 3. (28 dc)
Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in same st. * 3 times. Work * to * once, (2 dc, ch 1) in next st. Join with sl st to top of beg ch 3. (44 dc)
Rnd 6: Ch 3, turn work so front of petals are now facing you. (Dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in ch 1 sp. Dc in each st around, working (2dc, ch 1, 2 dc) in each corner sp. Join with sl st to top of beg ch 3. (60 dc)
Rnd 7: Sl st into next dc. (Sl st, ch 3) in ch 1 sp, turn to wrong side, dc in same ch 1 sp. 3 times. Work * to * once. (2 dc, ch 1) in ch 1 sp, join with sl st to top of beg ch 3. (76 dc)
Rnd 8: Ch 3, turn work to rs, dc in each st around, working 5 dc in each corner sp. (92 dc)
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each corner sp. End off. (100 sc)
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Special Stitches:
Picot: Ch 3, sc in 3rd ch from hook.
Puff Stitch (puff): 3 times, YO and pull thru all 7 loops on hook.

Rnd 1: Ch 8, join to form ring, ch 3, 2 dc in ring, picot, (3 dc in ring, picot) 3 times, join. (12 dc and 4 picots)

Rnd 2: Ch 3, (dc, ch 3, dc) in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 5, * dc in next dc, (dc, ch 3, dc) in next dc, dc in next dc, ch 5; rep from * around, join. (4 ch-5 loops and 4 ch-3 sps)

Rnd 3: Sl st in next dc and into next sp, ch 3, (dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in same sp, dc in next ch-5 loop, (ch 1, dc) 5 times in same loop, * (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next ch-3 sp, dc in next ch-5 loop, (ch 1, dc) 5 times in same loop; rep from * around, join. (40 dc)

Rnd 4: Sl st into next dc, ch 4 (counts as dc, ch 1), (dc, ch 3, dc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, (puff in next sp, ch 2) 4 times, puff in next sp, skip next 2 dc's, * dc in next dc, ch 1, (dc, ch 3, dc, ch 1) in next ch-3 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, (puff in next sp, ch 2) 4 times, puff in next sp, skip next 2 dc's; rep from * around, join with sl st in 3rd ch of beg ch-4. (20 puffs)

Rnd 5: Sl st into next sp, ch 4, (puff, ch 3, puff) in next sp, ch 1, dc in next sp, ch 2, (sc in next sp, ch 2) 4 times, * dc in next sp, ch 1, (puff, ch 3, puff) in next sp, dc in next sp, ch 2, (sc in next sp, ch 2) 4 times; rep from * around, join.

Rnd 6: Sl st into next sp, ch 2, puff in same sp, ch 2, (puff, ch 3, puff) in next sp, (ch 2, puff in next sp) 2 times, ch 2, (sc in next sp, ch 2) 3 times, * (puff in next sp, ch 2) 2 times, (puff, ch 3, puff) in next sp, (ch 2, puff in next sp) 2 times, ch 2, (sc in next sp, ch 2) 3 times; rep from * around ending with (puff, ch 2) in last sp, join with sl st in top of first puff.

Rnd 7: Sl st in next sp, ch 3, dc in same sp, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in next sp, 2 dc in next sp, 3 dc in next sp, 2 dc in each of next 4 sps, 3 dc in next sp, * 2 dc in next sp, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in next sp, 2 dc in next sp, 3 dc in next sp, 2 dc in each of next 4 sps; rep from * around, join and fasten off.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Start with A, 12 ch , join

1.20 sc in lp; join with sl st in first st.

2. sc in joining st,*8 ch, sk 4 ch, sc in next sc*. Repeat * to * twice again, finish with 8 ch, join with sl st in first sc .

3. *sc on sc, 9 sc in 8-ch sp* ; Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st. Cut yarn

4. Join B in 5th sc of a lp, * 2 sc in next sc (corner), (sc in next sc) 9 times; repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st. Change to C.

5. * 2 sc in next sc (corner), (sc in next sc) 10 times; repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st. Change to D.

6. *(dc, ch, dc ) in corner, (ch, sk a st, dc in next st)6 times, ch*. Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st.

7. *4 sc in corner (=sc in first dc, 2 sc on ch sp, sc on 2nd dc), (sc in next ch, sc in next dc) 6 times. Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st. Change to A

8. 2 sc in corner sc, sc in ea sc. Repeat * to * all around; join with sl st in first st. Change to B.

9. *(dc, ch, dc ) in corner, (ch, sk a st, dc in next st)8 times, ch*. Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st.

10. *4 sc in corner (=sc in first dc, 2 sc on ch sp, sc on 2nd dc), (sc in next ch, sc in next dc) 6 times. Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st. Change to B.

11. 2 sc in corner sc, sc in ea sc. Repeat * to * all around; join with sl st in first st. Cut yarn and weave in ends.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Beginning with Pale Yellow, ch 4, join with sl st in first ch to form ring.
Rnd 1: ch 1, 8 sc in ring, join with sl st in top of first sc. (8 sc)
Rnd 2: draw lp up to ½", PS in same st as joining, ch 2, (PS in next sc, ch 2) 7 times, join with sl st in top of first PS. Fasten Off Yellow. (8 PS, 8 ch-2 sps)
Rnd 3: join Blue with sc in any ch-2 sp, ch 2 (joining sc and ch-2 counts as first dc), (dc, ch 2 2 dc) in same sp, 4 hdc in next ch-2 sp, 3 times, join with sl st in top of first dc. (16 dc, 16 hdc)
Rnd 4: ch 3 (counts as first dc now and throughout), dc in next dc, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner ch-2 sp, (dc in each of next 2 sts, ch 1, sk next st) 2 times**, dc in each of next 2 sts*, rep from * to * around ending last rep at **, join with sl st in top of first dc. Fasten Off Blue. (40 dc, 8 ch-1 sps)
Note: When working tr sts on Rnds 5 & 7, work in front of ch-1 sps
Rnd 5: join Pale Yellow with sc in any corner ch-2 sp, (ch 2, sc) in same sp, *sc in next 4 dc, tr in next skipped st 2 rows below, sc in next 2 dc, tr in next skipped st 2 rows below, sc in next 4 dc**, (sc, ch 2, sc) in corner ch-2 sp*, rep from * to * around ending last rep at **, join with sl st in top of first sc. (48 sc, 8 tr)
Rnd 6: ch 3, *(2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner ch-2 sp, (dc in each of next 2 sc, ch 1, sk next st) 4 times**, dc in each of next 2 sc*, rep from * to * around ending last rep at **, dc in next sc, join with sl st in top of first dc. Fasten Off Yellow. (56 dc, 16 ch-1 sps)
Rnd 7: join Blue with sc in any corner ch-2 sp, (ch 2, sc) in same sp, *sc in each of next 4 dc, (tr in next skipped st 2 rows below, sc in next 2 dc) 3 times, tr in next skipped st 2 rows below, sc in next 4 dc**, (sc, ch 2, sc) in corner ch-2 sp*, rep from * to * around ending last rep at **, join with sl st in top of first sc. (64 sc, 16 tr)
Rnd 8: ch 2 (counts as first hdc), *(2 hdc, ch 2, 2 hdc) in corner ch-2 sp, hdc in each of next 20 sts*, rep from * to * around ending last rep with hdc in next 19 sts, join with sl st in top of first hdc. Fasten Off. Weave in ends. (96 hdc)