ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Ch 6, join to form ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 1, (sc in ring, ch 5) 8 times, join to first sc with sl st.

Rnd 2: Sl st into next loop, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in same loop, sc in next loop, * (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in next loop, sc in next loop; rep from * around, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

Rnd 3: Sl st to ch-2 sp, ch 1, * (sc, ch 3, sc) in ch-2 sp, ch 4, skip next 3 dc, sc in sc, skip next 3 dc, ch 4; rep from * around, join to beg sc.

Rnd 4: Sl st into ch-3 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in same sp, *sc in next ch-4 loop, 5 dc in sc, sc in next ch-4 loop, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in ch-3 sp; rep from * 3 times, then sc in next ch-4 loop, 5 dc in sc, sc in next ch-4 loop, join with sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

Rnd 5: Sl st to ch-2 sp, ch 1, * (sc, ch 4, sc) in ch-2 sp, skip 3 dc, 5 dc in next sc, sc in 3rd dc of next 5-dc group, 5 dc in next sc; rep from * around, join to first sc.

Rnd 6: Sl st into ch-4 sp, ch 3, (2 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) into same sp, ch 4, sc in 3rd dc of next 5-dc group, ch 3, hdc into next sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd dc of next 5-dc group, ch 4, * (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) into next ch-4 sp, ch 4, sc in 3rd dc of next 5-dc group, ch 3, hdc in next sc, ch 3, sc in 3rd dc of next 5-dc group, ch 4; rep from * around, join to 3rd ch of beg ch-3.

Rnd 7: Sl st into next dc, ch 4, * (dc, ch 3 dc) into corner ch-2 sp, ch 1, skip 1 dc, dc in next dc, ch 1, 4 times, skip next dc, dc in next dc, ch 1; rep from * around, join with sl st to 3rd ch of beg ch-4.

Rnd 8 (fudging round): At this point measure your square.
If your square measures 6 inches, ch 3, dc in each st and in each sp around having 5 dc in each corner space. Join as before and fasten off.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

For Heart:

Round 1:

With Color A make a loop, ch 3, 7 dc in loop. Continue to work in loop 1 trc, 8 dc, 3 trc, 1 hdc, sl st, 1 hdc, 3 trc. Join with a sl st in top of ch 3.

Round 2:

Ch 1, sc in same st and next 7 sts, in trc work (sc, dc, sc) for point. Work sc in next 8 sts. 2 sc in each of next 3 sts. Sl st in next 3 sts, 2 sc in each of next 3 sts. Join with a sl st in first sc.

Round 3:

Ch 1 sc, in same st and next st work picot (ch 3, sl st in front loop and parallel loop of st below to left of it), work 2 sc. Continue from * 11 times more, work 2 sc, 3 sl sts, 2 sc. Picot, (2 sc, picot) twice. Sl st in first sc. 15 picots

For Square

Round 1:

Make a loop, ch 3 and work 2 dc, (ch 2, 3 dc) three times, work hdc into top of ch 3.

Round 2:

Ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, ch 1, *in next corner ch 2 sp work ( 3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc), ch 1. Continue from * around, ending 3 dc, hdc in top of ch 3.

Round 3:

Ch 3, 2 dc in same sp, ch 1, * 3 dc in next ch 1 sp, ch 1, in corner work (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc), ch 1. Continue from * around, ending 3 dc, hdc in top of ch 3.

Round 4-6:

Continue in this manner, increasing 3 dc each round on each side. End Round 6 with ch 2, sl st in top of ch 3. FO Color B

Finish off and weave in all ends.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Ch 4; join with slip st to form ring.

Rnd 1: Ch 1, 12 sc in ring. Join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st. (Ch 3, sk next sc, sc in next sc) 5 times. Ch 3, join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 3: 5 sc in each ch 3 sp around. Join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 4: Sl st in next two sc (this should put you in the center sc of the 5 sc group). Ch 1, sc in same st. (Ch 4, sk next 4 sc, sc in next sc) 5 times. Ch 4, join with sl st in first sc. Finish off.

Rnd 5: Join next color with sc in any ch 4 sp. (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc, sc) in same ch 4 sp. (Sc, 2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc, sc) in next five ch 4 loops. Join with sl st in first sc.

Rnd 6: Ch 4. * In next ch 3 sp, (dc, ch 1) five times. Dc between next two sc. Ch 1, repeat from * five times. Join with sl st in 3rd ch of beginning ch 4. Finish off.

Rnd 7: Join next color with sc in ch 1 sp to the right of any 5 dc "fan". Working in ch 1 spaces between dcs, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp, (3 dc in next ch 1 sp) twice, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp, sc in next ch 1 sp. (Sc in next ch 1 sp, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp, (3 dc in next ch 1 sp) twice, 2 dc in next ch 1 sp, sc in next ch 1 sp) five times. Join with sl st in beginning sc.

Rnd 8: * Sl st in next 10 dc, sl st dec in next 2 sc. Repeat from * five times. Join with sl st in starting sl st. Finish off.

Rnd 9: First let's find the stitches we'll be working in for this round. Look back at Round 6 (the last round of your second color). Find the center dc of a 5 dc "fan". We'll be starting in the back loop of that dc. Let's call this the dc at the top of the fan. Also locate the dc between the "fans" on Round 6. We'll also be using the back loop of these dcs. Let's call this the dc between the fans.

Join next color with sc in back loop of the dc at the top of the fan. (Ch 5, sc in back loop of the dc between the fans. Ch 5, sc in back loop of the dc at the top of the fan) 5 times. Ch 5, sc in back loop of the dc between the fans. Ch 5, join with sl st in first sc. (12 ch 5 spaces)

Rnd 10: Sl st into ch 5 sp. (Ch 3, 3 dc, ch 3, 4 dc) in same sp, *(ch 1, 4 dc in next ch 5 sp) twice, ch 1, (4 dc, ch 3, 4 dc) in next ch 5 sp. Repeat from * twice. (Ch 1, 4 dc in next ch 5 sp) twice, ch 1, join with sl st in beginning ch 3. (4 groups of 4 dc per side)

Rnd 11: Sl st in next 3 dc, sl st in corner ch 3 sp. (Ch 1, sc, ch 2, sc) in same sp. *(Sc in next 4 dc, sc in ch 1 sp) 3 times, sc in next 4 dc, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next corner ch 3 sp. Repeat from * twice. (sc in next 4 dc, sc in ch 1 sp) 3 times, sc in next 4 dc. Join with sl st in first sc. (21 sc per side)

Rnd 12: Sl st in corner ch 2 sp. (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. * Sk next sc, V-st in next sc, (sk next 2 sc, V-st in next sc) 6 times, sk next sc, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat from * twice. Sk next sc, V-st in next sc, (sk next 2 sc, V-st in next sc) 6 times, sk next sc. Join with sl st in beginning ch 3. (7 V-sts per side)

Rnd 13: Sl st in next dc, sl st in corner ch 2 sp. (Ch 1, sc, ch 2, sc) in same sp. * Sc in each dc and each ch 1 sp across, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat from * twice. Sc in each dc and each ch 1 sp across. Finish off. (27 sc per side)

Rnd 14: Join next color with sl st in any corner ch 2 sp. (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. *Dc in next sc, (Ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc) 13 times, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat from * twice. Dc in next sc, (Ch 1, sk next sc, dc in next sc) 13 times. Finish off. (13 ch 1 sps per side)

Rnd 15: Join next color with sc in any corner ch 2 sp. (Ch 2, sc) in same sp. * Sc in each dc and each ch 1 sp across, (sc, ch 2, sc) in next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat from * twice. Sc in each dc and each ch 1 sp across. Finish off. (33 sc per side)

Rnd 16: Join next color with sl st in any corner ch 2 sp. (Ch 3, dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in same sp. * Dc in each sc across, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in next corner ch 2 sp. Repeat from * twice. Dc in each sc across. Finish off. (37 dc per side)
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

With CA, ch 4, join to form a loop
Round 1: Ch 3, 11 dc in loop, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 2: Ch 1, (sc, ch 3) in each dc around (12 loops), join to 1st sc.

Round 3: Sl st in first loop, beg cluster in loop, ch 3 (cluster in next loop, ch 3) around, join to top of 1st cluster. Finish off CA.

Round 4: Join CB in any ch 3 loop, ch 1, 5 sc in each loop around, join to 1st sc.

Round 5: Sl st in next 2 sc, (ch 4, 2 trc, ch 3, 3 trc) in same st, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 4th ch of beg ch 4.

Round 6: Sl st to corner, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in corner, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Finish off CB. This would make a good square on it's own. I believe it would measure about 7 inches.

Round 7: Join CA in any corner, ch 1, 4 times, join to 1st sc.

Round 8: Sl st in next loop, ch 1, 5 sc in each loop around, join to 1st sc.

Round 9: Sl st in next 2 sc, (ch 3, 2dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in same sc, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 10: Sl st to corner, (ch 3, 2dc, ch 3, 3dc) in corner, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 11: Sl st to corner, ch 2, 4 hdc in corner, 3 times, hdc in each st and sp across, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Finish off, and weave away. And, place in front of you, show your friends and family and tell them, "This is the BEST square I have EVER MADE!!!"
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

With CA, Ch 4, join to form a loop.

Do a traditional granny square for 2 rounds,

Round 3: Sl st to corner loop, ch 1, 4 times, join to 1st sc.

Round 4: Sl st in corner loop, ch 1 4 times, join to 1st sc.

Round 5: Sl st to 3rd sc of corner, ch 3, 4 dc in same sc 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Finish off CA.

Round 6: Join CB to any 3rd dc of any corner 5, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in same st, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 7: Sl st to corner loop, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in corner, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3.

Round 8: Sl st to corner, ch 1 4 times, join to 1st sc.

Round 9: Sl st to corner loop, ch 1, 4 times, join to 1st sc.

Round 10: Sl st to 3rd sc of 5 sc corner, (ch 3, 4 dc) in same st, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Finish off CB

Round 11: Join CA to any 3rd dc of 5 dc corner, (ch 3, 2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in corner dc, 3 times and * to * once more, join to 3rd ch of beg ch 3. Finish off if your square is 12 inches. If however, you do not have a 12 inch square and you need a little more around the edges, ch 1, 5 sc in corners and sc in each sp and dc around. Then finish off, and well, we have a few ends to weave in if you don't weave while you go, so lets start weaving in ends!