لقاءنا مع اخطاء شائعة جديدة وهذه المرة مع حرف ال " c "

1- classic vs classical
classical تعني الاشياء من الحضارات الرومانية والاغريقية القديمة.
بينما classic نستخدمها لوصف اشياء بارزة او مميزة بين مجموعتها .

Classical” usually describes things from ancient Greece or Rome, or things from analogous ancient periods like classical Sanskrit poetry. The exception is classical music, which in the narrow sense is late 18th and 19th-century music by the likes of Mozart, Haydn, and Beethoven, and in the broader sense formal concert music of any period in the West or traditional formal music from other cultures, like classical ragas.

“Classic” has a much looser meaning, describing things that are outstanding exampls of their kind, like a classic car

2- complement vs compliment
الكلمة الاولى complement تعني مُكمل للشيء. بينما compliment تعني الشكر والثناء.

Complements supplement each other, each adding something the others lack. A compliment is an expression of regard , a pleasing word or act.

3- criteria or criterion
There are several words with Latin or Greek roots whose plural forms ending in A are constantly mistaken for singular ones. For instance, data and media. You can have one criterion or many criteria.

4- cut and paste vs copy and paste

cut and paste” is a familiar phrase, many people say it when they mean “copy and paste” in a computer context. This can lead to disastrous results if followed literally by an inexpert person. If you mean to tell someone to duplicate something rather than move it, say "copy.” And when you are moving bits of computer information from one place to another the safest sequence is often to copy the original, paste the copy elsewhere, and only then delete (cut) the original.
5- current vs currant
current - للتعبير عن الزمن الراهن (في هذه الحالة صفة). وعندما نستخدمها كأسم مع الامواج - الوقت.
بينما currant تستخدم فقط مع الفواكه الصغيرة.

Current” is an adjective having to do with the present time, and can also be a noun naming a thing that, like time, flows: electrical current, currents of public opinion. “Currant”refers only to little fruits.

الكلمة الاولى coarse تعني خشن وغليظ.
الكلمتان تلفظان بنفس الطريقة مما يسبب الخلط بينهما.
دانة عمان
دانة عمان
Jeela مواضيعك تستحق التميز بصراحة
( الأخطاء الشائعة في اللغة الانجليزية ) هذا الكتاب عندي و ما أستغني عنة .
تسلمين أختي
دانة عمان
تسلمين ع المرور والكتاب ززي ماقلت روعة
نتنقل إلى الاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال " d "


الكلمة الاولى عبارة عن إسم بمعنى صحراء بينما الكلمة الثانية اسم بمعنى " تحلية"

dilemma/ difficulty
كلمة dilemma تعبر عن صعوبة في اتخاذ قرارات - وليس مجرد مشكلة فحسب
نشوف المثال:
Whether to invite your son’s mother to his high school graduation when your current wife hates her is a dilemma

Cleaning up after a hurricane is just a problem, though a difficult one.

drier- dryer
A clothes dryer makes the clothes drier.

different than- different from/ to
Americans say “Scuba-diving is different from snorkeling,” the British sometimes say “different to” and those who don’t know any better say “different than.”

In casual speech, we say “it depends who plays the best defense"; but in writing follow “depends” with “on.”

device vs devise
Device” is a noun. A can-opener is a device. “Devise” is a verb. You can devise a plan for opening a can with a sharp rock instead. Only in law is “devise” properly used as a noun, meaning something deeded in a will.

dual vs duel
“Dual” is an adjective describing the two-ness of something—dual carburetors, for instance. A “duel” is a formal battle intended to settle a dispute