السلام عليكم..
لقاءنا اليوم مع اخطاء بحرف ال " e ''
1- eminent vs imminent

eminent = بارز اي outstanding بينما كلمة imminent تعني وشيك\ وشك الحدوث.

elusion vs illusion
an elusion is an avoidance of clever means
التهرب بطرق ذكية.

illusion = a false impression or belief ; a deception
انطباع خاطئ - خادع

3-emigrate vs immigrate

emigrate= to leave one country & settle in another
immigrate= to come into one country from another country to settle

4- ei or ie
The familiar rule is that English words are spelled with the “I” before the “E” unless they follow a “C,” as in “receive.” But it is important to add that words in which the vowel sound is an “A” like “neighbor” and “weigh” are also spelled with the “E” first. And there are a few exceptions like “counterfeit,” “seize,” and “weird.

5- evidence to
استخدام حرف الجر to مع هذه الكلمة غير صحيح - ويجب استخدام of بدلا منها.
Driving through the front entrance of the Burger King is evidence of Todd’s inexperience in driving.”

6- elicit vs illicit
The lawyer tries to elicit a description of the attacker from the witness. “Elicit” is always a verb. “Illicit,” in contrast, is always an adjective describing something illegal or naughty
ريح الجنان
ريح الجنان
jeela jeela :
نتنقل إلى الاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال " d " DESERT/DESSERT الكلمة الاولى عبارة عن إسم بمعنى صحراء بينما الكلمة الثانية اسم بمعنى " تحلية" dilemma/ difficulty كلمة dilemma تعبر عن صعوبة في اتخاذ قرارات - وليس مجرد مشكلة فحسب نشوف المثال: Whether to invite your son’s mother to his high school graduation when your current wife hates her is a dilemma Cleaning up after a hurricane is just a problem, though a difficult one. drier- dryer A clothes dryer makes the clothes drier. different than- different from/ to Americans say “Scuba-diving is different from snorkeling,” the British sometimes say “different to” and those who don’t know any better say “different than.” depends In casual speech, we say “it depends who plays the best defense"; but in writing follow “depends” with “on.” device vs devise Device” is a noun. A can-opener is a device. “Devise” is a verb. You can devise a plan for opening a can with a sharp rock instead. Only in law is “devise” properly used as a noun, meaning something deeded in a will. dual vs duel “Dual” is an adjective describing the two-ness of something—dual carburetors, for instance. A “duel” is a formal battle intended to settle a dispute
نتنقل إلى الاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال " d " DESERT/DESSERT الكلمة الاولى عبارة عن إسم بمعنى...
يزاج الله خير يا الغالية
وإياك إن شاء الله ريح الجنان
شـذى الـورد
شـذى الـورد
jeela jeela :
نتنقل إلى الاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال " d " DESERT/DESSERT الكلمة الاولى عبارة عن إسم بمعنى صحراء بينما الكلمة الثانية اسم بمعنى " تحلية" dilemma/ difficulty كلمة dilemma تعبر عن صعوبة في اتخاذ قرارات - وليس مجرد مشكلة فحسب نشوف المثال: Whether to invite your son’s mother to his high school graduation when your current wife hates her is a dilemma Cleaning up after a hurricane is just a problem, though a difficult one. drier- dryer A clothes dryer makes the clothes drier. different than- different from/ to Americans say “Scuba-diving is different from snorkeling,” the British sometimes say “different to” and those who don’t know any better say “different than.” depends In casual speech, we say “it depends who plays the best defense"; but in writing follow “depends” with “on.” device vs devise Device” is a noun. A can-opener is a device. “Devise” is a verb. You can devise a plan for opening a can with a sharp rock instead. Only in law is “devise” properly used as a noun, meaning something deeded in a will. dual vs duel “Dual” is an adjective describing the two-ness of something—dual carburetors, for instance. A “duel” is a formal battle intended to settle a dispute
نتنقل إلى الاخطاء الشائعة في حرف ال " d " DESERT/DESSERT الكلمة الاولى عبارة عن إسم بمعنى...
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