For All Learners to English Language

اللغة الأنجليزية


welcome everyone

?? how are you sisters

what a Good feelings when you see the others they Encourage you :(

we Can Do it , That Is Our banner For this Campaign ,

, don't makes that difficult On you ,, Say It this In High Voice We can Do it ,, Yes Very Good :D '' I think I Imagine Myself In Class :42: '

First Of All,, as we know English Language Is more easy Than We think ,, We just Make It Hard On ourselves , And there Is Many reasons like 1- Not Good English Education here In Saudi Arabia 2- we don't care In this Language coz we think it is Not important learning it ,, so I have Good Rules to help you More and Improve your English .

Listening ,, Reading ,, conversations to others They are Non Arabi persons ? why ? becuase you Forced To talk with Her In English Only '' :D

you know Learning By Ears Very strong Learn,Cannot Forget It what you learn ,, listen to stories A lot Coz that Will Improve your English Video ,Nashed everything IN English

By reading Novels , News papers , And Magazins ,

ANd I have Novels translator ( Arabic / English) Very Good for learning ,,
Change your phone language to English,,and If you faced any word In English tried to read it ,,

browse A lot of English Websites ,, watched a lot of english Grammer lessons
this website will help you In english Grammer like this

By the way I am Not A English Student , I am Learning too
and Iwrite this to lovely website to me :32: ,,

and My last Advice Is read this Beautiful Novels ,,
A tale Of two cities ,, Robnson crous , sense and sensibility

any questions

I am here ^^

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ليــن ؛
ليــن ؛

at is very good

thank you
أتعبني السكوت at is very good thank you at is very good thank you
you are welcome sis
ذكرى الفجر
ذكرى الفجر
very nice
path of hope
path of hope
You are good
And your language prefect
I study English in college
I am trst for learning any languages
From 4 skill
Listening , reading,speaking and writing
Your advice is good
Thanks alot
أتعبني السكوت
very nice
very nice
thanks sister