welcome everyone
?? how are you sisters
what a Good feelings when you see the others they Encourage you :(
we Can Do it , That Is Our banner For this Campaign ,
, don't makes that difficult On you ,, Say It this In High Voice We can Do it ,, Yes Very Good :D '' I think I Imagine Myself In Class :42: '
First Of All,, as we know English Language Is more easy Than We think ,, We just Make It Hard On ourselves , And there Is Many reasons like 1- Not Good English Education here In Saudi Arabia 2- we don't care In this Language coz we think it is Not important learning it ,, so I have Good Rules to help you More and Improve your English .
Listening ,, Reading ,, conversations to others They are Non Arabi persons ? why ? becuase you Forced To talk with Her In English Only '' :D
you know Learning By Ears Very strong Learn,Cannot Forget It what you learn ,, listen to stories A lot Coz that Will Improve your English Video ,Nashed everything IN English
By reading Novels , News papers , And Magazins ,
ANd I have Novels translator ( Arabic / English) Very Good for learning ,,
Change your phone language to English,,and If you faced any word In English tried to read it ,,
browse A lot of English Websites ,, watched a lot of english Grammer lessons
this website will help you In english Grammer like this
By the way I am Not A English Student , I am Learning too
and Iwrite this to lovely website to me :32: ,,
and My last Advice Is read this Beautiful Novels ,,
A tale Of two cities ,, Robnson crous , sense and sensibility
any questions
I am here ^^

أتعبني السكوت @ataabny_alskot
عضوة جديدة
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

ليــن ؛ :
http://www.engvid.com/ at is very good thank youhttp://www.engvid.com/ at is very good thank you
you are welcome sis

You are good
And your language prefect
I study English in college
I am trst for learning any languages
From 4 skill
Listening , reading,speaking and writing
Your advice is good
Thanks alot
And your language prefect
I study English in college
I am trst for learning any languages
From 4 skill
Listening , reading,speaking and writing
Your advice is good
Thanks alot

الصفحة الأخيرة
at is very good
thank you