blsm @blsm_4
عضوة جديدة
please i need an arabic keyboard
ساعدوني •
This is my first time to write ......immmm tooo muchappy..im living in america ............................soooooooo im too far from my family but now i feel u r my family...........sooo pleasehelp me to find an arabic keyboard beause i like to write for u in arabic...............................thank u please im waiting for your answer
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

dear blsm
first of all ur computer shuold be arabic enable so u can have the benefit of the arabic keyboard or it will be useless
first of all ur computer shuold be arabic enable so u can have the benefit of the arabic keyboard or it will be useless

thank u raas al maaza foryr reading...................i can read the arabic from my computer but the problem i dont have an arabic keyboard...................my keyboard has only the english letters...................if u see some websites has an arabic keyboard but u can use it inside their site

الصفحة الأخيرة
i dont know what u mean by that