the rising of the moon

اللغة الأنجليزية

السلام عليكم
كيفكم يالغاليات
ابي منكم طلب ولا احد يردني
مسرحية بزوغ القمر ابي من اللي درستها او اطلعت عليها
كلام الحب


نبض الوفا

المحبة للخير

تجاوبونلي على ها السؤالين بما لا يقل عن صفحة ارجوكم ما تردوني واذا تبوني اكتبها لكم انا حاضرة
1/ what does the rising of the moon symbolize?
يعني الا ماذا بترمز الية المسرحية
2/ what is the theme of this play ?
ارجوكم ماتردوني :(

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

وينكم ماحد رد علي
الله يجزاكم الجنة
:26: :26: :26:
وعليكم السلام ..
هلاسمية ممكن تضعي المسرحية ونجاوبكِ إن شاء الله على الاسئلة ..:27:
الله يجزاكي الجنة يالغالية اصيل على المروور
مشكوورة يالغالية اصيل على المروور والله يجزاكي الجنة ويحرم عليكي النار والله اني ادعيلك من كل قلبي
السلام عليكم يالغاليات
انا باكتب لكم المسرحية على اجزاء وهذا اللي قدرت اكتبة لكم اليوم

بعد ما طلعت عيوني :11::11:

Scene: Side of a quay in a seaport town. Some posts and chains. A large barrel. Enter three policemen . Moonlight
Sergeant, who is older than the others, crosses the stage to right . looks down steps. The others put down a paste pot and ungroup bundle of placards.
Policeman B: I think this would be a good place to put up a notice.
Policeman X. Better ask him. {calls to Sergeant} will this be a good place. for a placard ? (no answer}.
Policeman B: will we put up a notice here on the barrel? (no answer}.
Sergeant: there 's a flight of steps here that leads to the water.
This is a place that should be minded well. if he got down here, his friends might have a boat to meet him ; they might send it in here from outside.
Policeman B: Would the barrel be a good place to put a notice up?
Sergeant: It might; you can put it there.
Sergeant: (Reading it.) Dark hair dark eyes, smooth face, height five feet five -there 's not much to take hold of in . that its a pity I had no chance of seeing' him before he broke out of Jail. They say he s a wonder, that its he makes all the plans for the whole organization. There isn't another man in Ireland would have-broken jail the way he Did. He must have some friends among the jailers.
Policeman B: A hundred pounds is little enough for the government to offer for him. You may be sure any man in the force that takes him will get promotion.
Sergeant: I will mind this place myself. I would t wouldn’t wonder at all lf he came this way. He might come slipping along there {points to side of quay), and his friends might be waiting for Him there (points down steps),.and once he got away it 's little.
chance we 'd have of finding him; it 's maybe under a load of ( '' kelp he 'd be in a fishing boat, and not one to help a married man that wants it to the reward.

Policeman X. And if we get him itself nothing but abuse on our heads for it from the people and maybe from our own relation.
Sergeant: well we have to do our a duty in the force. Haven’t we the whole country depending on us to keep law and order? Its those that are down would be up and those that are up would be down, if it isn't for us . well hurry on you have plenty of other places to placard yet, and come back here then to me . you can take the lantern . don’t be too long now. Its very lonesome here with nothing but the moon.
Policeman B: it is a pity we can’t stop with you . the government should have brought more police into the town with him in jail, and at assize time too. Well good luck to your watch.
Sergeant: a hundred pounds and promotion sure. There must be a great deal of spending in a hundred pounds. It’s a pity some honest man not to be the better of that

Sergeant: where are you going ?
Man. I am a poor ballad -singer, your honour. I thought to sell some of these to the sailors.
والباقي انشاء الله سيتم كتابتة ارجوكم ماتردوني
عزيزتي سمية
انا كمان مثل الاخت نبض الوفا ما درست المسرحية والجزء الذكرتيه لوحده مش كافي. هل ممكن تعطيني إسم الكاتب عشان يساعدني اعمل لك بحث في النت؟