اتفضلى حبيبتى جنى باترون فستان المسابقه وصلنى عبر بريد موقعى وهو باترون مكتوب وليس مرسوم
ان شاء الله كما وعدت ان سمح وقتى ساشارك معكم فى ورشه عمله باذن الله وان لم يسعفنى الوقت ساكون معكم من حين لاخر
موفقين حبباتى وملبوس الهنا مقدما
ولا تنسونى من صالح دعائكم

هذا باترون الفستان والبونيه والحذاء

Dress, Bonnet, Booties
Newborn to 3 months (dress measures about 21" from bottom edge to shoulder)
Bedspread-weight crochet cotton, ten 5-yd balls white Size 6 steel crochet hook, or size required for gauge
7 yds 1/4"-wide white satin ribbon 2 yds 1/8"-wide white satin ribbon
three 3/8" diameter white buttons
sewing needle and matching thread
tapestry needle for weaving ribbon (optional)
8 dc = 1"
Small Rose (make 28) Ch 4, join to form a ring.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, (sc in ring, ch 3) 6 times; join in first sc-6 sc.
Rnd 2: SI st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc- petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, oh 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 4: SI st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc- petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in same lp; oh 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Finish off and weave in ends.
Large Rose (make one)
Work same as small rose through Rnd 5. At end of Rnd 5, do not finish off.
Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 5, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 5; rep from * around; join in first sc.
Rnd 8: Sl st in next 2 chs of next ch-5 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 10 trc in next sc; * sc in next ch-5 sp, 10 trc in next sc; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc. Finish off and weave in ends.
Starting at waist, ch 168; join to form a ring.
Note: Rnd joinings form left side seam of bodice.
Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining and in each rem ch; join in first sc. Mark unused lp of 126th ch for center back.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in each rem sc; join in first sc.
Rnds 3 and 4: Rep Rnd 2.
Note: Remainder of bodice is worked in rows.
Front Yoke:
Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in next 84 sc. (Mark next sc on Rnd 4.) Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sc unworked.
Row 2: Dec over first 2 sc (to work dec: draw up lp in each of next 2 sc, YO and draw through all 3 lps on hook-dec made); sc in next 80 sc, dec over next 2 sc-82 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Dec; sc in each sc to last 2 sc; dec. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 4 through 10: Rep Row 3. At end of Row 10-66 sc.
Row 11: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 12 through 20: RepRow 11.
Left Front Yoke:
Row 21: Sc in next 25 sc. Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sc unworked.
Row 22: Dec; sc in each rem sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 23: Sc in each sc to last 2 sc; dec. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 24 through 33: Rep Rows 22 and 23 five times. At end of Row 33- 13 sc.
Row 34: Rep Row 22. At end of row-12 sc.
Row 35: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Sc in each sc. Finish off.
Right Front Yoke:
Hold bodice with right side facing you; sk next 16 unused sc on Row 20 of front yoke, join thread in next unused sc.
Row 21: Ch 1, sc in same sc as joining and in next 24 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 22: Sc in each sc to last 2 sc; dec. Ch 1, turn.
Row 23: Dec; sc in each rem sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 24 through 33: Rep Rows 22 and 23 five times. At end of Row 33- 13 sc.
Row 34: Sc in each sc to last 2 sc; dec-12 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 35: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Sc in each sc. Finish off.
Right Back Yoke:
Hold bodice with right side facing you; join thread in marked sc on Rnd 4 of bodice.
Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 40 sc-41 sc. (Mark 3rd unused sc from last sc worked on Rnd 4 of bodice.) Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sc unworked.
Row 2: Sc in each sc to last 2 sc, dec-40 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Dec; sc in each rem sc-39 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 4 through 9: Rep Rows 2 and 3 three times. At end of Row 9-33 sc.
Row 10: Rep Row 2. At end of row-32 sc.
Row 11: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 12 through 26: Rep Row 11.
Row 27: Sc in next 18 sc, dec-19 sc. Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
Rovv 28: Rep Row 3. At end of row-18 sc.
Rows 29 through 34: Rep Rows 2 and 3 three times. At end of Row 34-12 sc.
Row 35: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Sc in each sc. Turn.
Row 37: Hold right side of right front yoke facing right side of right back yoke; carefully matching sts, sl st through each sc on Row 36 of right front yoke and corresponding sc on Row 36 of right back yoke. Finish off.
Left Back Yoke:
Hold bodice with right side facing you; join thread in marked se on Rnd 4 of bodice.
Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 40 sc-41 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Dec; sc in each rem sc-40 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in each sc to last 2 sc; dec-39 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 4 through 9: Rep Rows 2 and 3 three times. At end of Row 9-33 sc.
Row 10: Rep Row 2. At end of row-32 sc.
Row 11: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rows 12 through 25: Rep Row I 1.
Row 26: Sc in each sc. Turn.
Row 27: Sl st in next 13 sc; ch 1, dec over same sc as last sl st made and next sc; sc in next 17 sc-19 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Rovv 28: Rep Row 3. At end of row-18 sc.
Rows 29 through 34: Rep Rows 2 and 3 three times. At end of Row 34--12 sc.
Row 35: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 36: Sc in each sc. Turn.
Row 37: Hold right side of left front yoke facing right side of left back yoke; carefully matching sts, sl st through each sc on Row 36 of left back yoke and corresponding sc on Row 36 of left front yoke. Finish off.
Buttonholes and Neckline Trim:
Hold left back yoke of bodice with right side facing you; join thread in side of edge sc of Row 1.
Row 1: Ch 1, sc in same sp; working in side of end st of each row, sc in next 25 rows-26 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in first 2 sc; * ch 3-buttonhole made; sk next 3 sc, sc in next 5 sc; rep from * twice more-3 buttonholes. Ch 1, turn.
Row 3: Sc in first 5 sc, 3 sc in next ch-3 sp; (sc in next 5 sc, 3 sc in next ch-3 sp) twice; sc in next 2 sc, working along
neck edge, sc in side of same sc as last sc worked and in side of next sc, sc in next 12 sl sts, sc in end st of next 10 rows, in next sl st, and in end st of next 15 rows of left front yoke; sc in next 16 sc, working along edge of right front yoke, sc in end st of next 15 rows, in next sl st, in end st of next 10 rows, and in next 12 sc of neck edge of right back yoke; sc in side of same sc as last sc worked and in end st of next 25 rows-146 sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 4: Sc in first 26 sc; working along neck edge, sc in next sc; * ch 3, sk next sc, sc in next sc; rep from * 45 times more-46 ch-3 sps. Turn, leaving rem sts unworked.
Row 5: Sl st in first sc and in next ch-3 sp; ch 4 (counts as a trc), trc in each ch-3 sp. Ch 1, turn.
Row 6: Sc in first trc; * ch 3, sc in next trc; rep from * across. Finish off.
Left Sleeve:
Hold bodice with right side facing you and beg of Row 1 of front yoke at top; join thread in side of end st of Row 1.
Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in same st and in side of end st of next 35 rows, sc in side of next sl st, sc in side of end st of next 36 rows; join in first sc-73 sc.
Rnd 2: Sl st in next sc, ch 3 (counts as a dc on this and following rnds), in same sc work (dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-beg shell made; ! sk next 2 sc, in next sc work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)- shell made !; rep from ! to ! 5 times more; * sk next sc, in next sc work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-shell made; rep from * 16 times more; rep from ! to ! 6 times; sk next sc; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3-30 shells.
Rnd 3: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; in ch-2 sp of each shell work shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnds 4 through 8. Rep Rnd 3.
Rnd 9: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, ch 1, 2 sc in same sp; sc in next ch-2 sp; * 2 sc in next ch-2 sp; sc in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around; join in first sc.
Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in each rem sc; join in first sc.
Rnd 11: Ch 3, dc in each sc; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 12: Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining; ch 3; * sk next dc, sc in next dc, ch 3; rep from * 21 times more; join in first sc. Finish off.
Right Sleeve.
Hold bodice with right side facing you and beg of Row 1 of right back yoke at top; join thread in side of end st of Row 1.
Work same as left sleeve.
Hold bodice upside down with right side facing you; join thread in unused lp of marked oh of beg oh of bodice.
Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 4 (counts as a trc on this and following rnds), working in rem unused lps of beg ch, trc in each lp; join in 4th oh of beg ch-4-168 trc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining and in each trc; join in first sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 3 (counts as a dc on this and following rnds), in same sc work (dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-beg shell made; * sk next sc, in next sc work (2 dc, oh 2, 2 dc)-shell made; rep from * around; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3-84 shells.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; shell in ch-2 sp of each shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 5: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; shell in each shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnds 6 through 24: Rep Rnd 5.
Rnd 25: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, in same sp work (beg shell, ch 2, shell); * ch 3, (sc in ch-2 sp of next
shell, ch 3) 5 times; in ch-2 sp of next shell work (shell, ch 2, shell); rep from * 12 times more; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 26: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! shell in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, se in next ch-3 sp, ch 2; hold wrong side of one small rose facing wrong side of skirt, sl st in any ch-3 sp of rose; ch 2, working on skirt, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) twice !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 27: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, 12 dc in ch-2 sp-of next shell; ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, working behind rose in rem 5 unused ch-3 sps, in each sp work (sc, ch 3) twice; working on skirt, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3 !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 28: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, dc in next 12 dc, ch 3,
shelI in next shell; ch 3, sk next 2 ch-3 sps, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 9 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 29: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, dc in next 12 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 8 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 30. Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 11 times; dc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 7 times !; shell in
next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 31: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 1) 11 times; dc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 6 times !; shell in
next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 32: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 2) 11 times; dc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 5 times !; shell in
next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 33: SI st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 2) 11 times; dc in next dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 4 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 34. Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 3) 12 times; shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 3 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 35: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 3) 12 times; shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) twice !; shell in next shell; rep from
* 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 36: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 3) 12 times; shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3 !; shell in next shell; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 37: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in same sp; * ! ch 5, sk next 2 dc,!! sc in next dc, in next dc work (dc, ch 1) 5 times; dc in same dc !!; rep from !! to !! once more; sc in next dc, sk next ch-3 sp, in next ch-3 sp work (trc, ch 1) 11 times; trc in same sp; sk next ch-3 sp; rep from !! to !! twice; sc in next dc, ch 5 !; keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in next ch-3 sp; insert hook in first dc, YO and draw lp through all 3 lps on hook; join in first de.
Rnd 38: SI st in next 2 chs of next ch-5 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; * ! ch 3,!! (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 4 times; sc in next ch-1 sp !!; rep from !! to !! once more; (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 10 times; sc in next ch-1 sp; rep from !! to !! twice !; (ch 3, sc in next ch-5 sp) twice; rep from * 12 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; ch 3, sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 3; join in first sc. Finish off.
Hold skirt upside down with right side of joining of rnds facing you; working behind Rnd 24 of skirt, join thread in ch-2 sp of beg shell of Rnd 23.
Rnd 1: Ch 1, sc in same sp; ch 5; * sc in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 5; rep from * around; join in first sc-84 ch-5 sps.
Rnd 2: SI st in next 2 chs of next ch-5 sp, ch1, sc in same sp; ch 5; * sc in next ch-5 sp, ch 5; rep from * around; join in first sc.
Rnd 3: SI st in next 2 chs of next ch-5 sp, beg shell in same sp; shell in each rem ch-5 sp; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnds 4 through 27: Rep Rnds 15 through 38 of skirt. Weave in all ends.
Step 1: Sew buttons to back opening opposite corresponding buttonholes.
Step 2: Cut two 17" lengths of 1/8"-wide ribbon. Starting at shoulder seam at top of one sleeve, weave one length through sts of Rnd 11; tie ends in bow. Repeat with remaining length in Rnd 11 of second sleeve.
Step 3: Cut 36" length of 1/4"-wide ribbon. Beginning and ending at center back, weave ribbon through sts of Row 5 of neckline trim. Adjust so that ends are even to tie into a bow on baby.
Step 4: Cut 60" length of 1/4"-wide ribbon. Beginning and ending at center front, weave ribbon over 2 trc and under 2 trc on Rnd 1 of skirt. Thread ends through center of large rose. Tie ends in knot, leaving long streamers.
Stop 5: Cut 60" length of 1/4"-wide ribbon. Beginning and ending at center back, weave ribbon through shells of Rnd 24. Bring ends to inside and trim allowing for a 1/2" overlap; tack ends together.
Starting at center back, ch 4; join to form a ring.
Rnds 1 through 6: Rep Rnds 1 through 6 of Large Rose on pages 3 and 4.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 5, working in BLs only, (sc in next sc, ch 5) 5 times; join in first sc.
Rnd 8: Sl st in next 2 chs of next ch-5 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 10 trc in next sc; (sc in next ch-5 sp, 10 trc in next sc)
4 times; sc in next ch-5 sp, 10 trc in joining sl st; join in BL of first sc.
Rnd 9: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 15, working in BLs only, (sc in next sc, ch 15) 5 times; join in first sc.
Rnd 10: SI st in next 3 chs of next ch-15 sp, ch 1, 15 sc in same sp; ch 5,(15 sc in next ch-15 sp, ch 5) 5 times; join in first sc.
Rnd 11: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 14 sc; 5 sc in next ch-5 sp; (sc in next 15 sc, 5 sc in next ch-5 sp) 5 times; join in first sc-120 sc.
Note: Remainder of bonnet is worked in rows.
Row 1 (right side): Ch 1, sc in next 95 sc. Ch 1, turn, leaving rem sc unworked.
Row 2: Sc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Note: Following row is worked in two parts. The first part is worked in the FLs only of Row 2; the second part is worked in the unused BLs and sc of Row 2.
Row 3:
First part: working in FLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3, sk next sc; rep from * to last sc; sc in last sc; ch 1, turn; second part: working in unused lps and sc of Row 2, sc in next 95 sts. Turn.
Rows 4 through 7: Rep Row 2.
Row 8: Rep Row 3.
Rows 9 through 30: Rep Row 2. At end of Row 30, ch 4 (counts as first trc on following rows), turn.
Row 31: Trc in each sc. Ch 1, turn.
Row 32: Sc in each trc and in 4th ch of turning ch-4. Ch 1, turn.
Row 33: Rep Row 3.
Row 34: * Sc in next sc, ch 3, sk next sc; rep from * to last sc; sc in last sc. Turn.
Row 35: Sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 3, in same sp work (dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-beg shell; in each rem ch-3 sp work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-shell made-47 shells. Turn.
Row 36: Sl st in first 2 dc and in ch-2 sp of next shell, beg shell in same sp; in ch-2 sp of each rem shell work shell. Turn.
Row 37: Sl st in first 2 dc and in ch-2 sp of next shell, ch 1, sc in same sp; * in ch-2 sp of next shell work (dc, ch 1) 5 times; dc in same sp; sc in ch-2 sp of next shell; rep from * across. Turn.
Row 38: Sl st in first sc, in next dc, and in next ch-1 sp; ch 1, sc in same sp; * (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 4 times; sc in next ch-1 sp; rep from * 21 times more; (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 4 times.
Finish off and weave in all ends.
Step 1: Cut 48" length of 1/4"-wide ribbon. Weave through sts of Row 31. Adjust so that ends are even to tie into a bow on baby.
Step 2: Cut 12" length of 1/8"-wide ribbon. Weave through ch-3 sps of Row 33. Tack ends in place with needle and thread.
Booties (make 2)
Bottom Section Ch 21.
Rnd 1 (right side): 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook; sc in next 18 chs, 5 sc in next ch; working in unused lps on opposite side of beg ch, sc in next 18 lps; join in first sc-46 sc.
Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in each rem sc; join in first sc.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, 2 sc in same sc and in each of next 4 sc; sc in next 18 sc, 2 sc in each of next 5 sc; sc in next 18 sc; join in first sc-56 sc.
Rnd 4: Rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, 2 sc in same sc and in each of next 9 sc; sc in next 18 sc, 2 sc in each of next 10 sc; sc in next 18 sc; join in first sc-76 sc.
Rnd 6: Rep Rnd 2.
Rnd 7: Ch 1, sc in same sc and in each rem sc; join in FL of first sc.
Note: Following rnd is worked in two parts. The first part is worked in the FLs only of Rnd 7; the second part is worked in the unused BLs of Rnd 7.
Rnd 8: First part: ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3; * working in FLs only, sk next sc, sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * around; join in first sc-38 ch-3 sps; second part: working in unused BLs of Rnd 7, sl st in BL of first sc of Rnd 7, ch 1, sc in same lp and in each rem lp; join in first sc of second part of rnd.
Rnds 9 through 14: Rep Rnd 2. Finish off. Mark 27th and 70th sc of last rnd.
Top Section:
Ch 4, join to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (right side): Ch 1, (sc in ring, ch 3) 6 times; join in first sc-6 sc.
Rnd 2: Sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc- petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc- petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 6: Sl st in next ch-3 sp, ch 1, 5 sc in same sp; ch 3, 5 sc in each of next 2 ch-3 sps; ch 3, 5 sc in each of next 3 ch-3 sps; join in first sc-30 sc.
Rnd 7: Sl st in next 4 sc and in next ch-3 sp; ch 1, in same sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 10 sc, in next ch-3 sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 15 sc and next 5 sl sts; join in first sc.
Rnd 8: Sl st in next sc and in next ch-3 sp; ch 1, in same sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 14 sc, in next ch-3 sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 22 sc and in next 2 sl sts; join in first sc.
Rnd 9: Sl st in next sc and in next ch-3 sp; ch 1, in same sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 18 sc, in next ch-3 sp work (2 sc, ch 3, 2 sc); sc in next 26 sc and in next 2 sl sts; join in first sc.
Rnd 10: Sl st in next sc, in next 3 chs of next ch-3 sp, and in next sc; ch 1, sc in same sc and in next 21 sc; ch 1, sc in first marked sc of bottom portion of bootie; working through both thicknesses, sc in next 32 sc; working on bottom portion of bootie only, sc in next marked sc, ch 1; join in first sc.
Rnd 11: Ch 1, sc in same sc, in next 21 sc, and in next ch-1 sp; working in rem sc of bottom portion, sc in next 42 sc of Rnd 14; on top portion, sc in next ch-1 sp; join in first sc-66 sc.
Rnd 12: Ch 4 (counts as a trc on this and following rnds), trc in each sc; join in 4th ch of beg ch-4.
Rnd 13: Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining and in each rem trc; join in first sc.
Rnd 14: Ch 3, in same sc work (dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-beg shell made; * sk next 2 sc, in next sc work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-shell made; rep from * 20 times more; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3-22 shells.
Rnd 15: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; shell in ch-2 sp of each rem shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 16: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; ch 1, sc in same sp; * ! in ch-2 sp of next shell work (dc, ch 1) 5 times; dc in same sp !; sc in ch-2 sp of next shell; rep from * 9 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in first sc.
Rnd 17: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-1 sp; ch 1, sc in same sp; * ! (ch 3, sc in next ch-1 sp) 4 times !; sc in next ch-1 sp; rep from * 9 times more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in first sc.
Finish off and weave in all ends.
Step 1.
Cut two 13" lengths of 1/8"-wide ribbon. Beginning at center back, weave one length through ch-3 sps on
Rnd 8. Bring ends to bottom and trim allowing for a 1/4" overlap; tack ends together. Repeat with remaining length in Rnd 8 of second bootie.
Step 2.
Cut two 24" lengths of 1/4" ribbon. Beginning and ending at center front, weave one length through sts on Rnd 12. Tie ends in bow. Repeat with remaining length in Rnd 12 on second bootie.
ديجرام ترتيب وحداتها
About 34" x 40"
Bedspread-weight crochet cotton, ten 225-yd balls white Size 6 steel crochet hook, or size required for gauge
8 1/2 yds 1/4"-wide white satin ribbon
8 dc = 1"
Pattern stitch
Double Triple Crochet (dtrc): YO 3 times; draw up lp in st indicated, (YO, draw through 2 lps on hook) 4 times-dtrc made.
Beg at lower left of blanket, work Motif A. Work Motif B, joining to Motif A in last rnd. Referring to Diagram A for placement of motifs, work remainder of motifs for Row 1. Continue with Rows 2 through 6. Border instructions follow motif patterns.
Motif A
Ch 4, join to form a ring.
Rnd 1 (right side):
Ch 1, (sc in ring, ch 3) 6 times; join in first sc-6 sc.
Rnd 2: Sl st in next ch of next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc-petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 3: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next ch of next ch-3 sp, ch 1, sc in same sp; 6 dc in next sc-petal made; * sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in next sc-petal made; rep from * 3 times more; sc in next ch-3 sp, 6 dc in joining sl st of prev rnd-petal made; join in BL of first sc-6 petals.
Rnd 5: Ch 1, sc in same lp; ch 3, working in BLs only, * sc in next sc, ch 3; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 6: Sl st in next ch of next ch-3 sp, ch 1, in same sp work (sc, ch 3) twice; * in next ch-3 sp work (sc, ch 3) twice; rep from * 4 times more; join in first sc.
Rnd 7: Sl st in next ch of next ch-3 sp, ch 3, in same sp work (dc, ch 2, 2 dc)-beg shell made; * ! ch 3, sk next sc, in next sc work (dc, ch 1) 6 times; dc in same sc; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp !; in next ch-3 sp work (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc)- shell made; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3----4 shells.
Rnd 8: Slst in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 3) 6 times !; in ch-2 sp of next shell work shell; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to !once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 9: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; in same sp work (beg shell, ch 3, shell); * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 5 times !; in next shell work (shell, ch 3, shell); rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 10: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, 12 dc in next ch-3 sp; ch 3, shelI in next
shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 4 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 11: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, dc in next 12 dc, ch 3, shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) 3 times !; shell in next shell; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 12: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, !!(dc in next dc, ch 1) 5 times; dc in next dc, ch 3 !!; rep from !! to !! once more; shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3) twice !; shell in next shell; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 13: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, (dc in next dc, ch 3) 12 times; shell in next shell; ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, sc in next ch-3 sp, ch 3 !; shell in next shell; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 14: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; * ! ch 3, sk next ch-3 sp, !! sc in next dc, in next dc work (dc, ch 1) 5 times; dc in same dc !!; rep from !! to !!once more; sc in next dc, sk next ch-3 sp, in next ch-3 sp work 11 times; dtrc in same sp; sk next ch-3 sp; rep from !! to !! twice; sc in next dc, ch 3 !; shell in each of next 2 shells; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; shell in next shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 15: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; ch 2, dc in same sp; * ! ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, in next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 5, dc)-corner made; ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next
ch-1 sp, ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5 !; keeping last lp of each dcon hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; rep from * twice more, then rep from ! to ! once; keeping last lp of each st on hook, 2 dc in next ch-2 sp, sk beg ch-2, sl st in next dc, YO and draw through all 4 lps. Finish off.
Motif B
Work same as Motif A through Rnd 14.
Rnd 15:
SI st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in same sp; * ! ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, ( sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps !; in next ch-1 sp work
(dc, ch 5, dc)-corner made; ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next
ch-1 sp, ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; rep from * once more, then rep from ! to ! once; dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, holding wrong side of completed motif (see Diagram A on page 9) facing wrong side of working motif and carefully matching sts, slst in corresponding corner ch-5 sp on completed motif, ch 2, on working motif, dc in same ch-1 sp; ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, !! sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 4 ch-1 sps -!!; rep from !! to !! once more; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next
ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch
2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch-1 sps; rep from !! to !!twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch- 1 sps, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, dc in same ch-1 sp; ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, sc in next ch-1 sp, (ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps, sc in next ch-1 sp) twice; ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, keeping last lp of each st on hook, 2 dc in next ch-2 sp, sk beg ch-2, sl st in next dc, YO and draw through all 4 lps. Finish off.
Motif C
Work same as Motif A through Rnd 14.
Rnd 15:
Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp, ch 2, dc in same sp; * ! ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc
in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps !; in next ch-1 sp work (dc, ch 5, dc)-corner made; ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; rep from * once more, then rep from ! to ! once; dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, holding wrong side of completed motif (see Diagram A on page 9) facing wrong side of working motif and carefully matching sts, sl st in corresponding corner ch-5 sp on completed motif, ch 2, on working motif, dc in same ch-1 sp; ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, !! so in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 4 ch-1 sps !!; rep from !! to !! once more; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, keeping last lp of each dc on hook, 2 dc in each of next 2 ch-2 sps; YO and draw through all 5 lps on hook; ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch-1 sps; rep from !! to !! twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, on completed motif, sl st in next ch-5 sp, ch 2, on working motif, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, dc in next ch-1 sp, ch 2, sl st in joining sl st of previously joined motifs, ch 2, on working motif, dc in same ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 2 ch-1 sps, (sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, sk next 4 ch-1 sps) twice; sc in next ch-1 sp, ch 5, dc in next ch-3 sp, ch 5, keeping last lp of each st on hook, 2 dc in next ch-2 sp, sk beg ch-2, sl st in next dc, YO and draw through all 4 lps.
Finish off.
Motifs D and E
Work same as Motif C, working motif joinings in similar manner.
Hold blanket with right side facing you and one short end at top; join thread in ch-5 sp in upper right-hand corner.
Rnd 1: In same sp work (beg shell, ch 3, shell)-beg corner made; ! shell in each of next 10 ch-5 sps; 2 dc in next ch-2 sp; ch 2, 2 dc in next ch-2 sp on next motif !; rep from ! to ! 3 times more; shell in each of next 10 ch-5 sps; in next ch-5 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell)- corner made; rep from ! to ! 5 times; shell in each of next 10 ch-5 sps; in next ch-5 sp work (shell, ch 3, shell)--corner made; rep from ! to ! 4 times; shell in each of next 10 ch-5 sps; in next ch-5 sp work (shell,
ch 3, shell)-corner made; rep from ! to ! 5 times; shell in each of next 10 ch-5 sps; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 2: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; in next corner ch-3 sp work corner; * shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to ch-3 sp of next corner; in corner ch-3 sp work corner; rep from * twice more; shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to beg shell; join in 3rd oh of beg ch-3.
Rnd 3: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; shell in ch-2 sp of next shell; in next corner ch-3 sp work corner; * shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to ch-3 sp of next corner; in corner ch-3 sp work corner; rep from * twice more; shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to beg shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 4: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; shell in ch-2 sp of each of next 2 shells; in next corner ch-3 sp work corner; * shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to ch-3 sp of next corner; in corner ch-3 sp work corner;
rep from * twice more; shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to beg shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 5: Sl st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; beg shell in same sp; shell in ch-2 sp of each of next 3 shells; in next corner ch-3 sp work corner; * shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to ch-3 sp of next corner; in corner ch-3 sp work corner;
rep from * twice more; shell in ch-2 sp of each shell to beg shell; join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Rnd 6: SI st in next dc and in next ch-2 sp; ch 3, in same sp work (dc, ch 4, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, ch 1, 2 dc); in each sp work (2 dc, ch 4, sl st in 3rd ch from hook, ch 1, 2 dc); join in 3rd ch of beg ch-3.
Finish off and weave in all ends.
Cut two 80" lengths and two 73" lengths of ribbon. Beginning and ending in center of corner shells on Rnd 1 of border and leaving a 20" length at beginning, weave one 80" length over and under shells along one long edge. Repeat on second long edge. In same manner, weave remaining lengths across short ends. In each corner, tie ends in bow, leaving ends long.