
missuae3003 @missuae3003

عضوة فعالة

بنااااات .. موقع يحدد لج كل شي حسب وزنج وطولج ..

علاج السمنة والنحافة

هالموقع اذا حطيتي وزنج وطولج وعمرج ومعدل حركتج ..

بيبين لج كل احتياجات جسمج ,, وشو المفروض تسوينه

وتنقصينه ويحدد لج السعرات والدهون ..



يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

[live strong]
[live strong]
الله يعطيج العافية .. فعلا موقع رائع
شهد الخبر
شهد الخبر
روعه بس يبيلي احد يترجم ؟
ممكن تترجمون لي هذي
The Metabolism Results Are:1342.5 calories per day is your Basal Caloric Rate. This is:
no more then 44.752 grams of fat (30%) for your Basal Caloric Rate
50.346 grams of protein (15%) for your Basal Caloric Rate
184.60 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Basal Caloric Rate

2013.8 calories per day recommended for your Active Caloric Rate. This is:
no more then 67.128 grams of fat (30%) for your Active Caloric Rate
75.519 grams of protein (15%) for your Active Caloric Rate
276.90 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Active Caloric Rate

No less then 1200 calories per day recommended for safe consistent Weight Loss. This is:
no more then 40 grams of fat (30%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
45 grams of protein (15%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
165 grams of carbohydrate (55%) for your Weight Loss Caloric Rate
At this safe consistent Weight Loss Caloric Rate,
you will lose 1 pound every 24.549 Days


Based on personal experience:
To lose weight, you must eat less calories then your Basal Caloric Rate.
To gain weight, you must eat more calories then your Active Caloric Rate.
To stay the same weight, eat no less then your Basal Caloric Rate and no more then your Active Caloric Rate
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الله يعطيج العافية