السلام عليكم اخواتي
احتاج ترجمه هالكلام اخوي يحتاجه ضروري قبل لاتبدا الدوامات الله يسعدكم ويهنيكم
ماابي ترجمه قوقل والا كلامات لا
ابي ترجمه صحيحه
baby bonds :bonds in small denominations (i.e.100$) which the small investor can afford to buy
back payments : payments which are due
back rent : rent due but not paid
backdata: verb to put an earlier data on a document such as a cheque or an invoice
back office: the part of a broking firm where the paperwork involved in buying and selling shares is processed
back-to-back loan: loan from one company to another in one currency arranged against a loan from the second company to the first in another
currency (used by intenational companies to get round exchange controls)
backwardation : penalty paid by the seller when postponing delivery of shares to the buyer
bad cheque : cheque which is returned to the drawer for any reason
badge : piece of plastic or card, which can be clipped to a persons shirt or coat, and on which a name can be written
baggage allowance: amount of baggage which a passenger can take with him free on a plane
baggage cart: metal holder on wheels on which baggage can be placed to be moved easily in an airport, train station, etc
bail: payment made to a court as guarantee that a prisoner will return after being released
bail out: (a) to rescue a company which is in financial difficulties (b) to bail someone out=to pay money to a court as a guarantee that someone will return to face charges
bale: large pack of wool or paper or cotton,etc
ballast: material carried in a ship to give it extra weight, so that it will keep steady even if it is not carrying any cargo
balloon mortgage=mortgage where the final payment(called a balloon payment)is larger than the others
ballot box=sealed box into which ballot paper are put
ballpark figure: general figure which can be used as the basis for discussion
bank deposits: all money placed in banks by customers (b)central bank =main government-controlled bank in a country which controls the financial affairs of the country fixing main interest rates issuing currency and controlling the foreign exchange raty
bank account: account which a customer has with a bank where the customer can deposit and withdraw money
bankrupt: who has been declared by a court not to be capable of paying his debts and whose affairs are put into the hands of a receiver
bankruptcy: state of being bankrupt
bareboat charter: system of chartering a ship where the owner provides only the ship but not the crew fuel or insurance
bargains done=number of deals made on the stock exchange during a day 2 verb to discuss a price for something
barrl: lage round container for liquids
barter: system where goods are exchanged for other goods and not sold for money
barter agreement or barter arrangement or barter deal: agreement to exchange goods be barter
base pay: pay for a job which does not include extras such as overtime pay or bonuses
boardroom battles: arguments between directors
bearer bond: bond which is payable to the bearer and does not have a name written on it
bed-and-breakfast: arrangement where shares are sold one day and bought back the following day in order to establish a profit or loss for tax declaration
benchmark: figure which is important and can be used to compare with other figures
bequeath: verb to leave property money etc(but not freehold land)to someone in a will

الشاذروان @alshathroan
محررة فضية
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

شووفي حبيبتي حملي برنااامج اسمهـ الوااافي ان شاء الله يساااعدك في الترجمهـ
انا لما اذاااكر الانقلش اترجم الكلماات منه,,
دعووواتك لي بالتوفيق,,
انا لما اذاااكر الانقلش اترجم الكلماات منه,,
دعووواتك لي بالتوفيق,,

هلا هذا اللي ترجمته.. وبصراحه الباسيج طويل ويبي فهم عميق في الاقتصاد والتعامل المالي.. يعني معرفه باللغه الانجليزيه مو كافيه ولكن يتطلب فهم للكلام المترجم لانه كله مصطلحات وتعريفات لها....
baby bonds :bonds in small denominations (i.e.100$) which the small investor can afford to buy
الصكوك الصغيرة: وهي صكوك تأتي على فئات صغيره ( بالتحديد فئه مئه دولار) والتي يستطيع المستثمر الصغير شرائها.
back payments : payments which are due
دفعات مستحقه : وهي دفعات مستحقه يجب دفعها
back rent : rent due but not paid
أجره متأخره: وهي الاجرة المستحق دفعها ولم تدفع
backdata: verb to put an earlier data on a document such as a cheque or an invoice
يؤرخ بتاريخ سابق: فعل يعني كتابة تاريخ سابق على مستند ما مثل شيك او فاتوره وليس التاريخ الفعلي حين كتابه او تحرير هذا المستند.
* أتوقع قصدك backdate وانا ترجمتها على هلااساس
back office: the part of a broking firm where the paperwork involved in buying and selling shares is processed
المكتب الخلفي: وهو احد مكاتب شركه السمسره حيث يتم فيه التعامل مع المستندات والاوراق المستخدمة في شراء وبيع الاسهم
baby bonds :bonds in small denominations (i.e.100$) which the small investor can afford to buy
الصكوك الصغيرة: وهي صكوك تأتي على فئات صغيره ( بالتحديد فئه مئه دولار) والتي يستطيع المستثمر الصغير شرائها.
back payments : payments which are due
دفعات مستحقه : وهي دفعات مستحقه يجب دفعها
back rent : rent due but not paid
أجره متأخره: وهي الاجرة المستحق دفعها ولم تدفع
backdata: verb to put an earlier data on a document such as a cheque or an invoice
يؤرخ بتاريخ سابق: فعل يعني كتابة تاريخ سابق على مستند ما مثل شيك او فاتوره وليس التاريخ الفعلي حين كتابه او تحرير هذا المستند.
* أتوقع قصدك backdate وانا ترجمتها على هلااساس
back office: the part of a broking firm where the paperwork involved in buying and selling shares is processed
المكتب الخلفي: وهو احد مكاتب شركه السمسره حيث يتم فيه التعامل مع المستندات والاوراق المستخدمة في شراء وبيع الاسهم

الصفحة الأخيرة
هذا وانا شاده الظهر فيكم
اقول لااخوي بنات حواء بيساعدونا وانتم فشلتوني