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الله يعطيكي العافية
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فقدناكي ياجيل وفقدنا دروسكي الرائعة والمفيد وينك :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
jeela jeela :
السلام عليكم سنتناول اليوم المفهومين ال adjuncts and complements وهما نوعان ال dependents سنوضح المقصود من المصطلحين من خلال الامثلة: 1- Talks loudly loudly= dependent يمكنني حذف كلمة loudly واستبدالها بكلمة أخرى - فما دام من الممكن حذفها او استبدالها فأنها تعرف ب adjunct 2- he admires famous linguists famous linguistis= dependent type= complement السبب انه لا يمكن حذف الجزء الذي تحته خظ لأن المعنى من دونه يكون ناقصا وغير مكتمل. إذا قلت : he admires وسكت ... سيتوقع الجميع أن هناك تكملة للجملة. تمرين بسيط على موضوع اليوم: Identify the dependent in the following phrases and indicate its type - sings in the garden - wondered whether to leave - fond of chips
السلام عليكم سنتناول اليوم المفهومين ال adjuncts and complements وهما نوعان ال...
Identify the dependent in the following phrases and indicate its type

- sings in the garden
in the bath is an adjunct? it can be omitted and the phrase is understood without it

- wondered whether to leave
whether to leave = a complement
I can't say " wondered" only , you will ask the question wondered about what?

- fond of chips]
of chips= a dependent and it;s a complement

because the adjective font always takes the preposition of .
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:26: :26: :26: :27:
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct.

We also stated that dependents are 2 types:
complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted

adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted

We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires

1- sing

The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context

he sings in the garden
in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings .

he sings folk songs
folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what?

Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type

1- he left early
2- he left a son behind
3- she drove a car
4- the re-wrote the assignment
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type

early is the dependent and it is an adjunct.

a son behind is the dependent and it is a complement. It cannot be deleted because it gives essential information

a car is the dependent, and it is a complement. Notice that drive is a transitive verb that must take an object that's why a car is a complement

4- ]
the assignment is the dependent and it is a complement