jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
What is a constituent?
A constituent is a phrase

Sentences are made of smaller parts called phrases or constituents. Acceptable phrases form CONSTITUENTS

Why is important to know constituents?
It helps in understanding ambigious sentences

1- Black cab drivers went on strike

This sentence could mean
a- (black cab) drivers
Those who drive the cabs are black

b- (black) (cab drivers
Here, the colour of the cabs is described

How do we identify constituents?

There are many tests. Today, we'll cover two tests only

1- replacing the constituent with a pronoun
For example, are the underlined words constituents?

the tall student left the room

the tall student is a constituent because it can be replaced by the pronoun HE \ SHE

the room is also a constituent, it can be replaced with the pronoun IT

the tall student left the room
Does " the tall student" form a constituent?

We can say: who left the room?
answer= the tall student, so it is a constituent

In the sentence fragment test, if the group of words are acceptable as an answer to the question then it is considered a constituent
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
السلام عليكم..

نكمل اليوم بقية ال constituent tests

Echo- questions

Your friend visited the university yesterday

Is the word university a constituent?

We can prove it is a constituent or not using the echo question test. We say

your friend visited what?
the answer is university and it is gramatically acceptable, so it is a constituent

I opened a new account
I opened what ?
Answer= a new account= a constituent

الwhat قد تاتي في منتصف او نهاية الجملة

Sentence cleft

ال sentence cleft هو عبارة عن استخدام التركيبة التالية للكشف عن ال constituents

it's the ------------------------------------- that
it was the ----------------------------------- that( past)

ويكون في (النقاط ) الكلمات التي نريد اثبات كونها constituents

He opened the window
It was the window that he opened
جزاك الله خير
وإياك اختي سمية إن شاء الله :)
فديتج يا الغلا.. و الله مواضيعج ماتقدر بثمن.. عن جد مبدعه..