دانة عمان
دانة عمان
الله يعطيكي العافية
الله يعطيكي العافية
تسلمين و الله Jeela
دروسك بصراحة وايد مفيدة
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
الله يسلمك اختي دانة عمان – سعيدة بأنكم تستفيدون :)
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
Dependents of ditransitive verbs

عرفنا سابقا ال ditransitive verb بأنه الفعل الذي يأخذ مفعولين.

She handed Ann the letter

المفعولين هما: Ann - the letter

ال ditransitive verbs تأخذ ال dependents التالية

I applied for a job
the cake consists of fruits and nuts

في هذه الحالة لا يمكن حذف ال pp لان الفعل يتطلبه.

she persuaded her friend that they should leave tomorrow

complement 1= her friend
complement 2= that clause

ومن الافعال التي ـاخذ نفس النمط هي :
allow - permit- convince- encourage
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
السلام عليكم
نشوف مع بعض انواع ال complements البتأخذهم adjective phrase

1- adj phrase selects a complement of pp as its head
fond - capable- full of

حرف الجر " of ' لازم يتبع الصفة لذا فهو complement - it cannot be deleted

2- it can take an optional complement

she is good at spelling

at spelling can be omitted - the meaning will be incomplete but it is considered an optional complement

امثلة اخرى تشمل:
she is sorry for being late- she is sorry for her friend
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
نختم موضوع ال heads and complements بهذا التمرين.

Identify the head and identify the type of dependents.

went with anticipation

enjoyed prayer time

came to Islam

she glanced at the book

the news on television