ام عزيزان

ام عزيزان @am_aazyzan

فنانة عالم حواء

موسوعة الوحدات المربعه للكروشيه (اعاده للموضوع السابق )

الفن والأشغال اليدوية

للاسف الموضوع القديم لا يفتح وتعطل بسبب خلل من الرابط نفسه او من المنتدى

وبصراحه الكثير يطالبني فيه ويسال عنه

بس ماباليد حيله غير الاعاده

وراح اعيد اغلب الوحدات وان شاء الله ازيد عليه :)

1 -

With color A ch 4; join with a sl st to form ring

Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, 2 dc in ring (ch 3, 3 dc in ring) 3

times, ch 3; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off

color A.

Round 2: Attach color B with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first

dc, work 2 more dc in the same sp, ch 1, *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 1) in the

next ch 3 sp* Repeat from * to * 2 times; 3 dc in the same sp as

beginning, ch 3; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off

color B.

Round 3: Attach color A with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first

dc, work 2 more dc in the same sp, ch 1, (trc in the next ch 1 sp, dtrc

around the post of the center dc of the 3 dc group directly below the ch 1

sp, trc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1), *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the next ch 3 sp,

(trc in the next ch 1 sp, dtrc around the post of the center dc of the 3 dc

group directly below the ch 1 sp, trc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1)* Repeat

from * to * 2 times; 3 dc in the same sp as beginning; ch 3, join with a sl

st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off color A.

Round 4: Attach color B with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first

dc, work 2 more dc in the same sp, ch 1, *(3 dc, ch 1) in each of the next 2

ch 1 sp’s, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 1) in the next ch 3 sp* Repeat from * to * 2

times; (3 dc, ch 1) in each of the next 2 ch 1 sp’s, 3 dc in the same sp as

beginning, ch 3; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off

color B.

Round 5: Attach color A with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first

dc, work 2 more dc in the same sp, ch 1, (trc in the next ch 1 sp, dtrc

around the post of the center st of the 3 st group directly below the ch 1 sp,

trc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1) 3 times, *(3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) in the next ch 3

sp, (trc in the next ch 1 sp, dtrc around the post of the center st of the 3 st

group directly below the ch 1 sp, trc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1) 3 times *

Repeat from * to * 2 times; 3 dc in the same sp as beginning; ch 3, join

with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off color A.

Round 6: Attach color B with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first

dc, work 2 more dc in the same sp, ch 1, *(3 dc, ch 1) in each of the next 4

ch 1 sp’s, (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc, ch 1) in the next ch 3 sp* Repeat from * to * 2

times; (3 dc, ch 1) in each of the next 4 ch 1 sp’s, 3 dc in the same sp as

beginning, ch 3; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. Fasten off

color B.

Round 7: Attach color A with a sl st in any ch 3 sp, ch 2 to count as the first

hdc, work 2 more hdc in the same sp, ch 1, (dc in the next ch 1 sp, trc

around the post of the center st of the 3 st group directly below the ch 1 sp,

dc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1) 5 times, *(5 hdc) in the next ch 3 sp, (dc in

the next ch 1 sp, trc around the post of the center st of the 3 st group

directly below the ch 1 sp, dc in the same ch 1 sp, ch 1) 5 times * Repeat

from * to * 2 times; 2 hdc in the same sp as beginning; join with a sl st to

the top of the beginning ch 2. Do not fasten off color A.

Round 8: Ch 1, 3 sc in the same st as joining; sc in every st and ch 1 sp

around, working 3 sc in the center hdc of each 5 hdc group. (112 sc) Fasten

off. Weave in ends.

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Start with 7 ch with color A, join

1.5 ch (= dc + 2 ch), *dc in lp, 2 ch*. Repeat * to * 6 times again; join with sl st in first st. =>8 dc.

2. sl st to first 2-ch sp, *(sc, dc, tr, dc, sc) in sp*. Repeat * to * 7 times again; join with sl st in first st. =>8 petals.

3. (Work behind the petals made in Round 2) * 3 ch, sc in back post of first sc on next petal *; Repeat * to * 7 times again; join with sl st in first st.

4.sl st to first 3-ch sp, *(sc,2 dc, tr, 2 dc, sc) in sp*. Repeat * to * 7 times again; join with sl st in first st.

5. (Work behind the petals made in Round 4) * 4 ch, sc in back post of first sc on next petal *; Repeat * to * 7 times again; join with sl st in first st.

6. sl st to first 4-ch sp, *(sc,2 dc, 3 tr, 2 dc, sc) in sp*. Repeat * to * 7 times again; join with sl st in first st. Cut A.

7. Join B in central tr of one of petals made in Round 6, *sc in central tr of petal, 5 ch, sc on central tr of next petal, 14 ch*. Repeat * to * 3 times again; join with sl st in first st.

8. sc in ea st and in ea ch all around; join with sl st in first st.

9. 5 ch, sk 2 st, dc, (2 ch, sk 2 st, dc) twice, *(2 ch, sk 1 st, dc) twice, 3 ch, dc in next st, (2 ch, sk 1 st, dc) twice, (2 ch, sk 2 st, dc) 4 times*; Repeat * to * 3 times again, (2 ch, sk 1 st, dc) twice, 3 ch, dc in next st, (2 ch, sk 1 st, dc)twice, 2 ch; join with sl st in first st.

10. 3 sc in ea sp along sides, doing 5 sc in ea corner space, join with sl st in first st. Cut B.


Using C, insert hook in central loop, between two dc and do *(sc, dc, tr, dc, sc), sk 2 dc*, repeat from * to * 3 times again (4 petals) , join with sl st in first st. Cut yarn, weave in ends


Always substitute (also if not explicitly said) first st in a row as follows:
first sc with 1 ch, sc;
first hdc with 2 ch;
first dc with 3 ch;
first tr with 4 ch...and so on
When you read "sl st to <location>", where the location is not immediately contiguous to last st, this means of course "an appropriate number of sl sts for reaching <location>".
Also if I do not specify it, if you lasted prev row on a st (say st1), while you must start next row in another st (say st2), make an appropriate number of sl sts to reach st2.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

RND 1: W/lavendar. Ch8. Join w/slst to first ch to form ring. Ch5. Sc in ring, ch4, 3 times. Join w/slst to first ch of ch5.

RND 2: Slst into the first ch4 sp. Ch4, 7tr in same sp. Ch1. 8tr in next ch4 sp, ch4, 3 times. Join w/slst to top of ch4. Fasten off lavendar.

RND 3: Join white in same st as slst. Ch4. (Yo twice, insert hook in next tr, pull up a lp. Yo pull through 2 lps on hook 3 times.) Rep bet () 2 times more. Yo, pull through all lps on hook. Ch6. ((Yo twice, insert hook in next tr, pull up a lp. Yo pull through 2 lps on hook 3 times.)) Rep bet (()) 3 times. more. Work 6 tr next ch1 sp. *Trcl, ch6, trcl. Work 6 tr in next ch1 sp. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to top of begtrcl. Fasten off white.

RND 4: Join amethyst in any ch6 sp. Ch3, 4dc, ch2, 5dc in same sp. (Dc in each of the next 3 sts. Hdc in each of the next 2 sts. Dc in each of the next 3 sts.) *5dc, ch2, 5dc in next ch6 sp. Rep bet () once. Rep from * around. Join w/slst to top of ch3. Fasten off amethyst.

RND 5: Join white in same st as slst. Ch3. Dc in each st around but work 2dc, ch2, 2dc in each ch2 corner sp around. Join w/slst to top of ch3. Fasten off and weave ends into back of work.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Beg. DC Cluster: Ch 2, (yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook) twice, yo and draw through all loops on hook.
DC Cluster: Yo, insert hook into stitch indicated, (yo and draw up a loop, yo and draw through 2 loops on hook) three times, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

Beg. TRC Cluster: Ch 3, (yo twice and draw up a loop, twice ) three times, yo and draw through all loops on hook.
Cluster: Yo twice and insert hook into stitch indicated, (yo and draw up a loop, twice ) four times, yo and draw through all loops on hook.

With Color A (yellow) ch 4
Rnd 1: 15 dc in 4th ch from hook. Join in top of beg. ch-4. (16 dc). Finish off Color A.
Rnd 2: Join Color B (peach) with a sl st in top of beg. ch-3, ch 1,, sc in same st as joining, ch 5, * sk next dc, sc in next dc, ch 5; rep from * around, join with a sl st in beg ch-1.
Rnd 3: Sl st into first ch-5 loop, ch 3, in same loop work (3 dc, trc cluster, 4 dc), * sl st in next sc, in next ch-5 loop work 4 dc, trc cluster, 4 dc); rep from * around, sl st in last sc, join with a sl st in top of beg. ch-3 . Finish off Color B.
Rnd 4:Join Color C (green) in any unused dc from Rnd 1, ch 1, sc in same st as joining, ch 5, * sk nest dc on round 1, sc in next unused dc, ch 5; rep from * around, join with a sl st in beg. ch-1.
Rnd 5: Sl st in first ch-5 loop; work beg. dc cluster, in same loop work (ch 3, dc cluster), ch 3, * in next ch-5 loop work (dc cluster, ch 3, dc cluster) ch 3; rep from * around, join with a sl st in top of beg. dc cluster.
Rnd 6: Sl st into first ch-3 sp, work beg trc-cluster, in same sp work (ch 3, trc cluster) ch 4, sk next ch-3 sp, in next ch-3 sp work (dc cluster, ch 3, dc cluster), ch 4, sk next ch-3 sp, * in next ch-3 sp work (trc cluster, ch 3, trc cluster), ch 4, sk next ch-3 sp, in next ch-3 sp work (dc cluster, ch 3, dc cluster), ch 4, sk next ch-3 sp; repeat from * twice more, join with a sl st in top of beg trc cluster. Finish off Color C.
Rnd 7: Join Color D (white) with a sl st in any ch-3 sp between trc clusters, ch 3, in same sp work (2 dc, ch 3, 3 dc)(corner sp made), working in front of piece, work 4 dc in skipped ch-3 sp of rnd 5, 3 dc in next ch 3 sp, working in front of piece, work 4 dc in skipped ch-3 sp of rnd 5, * in next ch-3 sp work (3 dc, ch 3, 3 dc) (corner space made), working in front of piece, work 4 dc in skipped ch-3 sp of rnd 5, 3 dc in next ch-3 sp, working in front of piece, work 4 dc in skipped ch-3 sp of rnd 5; rep from * twice more, join with a sl st in top of beg ch-3.
Rnd 8: Ch 3, work dc in each st around, working (2 dc, ch 2 dc) in each ch-3 corner sp, join with a sl st in top of beg. ch-3.
Rnd 9:. Ch 3, work dc in each st around, working (2 dc, ch 2 dc) in each ch-2 corner sp, join with a sl st in top of beg. ch-3. Finish off Color D and weave in all ends.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

With color A, ch 5; join with a sl st in the first ch to form ring.

Round 1: Ch 3 to count as the first dc, work 15 more dc in the ring; join

with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3. (16 dc)

Round 2: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, ch 1, sc in the next dc, ch 4, (sc

in the next dc, ch 1, sc in the next dc, ch 4) 7 times; join with a sl st in the

first sc. (8 ch-4 spaces & 8 ch-1 spaces)

Round 3: *Sc in the next ch 1 sp, (2 dc, trc, 2 dc) in the next ch 4 sp*

Repeat from * to * 7 times; join with a sl st to the first sc. (8 shells)

Round 4: (Sc in each of the next 2 dc, 3 sc in the next trc, sc in each of the

next 2 dc, skip next sc) 8 times; join with a sl st to the first sc. Fasten off

color A.

Round 5: Attach color B with a sl st in the back loop only of the next sc, ch 3

to count as the first dc, dc in the back loop only of the next sc, 5 dc in the

back loop only of the next sc, dc in the back loop only of each of the next 2

sc, skip next 2 sc, (dc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 sc, 5 dc in

the back loop only of the next sc, dc in the back loop only of each of the

next 2 sc, skip next 2 sc) 7 times; join with a sl st to the top of the

beginning ch 3. Fasten off color B.

Round 6: Attach color A with a sl st in the back loop only of the next dc, ch 3

to count as the first dc, dc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 dc, 5

dc in the back loop only of the next dc, dc in the back loop only of each of

the next 3 dc, skip next 2 dc, (dc in the back loop only of each of the next 3

dc, 5 dc in the back loop only of the next dc, dc in the back loop only of each

of the next 3 dc, skip next 2 dc) 7 times; join with a sl st to the top of the

beginning ch 3. Fasten off color A.

Round 7: Attach color B with a sl st in the back loop only of the next sc, ch 3

to count as the first dc, dc in the back loop only of the next dc, hdc in the

back loop only of each of the next 2 dc, 5 sc in the back loop only of the

next dc, hdc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 dc, dc in the back

loop only of each of the next 2 dc, skip next 2 dc, (dc in the back loop only

of each of the next 2 dc, hdc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 dc,

5 sc in the back loop only of the next dc, hdc in the back loop only of each of

the next 2 dc, dc in the back loop only of each of the next 2 dc, skip next 2

dc) 7 times; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3.

Round 8: Ch 1, sc in the same st as joining, (ch 3, skip next dc, sc in the

next dc) 5 times, *sc in the next dc, (ch 3, skip next dc, sc in the next dc) 5

times* Repeat from * to * 6 times, ch 3; join with a sl st to the first sc. (48

ch-3 spaces)

Round 9: Sl st into the first ch 3 sp, ch 3 to count as the first dc, dc in the

same ch-3 sp, hdc in the next ch-3 sp, sc in the next ch-3 sp, hdc in the

next ch-3 sp, 2 dc in each of the next 2 ch-3 sps, 2 trc in each of the next 2

ch-3 sps, *5 dtrc in the next ch-3 sp to form corner, 2 trc in each of the

next 2 ch-3 sps, 2 dc in each of the next 2 ch-3 sps, hdc in the next ch-3 sp,

sc in the next ch- 3 sp, hdc in the next ch-3 sp, 2 dc in each of the next 2

ch-3 sps, 2 trc in each of the next 2 ch-3 sps* Repeat from * to * 2 times; 5

dtrc in the next ch-3 sp to form corner, 2 trc in each of the next 2 ch-3 sps,

2 dc in the next ch-3 sp; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning ch 3.

(96 sts) Fasten off color B.

Round 10: Join color A with a sl st to the center dtrc of any corner, ch 3 to

count as the first dc, 2 dc in the same st as joining, (dc in each of the next

23 sts, 5 dc in the next st) 3 times, dc in each of the next 23 sts, 2 dc in the

same st as the beginning ch 3; join with a sl st to the top of the beginning

ch 3. Fasten off. Weave in ends.
ام عزيزان
ام عزيزان

Beg. Puff st: Ch 2. Working loosely, (yo, insert hook in sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop) 3 times, yo and pull through all 7 Lps on hook.
Puff St. : Working loosely, (yo, insert hook in sp indicated, yo and pull up a loop) 4 times, yo and pull through all 9 lps on hook.

with Color A, ch 4.
Rnd 1: 11 dc in fourth ch from hook. join in top of beg. ch 4. Finish off Color A.
Rnd 2: Join Color B with sl st in any dc, ch 2, work beg. puff st in same st, ch 1, work (puff st, ch 1) in each st around. Finish off Color B. - 12 puff sts.
Rnd 3: Join Color C with sl st in any ch-1 sp, in same sp work (beg. puff st, ch 1, puff st, ch 1), in each ch-1 sp around work (puff st, ch 1, puff st, ch 1). Join with a sl st in top of beg. puff st. Finish off Color C. - 24 puff sts.
Rnd 4: Join Color D with sl st in any ch-1 sp, work beg puff st in same sp, ch 1, in each remaining ch-1 sp around work (puff st, ch 1). Join with a sl st in top of beg puff st. Finish off Color D. - 24 puff sts.
Rnd 5: Join Color E with a sl st in any ch-1 sp, in same sp work (beg puff st, ch 1, puff st, ch 1), work puff st in next ch-1 sp, * in next ch-1 sp work (puff st, ch 1, puff st, ch 1), work puff st in next ch-1 sp; rep from * around, join with a sl st in top of beg puff st. Finish off Color E. - 36 puff sts.
Rnd 6: Join Color F with sl st in any ch-1 sp, work beg puff st in same sp, ch 1, in each remaining ch-1 sp around work (puff st, ch 1). Join with a sl st in top of beg puff st. Finish off Color F. - 366 puff sts.
Rnd 7: Join Color A with a sl st in any ch-1 sp, ch 4, n same sp work (trc, ch 2, 2 trc), 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, 2 hdc in next ch-1 sp, 2 sc in each of next 4 ch-1 sps, 2 hdc in next ch-1 sp, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, * in next ch-1 sp work (2 trc, ch 2, 2 trc), 2 trc), 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, 2 hdc in next ch-1 sp, 2 sc in each of next 4 ch-1 sps, 2 hdc in next ch-1 sp, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp,; rep from * twice more, join with a sl st in top of beg. ch-4
Rnd 8: Ch 1, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each ch-2 corner sp. Finish off and weave in all ends.