نقص فيتامين د والعقم وتاخر الحمل....هام جدا

تأخر الحمل

قرات مواضيع كثيرة عن خطر نقص فيتامين د
وجدت معلومات مكررة حول اهميتة ولكن تفجأت عندما تصفحت الكثير من المواقع الاجنبية الطبية من كون نقص هذا الفيتامين يؤدي الى العقم عن النساء والرجال على حد سواء
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للمعلومية عملت فحص لفيتامين د ووجدت ان نسبتة 8 وهذه نسبة ضعيفة جدا وسوف اقوم باخذ علاج لتصحيح هذا النقص باذن الله

يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

تسجيل دخول

Austrian scientists have found vitamin D's deficiency, long held as a risk factor for diseases like diabetes, may cause infertility among men and women.

This deficiency has also been a risk factor for diseases like osteoporosis, or the thinning of bone tissue and loss of bone density over time.

After analysing numerous studies, the Austrian physicians Barbara Obermayer-Pietsch and Elisabeth Lerchbaum found that vitamin D level was associated with the production of male hormones. More specifically, there was a link between vitamin D and the increase in testosterone levels, subsequently the semen quality, Xinhua reported.

The finding has been published in the European Journal of Endocrinology's latest issue.

According to Obermayer-Pietsch, as vitamin D plays an important role in hormone production also in women, low levels of vitamin D often lead to too much testosterone, which therefore could increase the risk of infertility among women.

The scientists will continue to conduct further scientific studies to find out new therapeutic approaches, including the reproduction of vitamin D.
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Boost Your Fertility with Vitamin D

Infertility has many causes, but one that is often overlooked is a vitamin D deficiency. Our bodies need ample amounts of this essential vitamin in order to produce estrogen (in both men and women) as well as for insulin production.
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin and exists in several forms. Some of these are basically inactive in the body and have limited ability to function.
Why is it important for fertility? Well, you need it in order for your body to produce *** hormones. And without the right amount of hormones in your system, you can suffer from pcos, PMS, and infertility. Vitamin D is also key in regulating cell growth and deciding how those cells grow.
A study was done by the Yale University School of Medicine (source) with 67 women suffering from infertility. Only 7 % of them had normal vitamin D levels! 7%. The rest had either insufficient levels or an actual clinical deficiency.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is present in a variety of forms but has recently been recognized as playing a critical role in reproduction.  It is essential in the production of *** hormones in the body.  It is thought that a deficiency of Vitamin D may lead among other things to ovulation disorders.
It has been demonstrated that Vitamin D deficient rats had a 75% reduced fertility and a 50% smaller litter size that was corrected with Vitamin D treatment.  In addition, sperm motility in males was reduced in the presence of a Vitamin D deficiency.
A recent study at the Yale University School of Medicine revealed that only 7% of 67 infertile women studied had normal Vitamin D levels and not a single woman with an ovulatory disorder had normal levels.  Nearly 40% of women with ovulatory dysfunction had a clinical deficiency of Vitamin D.
At the American Society of Reproductive Medicine conference this year, a study presented by Dr. Briana Rudick from USC showed that a deficiency of Vitamin D can also have a detrimental effect on pregnancy rates after IVF, possibly through an effect on the endometrial lining of the uterus.   In her study only 42% of the infertile women going through IVF had normal Vitamin D levels.  Vitamin D levels did not impact the number of ampules of gonadotropin utilized nor the number of eggs stimulated, embryos created nor embro quality.  However, Vitamin D levels did significantly effect pregnancy rates even when controlled for number of embryos transferred and embryo quality.  In this study the pregnancy rate dropped from 51% in Caucasian women undergoing IVF who had normal Vitamin D levels to 44% in those with insufficient levels and 19% in those that were deficient.
Vitamin D deficiency has also been associated with poor pregnancy outcomes including preeclampsia and gestational diabetes
Vitamin D can be obtained for free by sitting out in the sun and getting sun exposure on the arms and legs for 15-20 minutes per day during peak sunlight hours.  The sunlight helps the skin to create Vitamin D3 that is then transformed into the active form of Vitamin D by the kidneys and liver.   An oral supplement is available also in the form of Vitamin D3, with a minimum recommended amount of 1000 IU a day for women planning on becoming pregnant.  For those with clinical insufficiencies a higher dose may be administered by injection.
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