السلام عليكم
كيفكم بنات حواء
ابيكم تساعدوني وماتردوني
هذا الكتاب مقرر علينا وماني فاهمة الدروس اللي فية لاني بادرسة عن طريق الشاشة مع الدكتور ومااقدر اسالة في كل شي
واغلبية هذا الكتاب تمارين وماني عارفة الحل الصحيح لها
ارجوكم من كانت تعرف تتفضل وتفيدني
الله يسعدها في الدنيا والاخرة اللي بتساعدني
لانها صراحة راح تبعد عني كربة من كرب الدنيا لذا اسال الله ان يبعد عنها كرب يوم القيامة
اختكم في الله سمية
لا تتاخرون علي ابيها خلال 3 ايام :angry:

سميّة @smy_3
يلزم عليك تسجيل الدخول أولًا لكتابة تعليق.

f. LISTEN to the following recorded sentences and FILL IN the blanks.
(See exercise g for sentences used in this section).
g. LISTEN to the following sentences from Exercise f and REPEAT.
1. Operator, I'd like to make a ----------------- call.
2. Oh, I --------- your pardon. I didn't mean to bump into you.
3. They enjoy ---------- elbows with important people.
4. ----------- be seated. The doctor will see you shortly.
5. Learning how to ride a bicycle is as easy as ------------
6. Our goal is ------------ speech.
7. John bought a keg of --------- for the party.
8. Carla wants a -------- recorder for her birthday.
9. Open the door, please! My hands are full.
10. Never mind the details ------ what's the --------- line?
You may now complete the following:
1. Make lists of words and phrases you use regularly, in your job and in social situations, that contain the and sounds.
2. Communication activity # 1, page 8-2.
3. Reading # 1, page 9-1.
غايتي جيل وQatar eye
انا بانتظاركم ابيها قبل يوم الربوع
(See exercise g for sentences used in this section).
g. LISTEN to the following sentences from Exercise f and REPEAT.
1. Operator, I'd like to make a ----------------- call.
2. Oh, I --------- your pardon. I didn't mean to bump into you.
3. They enjoy ---------- elbows with important people.
4. ----------- be seated. The doctor will see you shortly.
5. Learning how to ride a bicycle is as easy as ------------
6. Our goal is ------------ speech.
7. John bought a keg of --------- for the party.
8. Carla wants a -------- recorder for her birthday.
9. Open the door, please! My hands are full.
10. Never mind the details ------ what's the --------- line?
You may now complete the following:
1. Make lists of words and phrases you use regularly, in your job and in social situations, that contain the and sounds.
2. Communication activity # 1, page 8-2.
3. Reading # 1, page 9-1.
غايتي جيل وQatar eye
انا بانتظاركم ابيها قبل يوم الربوع

Chapter 4 – Unit 2
Alveolar Stops
The alveolar stops, and , are produced with the tip of the tongue making contact with the upper gum or alveolar ridge. Voicing distinguishes voiceless from voiced . Figure 4-2 illustrates the articulatory position for and . The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge.
Programmed Text
1. The initial sounds of 'tin' is produced with the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge behind the upper teeth. This is an alveolar sounds or simply an -----------.
2. Start to say the word `tip' but do not say it. What is the position of the tongue? ------------------------
3. Do the same with `dip'.
4. Therefore during the production of as in 'tip' and as in `dip', the tongue touches the alveolar ridge behind the upper teeth. These sounds are called ----------------.
5. In the following sentence underline the letters representing the and sounds: Last Tuesday night Tony and Dot dazzled the crowd by dancing the tango.
6. So far we have indetified two bilabial sounds and , and two alveolar sounds, and .
7. When a sound is produced, a stream of air is expelled from the lungs, passes through the throat, and is released either through the mouth or the nose. The terms `bilabial' and `alveolar' identify places or points where the stream of air is modified in the oral cavity. The air stream is modified at the lips during the production of a -----------------.
8. The air stream is modified at the alveolar ridge during the production of an -------------------.
9. The places where the air stream is modified are called points of ---------
اعذروني يالغاليات لاني اثناء مانا انسخها من الوورد واحطها بالمنتدى يختلف ترتيبها
Alveolar Stops
The alveolar stops, and , are produced with the tip of the tongue making contact with the upper gum or alveolar ridge. Voicing distinguishes voiceless from voiced . Figure 4-2 illustrates the articulatory position for and . The tip of the tongue touches the alveolar ridge.
Programmed Text
1. The initial sounds of 'tin' is produced with the tip of the tongue touching the alveolar ridge behind the upper teeth. This is an alveolar sounds or simply an -----------.
2. Start to say the word `tip' but do not say it. What is the position of the tongue? ------------------------
3. Do the same with `dip'.
4. Therefore during the production of as in 'tip' and as in `dip', the tongue touches the alveolar ridge behind the upper teeth. These sounds are called ----------------.
5. In the following sentence underline the letters representing the and sounds: Last Tuesday night Tony and Dot dazzled the crowd by dancing the tango.
6. So far we have indetified two bilabial sounds and , and two alveolar sounds, and .
7. When a sound is produced, a stream of air is expelled from the lungs, passes through the throat, and is released either through the mouth or the nose. The terms `bilabial' and `alveolar' identify places or points where the stream of air is modified in the oral cavity. The air stream is modified at the lips during the production of a -----------------.
8. The air stream is modified at the alveolar ridge during the production of an -------------------.
9. The places where the air stream is modified are called points of ---------
اعذروني يالغاليات لاني اثناء مانا انسخها من الوورد واحطها بالمنتدى يختلف ترتيبها

f. LISTEN to the following sentences and FILL IN the blank.
(See exercise g for the sentences used in this section).
g. Now LISTEN to the following sentences from Exercise f and REPEAT.
1. The house was hit by a ---------------- of lightning.
2. The ------------------- in the kitchen was clogged up.
3. He was -------------- in a blue station wagon.
4. Could you run to the -------------- store and get some soap?
5. Sara received a string of pearl ------------ as a present.
6. Set your kitchen ---------------- for thirty minutes.
7. Ben ---------------- the cows every morning.
8. The entire office ------------------ lunch at a nearby deli.
9. A new musical is in ---------------- this week.
10. The temperatures this past winter were very -----------.
You may now complete the following:
1. Lists of words and phrases you use regularly, in your job or in social situations, that contain the and sounds.
2. Communication activity # 2, page 8-3,
(See exercise g for the sentences used in this section).
g. Now LISTEN to the following sentences from Exercise f and REPEAT.
1. The house was hit by a ---------------- of lightning.
2. The ------------------- in the kitchen was clogged up.
3. He was -------------- in a blue station wagon.
4. Could you run to the -------------- store and get some soap?
5. Sara received a string of pearl ------------ as a present.
6. Set your kitchen ---------------- for thirty minutes.
7. Ben ---------------- the cows every morning.
8. The entire office ------------------ lunch at a nearby deli.
9. A new musical is in ---------------- this week.
10. The temperatures this past winter were very -----------.
You may now complete the following:
1. Lists of words and phrases you use regularly, in your job or in social situations, that contain the and sounds.
2. Communication activity # 2, page 8-3,
الصفحة الأخيرة
انا في انتظاركم الليلة
ماادري يالغاليات هذا طريقة ونمط كل درس لذالك ابي منكم تشوفين اللي مالة داعي وتقولون لي علشان ماعاد اكتبة
الله يخليكم ابية الليلة
The chart of consonants forms a matrix with, each containing one or more consonants classified according to place and manner of articulation (refer to page 3-7). In the unit to follow, the student will learn the various cells of this matrix gradually and in the context of a variety of drills. Some sounds will present more difficulty the others depending upon the learner's naive language and other factors. The difficult sounds should be given more emphasis, while other easier sounds may to reviewed quickly.
A stops is a sound that is produced with a complete stopping of the air stream.
In English there are six stops: the bilabial, and; the alveolar, and ; and the velars, and .
Bilabial Stops
the bilabial stops are formed with the two lips making contact. is voiceless and is voiced. See Figure 4- 1 . Note the articulatory positions for and . The lips are tightly compressed and the soft palate is raised.
Programmed Text
1. The sounds and are classified as stops because there is a .
...........................................of tie air stream.
2. In the production of stops, the complete obstruction is followed by a ................................. of air.
3. The initial consonant of 'pin' is produced with the two lips making contact. this is a stop which involves a bilabial place of articulation. It may be classified as a ...........................................
4. Furthermore, since in the word 'pin' is produced without accompanying vocal cord vibrations, it may be fully classified as a .................................................. ...
5. The words 'pet' and 'bet' are minimally different from each other. We can distinguish them by the............... consonant of each word. '
6. Consonant sounds are represented by phonetic symbols because these symbols are more consistent than letters of the alphabet,: which do not always represent the.................................... sound.
7. These symbols represent sounds rather than letters of the alphabet and are enclosed in square brackets: Thus the initial sounds in the words 'pet' and 'bet' are written or transcribed as and .
8. When you say the initial sounds of these words, the lips are ..................... 9. Since the sounds and are produced by bringing the lips together, .
they are called ............................................... '
10. In the following sentence underline all the letters representing the and ' . sounds you hear: Bobby must practice the piano more before the , performance in February.
spelling Rules for the Sounds and ,
sounds spellings
P is in paper, pear, skip, cape, apt;
pp as in shipper, trapping, appraisal
b as in bar, rub, obey, babe;
bb as in rubber, cobbler, Sabbath ;
psychology the letter p is not pronounced
ptomaine before another consonant in some
pneumonia words borrowed from Greek such as these.
comb the letters b is often not pronounced
dumb after the letter m. However, it is
lamb pronounced in other words such as .
jumble and nimble
NOTE TO THE student: At this point the student should draw a diagram showing the position of the articulatory mechanism for the sounds studied in this unit.
Write out to words that are dictated to you:
1. ........................... 5. ..............................
2 . ........................... 6. .........................
3 . ............................. 7 . ..........................
4. .............................. 8. ........................
Discrimination and Pronunciation Drills: and .
a. the words in this section will be read twice. The first time, just LISTEN and notice the different spellings for and . the second time, LISTEN and REPEAT.
1. purple 11. wasps 21. crabs
2. copy 12. please 22. Robbed .
3. pear 13. maps 23. block .
4. party 14. rip 24. crumble
5. ample 15. Pilot 25. basketball
6. mop - 16.boast .26 . breakfast
7. Paper 17. baby 27. grab
8.. clasp 18. ribbon 28. amble l 1
9. present . 19. robe 29. begin
10. stopped 20. Bright 30. job
b. LISTEN closely to the following pairs of words; circle “S” if they are the same and circle “d ” if they are different
1. s d 6. s d 11. s d 16. s d 2. s d 7. s d 12. s d 17. s d 3 s d 8. s d 13. s d 18. s d
4. s d 9. s d 14. s d 19. s d
5. s d 10. s d 15. s d 20. s