jeela jeela :
نختم موضوع ال heads and complements بهذا التمرين. Identify the head and identify the type of dependents. went with anticipation enjoyed prayer time came to Islam she glanced at the book the news on television
نختم موضوع ال heads and complements بهذا التمرين. Identify the head and identify the type of...
head= the news (NP)
on television= adjunct
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
السلام عليكم .. لنا اليوم لقاء مع موضوع جديد وهو ال simple and complex sentences

Look at the following examples:
1- Kim waited
2- These guys like chips
3- The first year students in our department should read a lot of books.
4- You can tell your sister about it
5- He may have been working late

Now, look at examples 6- 10
6- She came late because she was tired
7- she climbed the tree although her leg was broken
8- she likes to cook for her brother
9- for you to leave early is unexpected
10- she claimed that she could solve the puzzle in 10 min

إذا نظرنا إلى المجموعة الاولى من الامثلة 1- 5 سنلاحظ التالي:
1- انها تحتوي على clause واحد ولا تحتاج إلى clause آخر لتوضيحها = independent clause

2- تحتوي على فعل واحد.

3- verbs are marked for tense
such verbs are called FINITE VERBS

ملاحظة هامة: ال TENSE في الانجليزي الافعال التي تعبر عن الPAST AND PRESENT ONLY


ال NON-FINITE VERBS تنقسم إلى نوعين:
he can cook

b- participles:
a- present/ past
working- en / have+ -en

4- لو لدينا في جملة سلسلة من الافعال (كما في المثال رقم 5 ) الفعل الاول فقط يصنف على انه finite

5- finite verbs can be a main or an auxiliary verbs

6- في كل clause هناك فعل واحد ال finite

النقاط السابقة 1- 6 عبارة عن ال features of simple sentences
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
features of complex sentences

main clause+ subordinate clause

لدينا 4 اختبارات لتمييز ال subordinate clause من ال main clause

1- all main clauses contain a finite verb . Subordinate clauses may contain finite verbs but this is not always the case

my friend claimed that her boss was absent
الجزء الذي تحته خط هو ال main clause
نلاحظ ان الفعل claimed = finite
was = finite ( هذا مثال على أن ال subordinate clause قد يحتوي على finite verbs (

2- a subordinate clause usually starts with a complementizer (that - whether- if- for )

for you to act so hastily was unexpected

the underlined words are the subordinate clause because they started with the complementizer for

3- In main clauses, it is possible to have subject-aux inversion

I persuaded my friend to stay one more day

* day to stay one

4- only main clauses can have tag questions
I persuaded my friend to visit me
the tag question: didn't I ?
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
Identify the main and subordinate clauses in the following sentences

to cook for her brother

having given her lessons , she went home right away

if you write to your friend, she will send you a present
jeela jeela :
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents are 2 types: complements= give essential information , cannot be deleted adjuncts= give extra information and can be deleted We also classified verbs into transitive, intransitive and ditransitive. We'll see what type of dependent each type of verb requires 1- sing The verb sing can be both transitive and intransitive depending on the context he sings in the garden in the shower is an adjuct, it gives us extra information about where he sings . he sings folk songs folk songs is a complement. if it is omitted , we'll ask the question: he sings what? Exercise Identify the dependents in the following phrases and indicate their type 1- he left early 2- he left a son behind 3- she drove a car 4- the re-wrote the assignment
We previously defined the terms : head, complement and adjunct. We also stated that dependents...
ال relative clauses هي شكل من اشكال الجمل ال complex

تتكون من main clause+ subordinate clause


I met the students( who hadn't read the book

who= relative pronoun

who- that -which = relative pronouns and they are optional

احيانا تكون وظيفتها ان تحل محل الفاعل في هذه الحالة لا يمكننا حذفه ما إذا كان يحل محل المفعول به فيمكننا حذفه. نشوف امثلة:

I met the student (who hadn't read the book
ال who عائدة على ال student إذا وضعناها مكانها ستكون الجملة:
the student hadn't read the book
so, who cannot be deleted because it functions as the subject

the paper (which we discussed last week) was interesting

which refers to the paper
let's look at the sentence after deleting which and inserting the word paper

we discussed (what ) last week?
the paper , so which functions as an object and it can be deleted